
24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

author:Kezi sees the world
24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Preface: Today's international situation is changing, like an uncertain picture.

Globally, politics, economics, science and technology and other fields have shown a situation of vigorous development and profound changes.

In these turbulent times, the search for stability, prosperity and security requires wisdom, innovation and a global effort.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely played off

With the escalation of the Sino-US chip war, the global economic and political situation is facing a major impact.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Huawei's Kirin 9000S chip broke the ban, making the United States angry and pressuring allies.

Western countries and the European Union have supported sanctions against China's chip industry, however, in this struggle, Huawei has successfully developed a competitive Kirin 9000S chip with its technical strength.

Although the United States overestimated the impact of banning Huawei from using its own chips, its aggressive measures to curb China's chip industry still attracted global attention and reflection.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

At the same time, the member States of the European Union have shown confusion and divergence in the process.

In the face of external pressure and restrictive measures, China has taken measures such as restricting the export of key materials such as rare metal elements to safeguard its own interests and technological security.

This firm will shows that China can forge ahead and continue to make progress in the field of scientific and technological innovation.

The Sino-US chip war has aroused global attention and thinking.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Whether in the economic, political or scientific fields, cooperation and communication become important ways to solve problems.

Despite the magnitude of the predicament, the current impasse can be overcome only through the joint efforts of all parties to find ways of cooperation.

In this war, Huawei, with its excellent technological innovation capabilities and unswerving R&D investment, achieved great success after the Kirin 9000S chip broke through the ban.

However, China does not stop there.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

In the face of external pressures and challenges, China has strengthened its technological innovation and demonstrated a posture of continuous progress and courage.

At the same time, at a time when the European Union member states are confused and divergent attitudes, and when the global industrial chain is highly dependent on China and the United States, various countries need to cooperate more closely and strengthen exchanges and consultations.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Only by establishing a sharing mechanism under an open and equal framework and promoting technology transfer and sharing among transnational corporations can long-term and stable development be achieved.

There is no doubt that the "silicon volcano" is changing the world.

The Sino-US chip war has brought difficulties and challenges to the world, but it has also provided an opportunity to reflect and find a more sustainable path.

Israel killed crazy and began a five-front war, Iran raised the black flag and declared war, and the situation changed overnight!

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to escalate, the situation in the Middle East has fallen into chaos.

Israel's total siege of Gaza and its preparations for a ground war have further fanned this already tense confrontation.

In addition, Israel carried out air strikes on the Syrian airport, which hindered its operations.

However, in the course of its actions, Israel has also suffered accidental injuries.

They mistakenly blew up Egyptian army posts, with the tragic consequence of wounding Egyptian soldiers.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

The incident has added panic and apprehension throughout the region.

In addition, during the Paris summit, Israel also carried out air strikes on Lebanese Allah party positions, which escalated tensions between Lebanon and it.

Today, the Middle East is as fragile as a powder keg.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

All these provocations have aroused widespread concern and condemnation from the international community and have largely speculated that they could evolve into a nuclear war scenario.

"Iran's direct declaration of war", although this statement comes only from unconfirmed information, is enough to stir up fears that the situation in the Middle East is out of control.

In this pressing crisis, the United States faces a huge choice as a superpower.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

They are striving for diplomatic mediation and seeking a peaceful negotiated solution to the conflict.

After all, further provocation of war will only have disastrous consequences for the entire region.

The current situation requires action by the international community to put an end to Israel's continued aggression against the territory of other neighbouring States and to actively promote a political settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Any reckless and reciprocal retaliation would make matters worse.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

However, there are also deep-seated issues behind the chaos that need attention.

For a long time, all parties in the Middle East have had differences and contradictions due to religion, historical issues and other issues, and lacked an effective cooperation mechanism.

These troubles have led to a tense state of affairs and suggest that more patience and effort are needed for lasting peace.

On the whole, in the current situation, we must firmly support the political solution of the Palestinian-Israeli issue and call on all parties concerned to take prompt action to stop the violent conflict.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Each escalation of news events brings more uncertainty and tension to the Middle East, which we can no longer tolerate further expansion.

Both Palestine and Israel, as well as other regional countries and the international community, should play a constructive role and work together to build long-term peace and stability solutions.

Only in this way can we emerge from the shadow of war and realize people's aspirations for a peaceful and prosperous life.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

The Argentine election was reversed, and the all-dollarized candidate was overtaken, and the reason for the defeat was related to the BRICS countries

Argentina successfully joined the BRICS Organization and became a high-profile member of the world economic stage.

However, behind the scenes, the attention caused by the presidential election in Argentina has gradually increased.

Candidate Millais proposed a radical plan for total dollarization, which was widely debated at home and abroad.

Millais, one of the candidates, presented voters with a heartwarming vision: to stabilize and improve the country's economic situation by pegging the entire economic system to the dollar.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

However, the plan has also raised many skeptical voices.

Some Argentine voters believe that doing so would deprive the country of its monetary policy autonomy and could lead to more social inequality.

In contrast, current Argentine Economy Minister Massa led the race and showed high approval ratings in the initial voting results.

He represents a relatively conservative view, advocating for preserving the local currency and taking other measures to address the current challenges.

The rivalry between Millais and Massa will culminate in the second round of elections.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Massa's advantage, however, is that he has a larger voter base, which means he is likely to attract more traditionalist voters.

Whoever ends up as the next president will have to face many important questions for Argentina.

In recent years, the country's economy has been in a state of instability, with problems such as inflation and a widening gap between rich and poor.

In addition, on a global scale, protectionism and trade wars have also put pressure on Argentina.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Although the candidates offered different solutions, ordinary people were concerned about whether they could live a better life.

They aspire to see governments create more jobs, drive economic growth and reduce social inequality.

The new president will need to develop a clear and actionable plan and take steps to improve the state of the country.

At the same time, it should cooperate with other countries to have a voice on the global stage and protect national interests.

24 hours after the ban was escalated, the precise countermeasure shot again! Foreign media: Completely out of play!

Therefore, in this tense and high-profile election, the issue of "total dollarization" is causing widespread controversy and testing the wisdom of voters.

Whoever becomes the next president will need to further promote the economy and stabilize the situation inside and outside the country to ensure the well-being of the Argentine people.

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