
In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

author:Sun Yingsha Guardian Group
In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

June 30, Beijing time Unknowingly, the time of 2024 has passed halfway, and it is time to review the WTT table tennis men's singles championship road this year. There's the rise of the younger generation, and the veteran Bol's last dance of the year.

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last


After a year of hard work, Wang Chuqin has successfully dominated the first place in the men's singles standings, and this year's official award of MVP can be seen from the efforts of the majority during this time. Otherwise, it will not be officially recognized. This year, it has reversed several times and won the men's singles, mixed doubles, and men's doubles titles several times.

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

Wang Chuqin

Wang Manyu slowly climbed up last year, although there were a few weeks of glory last year, this year's eels have made great progress, withstanding the pressure from the team competition at the beginning of the year to turn the tide to help the team get key points, and teamed up with Chen Meng to win the women's doubles championship in Saudi Arabia. Although he did not enter the singles at the Paris Olympics, he still got a ticket to doubles. Wang Manyu is now ranked second in the world behind Sun Yingsha.

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

Wang Manyu

Wang Chuqin's playing gives us the feeling that it is very simple, whether it is a strong opponent or a young player, he will play well every time, even if he is behind in the score, he will still face it calmly. In other competitions such as the Singapore Grand Slam and the Saudi Arabia Grand Slam, he showed his strength to win the championship, as for Wang Manyu, who only lost one singles in this season's competition, and most of the others lost the civil war, and he is also a table tennis player with a high winning rate in official form this year.

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

Official data on eels

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

Wang Chuqin data

Last year's national table tennis men's singles brother Fan Zhendong, in the past three months of his long-term injury has not played a good game, the original first position is now 3697 points behind Wang Chuqin, but the game in Chongqing once again cheered up and broke the record, a player who scored 24 points in a row, and won the Chongqing trophy.

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

Liu Guoliang presented the award to Fan Zhendong

Liang Jingkun is currently the third player, from the previous handsome guy to today's big heart and big fat, in Incheon, Taiyuan, every time is to lose a few games and then slowly reverse this style of play is very ornamental for golfers, big fat is also easy to win a few championships, this year is not bad.

In the 2024 WTT series, Wang Chuqin dominates the list, Fan Zhendong breaks the record again, and Bol dances last

Liang Jingkun and Lebrun

Our old friend Bol won a lot of awards in his career, and when he was young, he defeated more than a dozen national table tennis players, and with the problem of age, he slowly regressed on the court, and his ranking also fell all the way, and this time in Chongqing, he announced that he would retire after the Paris Olympics. Perhaps it represents the end of an era.

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