
Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

author:King looks at sports

With the commercialization and globalization of sports, modern sports are not only competitions on the field, but also social phenomena involving media, social networks and fan culture. Especially in China, with the popularity of international sports events and the outstanding performance of national teams on the world stage, more and more young people have joined the ranks of enthusiastic sports fans. However, this enthusiasm seems to have been over-amplified in some ways, leading to a series of undesirable social phenomena, including the "rice circle culture" that has emerged in various fields in recent years.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

Rice circle culture originated from the extreme fanaticism of fans for idols, a cultural phenomenon that originally originated in the entertainment industry, but has now spread to the field of sports. However, the professional environment and requirements faced by sports athletes are very different compared to entertainers. Their main task is to earn honor for the country by performing well in rigorous training and competitions, rather than maintaining their public image and interacting with social media on an ongoing basis.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

Yang Shuyu, Hu Mingxuan, Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong, Chen Yufei and others are all shining stars in the Chinese sports arena, and they have won glory for the country on the world-class stage with their own efforts and sweat. However, it is these stars who shine on the court who are troubled by the rice circle culture in their lives. Their private lives, itinerary information are overly focused and even leaked, their social platforms are inundated with misinformation and aggressive statements, and even their safety and mental health are threatened.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

This phenomenon has sparked widespread discussion in society about how to find a balance between protecting the rights and interests of individual athletes and satisfying the public's right to know. Athletes, despite being in the public eye, are ordinary people, they have the right to protect their privacy and enjoy private time without being disturbed. And fans and media should also learn to respect these rights, rationally express support and love, rather than invade privacy and create public pressure to satisfy their desire to be close to idols.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

At the same time, this violation of personal privacy is not only an aberration of fans' personal behavior, but also a lack of social management mechanism. The governance of rice circle culture can not only rely on the resistance and appeal of individual athletes, but also requires the intervention of law and the joint efforts of society. Regulatory authorities should issue stricter personal information protection policies, strengthen supervision of online platforms, and severely punish violations of individuals' privacy rights; The education sector should strengthen civic education, especially the guidance of young people's values, and cultivate their qualities of respect for others and rational thinking; The media and online platforms should also shoulder their responsibilities for not spreading false information and inciting negative emotions, so as to provide a healthy and rational public opinion environment for the public.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

Looking back on the development of China's sports over the years, we are pleased to see one athlete after another emerging on the world stage, adding glory to the country. But behind this glory is their countless days and nights of hard work, their persistence in dreams and their courage for challenges. As a society, we need to treat these heroes who are struggling on the green field in a more rational and respectful way, so that they can focus on the game, enjoy sports, and truly realize their self-worth. This is not only a recognition of their efforts, but also a maintenance of sportsmanship.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

In modern society, sport is no longer just a competition on the field, it also reflects a broader socio-cultural phenomenon. In China, with the national team's brilliant achievements in the international arena, sports have become deeply rooted in people's emotions and national pride. However, at the same time, we have also witnessed how the "rice circle culture" has spread from the entertainment field to the sports world, and how this extreme fan culture has eroded the private lives of athletes and even affected their careers. This phenomenon not only reveals a shift in social values, but also has an unprecedented impact on individual privacy and public image.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

We can't help but ask, why is this happening? On the one hand, this is directly related to the rise of modern social media. The rapid spread of information has made the distance between fans and idols shorter than ever. An athlete's every move can be watched by thousands of people in a matter of minutes. In such an environment, some fans began to blur the boundary between reality and the Internet, and they tried to satisfy their psychological needs by paying too much attention to or even interfering with the private life of idols.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

On the other hand, this phenomenon also reflects the confusion of some young people in modern society in terms of values, self-identity and emotional sustenance. Under the pressure of highly competitive and fast-paced life, some young people use fan culture as a way to escape reality, they find a sense of identity in the success of idols, and a sense of belonging in the rice circle community. However, this excessive fanaticism often lacks rational boundaries, causing them to ignore the human rights and personal space of idols in the process of chasing stars.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

How to balance this contradiction and protect the rights and interests of athletes while meeting the emotional needs of fans and the public? This is a complex issue that must be confronted.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

First, legal protection must be strengthened. Although China already has relevant laws and regulations to protect personal information and privacy, these laws are obviously not perfect and specific for the special circumstances of the Internet era. Stricter online privacy laws should be enacted to provide clear and strong penalties for violating the privacy of others. At the same time, more effective online regulatory mechanisms are needed to ensure that these laws are enforced in cyberspace.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

Second, society as a whole should establish a healthier view of idolatry. This includes guiding young people to establish correct values, learn to worship rationally, and respect the personal space and choices of others through education. Families, schools, media and even idols themselves should work together to convey to society the positive energy of respecting personal privacy and promoting rational fan behavior.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

In addition, the media and relevant business organizations should also take responsibility. They need to reflect on the current way of reporting on celebrities' private lives that are overexposed and create a hype atmosphere, and avoid unscrupulous means in pursuit of click-through rates. They should promote more stories about athletes' careers instead of endlessly focusing on their private lives.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

Finally, and very importantly, fans and the public need to be guided to re-understand the true meaning of sportsmanship. The charm of sports lies not only in the victory or defeat of the competition, but also in the indomitable and never giving up spirit of the athletes. This spirit should be the object of our worship, the starting point and destination of all fan behavior.

Fan Zhendong and many other movements boycotted, central media: don't bring the rice circle "that set" to the competition

In short, solving the problem of rice circle culture requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society. Through the multi-pronged approach of law, education, media guidance and public opinion, we can build a more rational and healthy fan culture environment. In such an environment, athletes can participate in the game with peace of mind, and fans and the public can enjoy the joy and glory of sports while protecting the privacy of idols.

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