
"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

author:Manyu Geiba

1. Synopsis of the story

The Birds is set in the original tribal communities of Colombia. The tribe lives in mountainous areas and grows coffee and other crops for a living, and the reality of government restrictions and poverty makes it difficult for them to make ends meet, and in this context, some people have begun to explore other ways to make money, including drug trafficking.

The story takes place in the late 60s and early 80s of the 20th century, a period of the rise of the Colombian drug trade, which had a profound impact on Colombian society and economy.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

Many Colombians have started to engage in drug trafficking in order to gain more income and power, and the drug trade has also led to increased problems such as violence, corruption, and social destruction.

In this context, The Birds depicts the story of how a primitive tribal family becomes involved in drug trafficking, where relationships, honor, and power are key elements in the story, and the setting of the story also reflects Colombian culture and traditions, such as the costumes, architecture, and rituals of family members.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

The setting and setting of the film "Birds" provide an important historical and cultural context for the development of the story, which allows the audience to better understand the actions and decisions of the characters in the story, and to recognize the impact of drug trafficking on Colombian society and culture.

The basic plot of the film "Birds" revolves around the story of a primitive tribal family involved in drug trafficking, which begins in the late 1960s with a young primitive tribesman who begins to get involved in drug trafficking in order to pursue wealth and marry his beloved woman, Ursul.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

Working with his friend Angelica, Rifal used the farmland around the tribe to grow large quantities of marijuana and sell it to drug cartels in the United States.

Over time, Ryfal's drug business became more and more successful, and he and his family gradually gained wealth and power, and with it, the violence and corruption that came with drug trafficking.

Increasingly, Rifal's friend Angelica became more ambitious, and he began to collude with other drug cartels, leading to more violent clashes and threats to the family.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

At the same time, Ryfar's sister Selch develops a complicated relationship with Ursul, who is jealous of Ursul and tries to sabotage their marriage and use drug trafficking for her own ends.

One of the elders of the family, Antonio, is aware of the devastating effects of drug trafficking on his family and community, and he tries to prevent his family from getting involved in drug trafficking and protect the traditions and values of the tribe, and he faces opposition and threats from Rifar and other family members.

At the climax of the story, where escalating conflict and violence between family members lead to Rifal being forced to face the consequences of his drug trafficking and make difficult choices to protect his family and tribe, the film "The Birds" shows the devastating impact of drug trafficking on family, society and culture, as well as issues of power, honor and morality.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

2. Thematic analysis

The film "Birds" touches on several themes, some of the main themes include family, honor, and power, with family being one of the central themes in the film.

The story revolves around a primitive tribal family, emphasizing relationships, responsibilities and loyalties among family members, whose bond is constantly challenged in the face of drug trafficking. The film explores the meaning and value of the family by showing the conflict and unity within the family.

Honor is another important theme in the film. Family members pursue wealth and power, but also focus on maintaining the honor and dignity of the family.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

They strive to preserve their tribal culture and traditions and try to maintain morality and integrity in drug trafficking, and as the story progresses, some begin to deviate from the principles of honor for personal gain, which provokes conflicts and contradictions within the family.

Power is another central theme in the film, where drug trafficking gives family members great wealth and power, but also corruption, violence and social destruction, and the story shows the seductive and corrosive effects of power on individuals and families, as well as the conflicts that arise from power struggles, and the film explores the relationship between power and responsibility, morality and justice.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

In addition to these themes, Birds also touches on issues of poverty, violence, betrayal, and personal growth, which together form a complex and thought-provoking story in which the viewer is led to think about the complexities of human nature, the boundaries of morality, and the impact of power on individuals and societies through the exploration of themes such as family, honor, and power.

Through storytelling and characterization, the film "Birds" reveals some aspects of Colombian society and culture, drug trafficking has been around for a long time in Colombia and has caused great damage to society, and the film shows the complexity and severity of this social problem by showing the impact of drug trafficking on families, communities, and individuals.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

Reflecting the social inequality of Colombian society, where drug trafficking has brought great wealth and power to some families, but at the same time exacerbating social class divisions, the gap between wealthy and poor families is shown and the impact of this inequality on individuals and society is explored.

Showcasing Colombia's multiculturalism by depicting the lives and values of primitive tribes, who maintain their own unique traditions and ways and have different attitudes towards drug trafficking, the film explores the conflict and balance between traditional values and modern social issues through the presentation of tribal culture.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

Colombia has long faced the problem of violence and conflict, and the story in the film is full of these elements, drug trafficking brings violence and corruption, leading to conflict and antagonism between family members, and the film reveals the phenomenon of violence in Colombian society and its impact on people's lives by showing these violent events.

Through the storyline and character portrayal, the film "Birds" reveals the problems of drug trafficking, social inequality, tribal culture and violent conflicts in Colombian society and culture, and reflects the complexity and diversity of Colombian society, triggering the audience to think and discuss social issues.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

3. Film style and technique

The cinematography, music, and art design of the movie "Birds" are all unique, and the cinematography style is very unique, using a large number of handheld cameras and action lenses, which makes the picture full of dynamics.

The film also uses a lot of close-up and medium-shot shots to emphasize the changes in the emotional and psychological states of the characters, and the film also uses some special visual effects, such as quick cuts and flashbacks, to enhance the tension and drama of the story.

The music adopts traditional Colombian music elements, such as Latin jazz and Colombian folk music, etc., which are combined with the scenes and plots of the film to create a strong Colombian cultural atmosphere for the film, and the film also uses some modern music, such as electronic music and hip-hop music, etc., to enhance the film's sense of time and modernity.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

The scenes and props in the movie are beautiful, such as the family's estate, the villa of drug traffickers, and the streets of Columbia cities. The scenes and props are imbued with Colombian culture and history, adding a lot of detail and emotion to the film.

The cinematography, music, and art design of the film "Birds" are all very unique and detailed, and these elements are combined with the storyline and themes of the film to present the audience with an authentic and imaginative world of Colombia.

These elements play an important role in the film "Birds", helping to create narrative and atmosphere, and the cinematography and techniques employed in the film add a sense of movement and tension to the narrative.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

The use of handheld cameras and sports shots allows the audience to feel the tension and conflict in the development of the story more immersively, while the use of close-up and medium-shot shots emphasizes the changes in the emotional and psychological states of the characters, helping the audience better understand and empathize with the inner world of the characters.

The film contributes to the narrative and atmosphere creation by using elements of traditional Colombian music and modern music, and elements of traditional Colombian music bring a strong cultural atmosphere.

Allowing the audience to better immerse themselves in the Colombian world depicted in the film, the use of modern music enhances the film's sense of time and modernity, providing the audience with a bridge that resonates with the characters and the plot.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

The film's art design creates an authentic and unique world of Colombia through elaborate sets and props that reflect Colombia's cultural and historical characteristics, providing viewers with an immersive viewing experience.

The art design also helps the audience better understand the background and emotions of the characters through the expression of details and emotions, and establish an emotional connection with them.

Elements such as cinematography, music, and art design in the film "The Birds" contribute to the narrative and atmosphere in their own ways, and together they create an authentic and imaginative Colombian world that allows the audience to better understand the storyline, emotionally resonate with the characters, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere created by the film.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

4. Film evaluation and impact

"The Birds" is a very good film, it has a high standard of artistic achievement and storytelling, and the cinematography, music and art design of the film are very unique and detailed, creating a real and imaginative Colombian world for the film.

The cinematography style and technique enhance the film's sense of movement and tension, the musical elements bring a strong cultural atmosphere and emotional resonance, and the art design creates an immersive viewing experience through scenes and props. These elements work together to lay a solid foundation for the artistic success of the film.

It shows the inner workings and external struggles of the Colombian drug cartel through multiple threads and multiple characters, with a tight plot and twists and turns in the plot that is both dramatic and realistic.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

The film also explores the complexity of human nature and the helplessness of life through the emotional and psychological changes of the characters, and these elements are intertwined to add depth and connotation to the film's story expression.

The film "The Birds" is excellent in terms of artistic achievement and storytelling, and it creates an authentic and imaginative Colombian world through unique elements such as cinematography, music, and art design.

It shows the inner workings and external struggles of the Colombian drug cartel through multiple clues and multiple characters, and explores the complexity of human nature and the helplessness of life.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

The film has won several awards and nominations internationally, including the Grand Jury Prize at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival and the 2020 Directors Guild of America Award for Best Director of a Foreign Language Film.

Through its unique storytelling and artistic achievements, it provides a new creative idea and expression for Latin American films, which not only explores the internal workings and external struggles of Colombian drug cartels.

"Birds": Stories of primitive tribal families during the Colombian trade era

"Birds" has won wide acclaim and high praise internationally, and has had an important impact on the development of Colombian and Latin American films, and has had an important impact on the development of Colombian films and Latin American films.

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