
The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

author:Manyu Geiba

Nowadays, it is the Internet era, and Internet celebrities are also emerging in an endless stream, and they are all in different fields, using live broadcasts and videos to gain the attention of fans, among which eating and broadcasting has also appeared with the Internet era.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

The fat sister is an Internet celebrity who eats and broadcasts, and now she is worth more than 200 million, but after eating and drinking for a long time, she has a cerebral hemorrhage, a disease with a very high risk, but it is rumored that the fat sister intends to leave all her assets to her husband after her death.....

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

As soon as this rumor appeared, it caused heated discussions among netizens, thinking that Brother Sheng, the husband of the fat sister, did not deserve it, what was the reason why netizens looked at Brother Sheng so much?

The fat sister was just an ordinary North Drifter before she did the food broadcast, but she was married at the time, but she didn't get the marriage she wanted, and the two still lived a poor life together.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

The early stages of marriage are often sweet, but as time goes by, many problems will be exposed between couples, and quarrels between couples will often occur.

Although the two are separated and united, they are still together, but in a quarrel that does not give in to each other, the fat sister's heart is broken by hurt.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

One day, when the fat sister came home from work, she cooked a meal for her husband as usual, and waited for her husband to come home and eat together.

The fat sister who was sitting at the table waited and fell asleep on the table, and suddenly the sound of opening the door woke her up, knowing that her husband was back, she got up and greeted her, she thought she would fall asleep for a while, but when she saw her drunken husband, she didn't fight in her heart, and it was midnight at this time.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

Looking at her husband who came back from drinking, the fat sister was angry in her heart, and the two began to quarrel, neither of them was too ugly in the previous quarrel, but under the influence of alcohol, her husband said words that hurt the fat sister, and beat the fat sister.

He thought that the fat sister wanted to have no looks, and she wanted to have no figure, so she decisively said the words of divorce, although her heart was full of grievances, but she was already heartbroken, and the two divorced the next day.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

After the divorce, in order to live a good life, the fat sister let go of the sadness in her heart and devoted herself to work to numb herself.

One day, the fat sister came home from work, lay on the sofa and looked at her mobile phone, watched the new online live broadcast, and decided to give it a try, hoping to change her fate and start her live broadcast career for the first time.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

At first, when the fat sister tried to live broadcast, she just shared her daily home-cooked food, but it didn't attract too many people's attention, and in the live broadcast again and again, only a few people watched the live broadcast every time.

What people didn't expect was that when the fat sister went to the market to buy ingredients, she met a man, and he was Brother Sheng.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

The two were shopping for vegetables in the same place, and Brother Sheng had just divorced at that time, because of the failure of the marriage, Brother Sheng had a melancholy feeling on his body, which attracted the fat sister, but the experience of divorce made her sensible and did not say hello to Brother Sheng.

After that, every time she went to buy ingredients, the fat sister could always see Brother Sheng, and the two met in the market.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

They had a little affection for each other in the grocery shopping again and again, and the fat sister and Brother Sheng had the same experience, both of them knew that each other's life was not easy, and began to take care of each other.

Every time he buys vegetables, Brother Sheng will help the fat sister choose fresh ingredients when he arrives first, and the same fat sister will also help him.

The two went back and forth, and gradually became acquainted, after shopping for vegetables once, chatting on the way home, Brother Sheng learned that the fat sister would broadcast live at night, and he had the idea of helping her.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

In the days that followed, Brother Sheng would often bring the fresh ingredients he bought to the fat sister's house to cook for her, so that she could broadcast live.

Although the live broadcast can make money, the relationship between the two has been sublimated, but in a live broadcast, a person who watched the live broadcast put forward a proposal to change the fat sister's life.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

The days passed day by day, and the fat sister after work on this day, after the prepared meal, started the live broadcast normally, but there were only a dozen people watching the live broadcast, but a comment posted by a fan attracted the attention of the fat sister, "It's too bland, it's not interesting at all." ”

The fat sister, who has been live for a while, saw his comment and realized the reason why no one watched her live broadcast, and after the broadcast was normal, the fat sister thought about it.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

The fat sister did a series of analyses of her body, her appearance and figure are not her strengths, her weight and food consumption are her advantages, and the meals she ate in the live broadcast before were too bland.

The fat sister, who decided to change, began to plan for the live broadcast in the future, and after watching other people's eating broadcasts, she found that eating strange food can better attract people's attention.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

In order to earn money, the fat sister decided to start trying to eat some food that ordinary people can't accept, and her courage and courage are admired.

What the fat sister didn't expect was that after she started eating these foods that few people could accept, her popularity began to rise sharply, and in order to better live broadcast, she decisively quit her previous job and began to do live broadcast at home.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

For the sake of traffic, the fat sister doesn't care about people's evaluation of her, she just wants to make money, and in her live broadcast, raw lobster, bloody sheep's head and raw steak, which are unacceptable to ordinary people, were successively brought to the live broadcast by the fat sister.

The fat sister, whose popularity has risen, tasted the sweetness of making money from live broadcasting, and since then she has been out of control, and her weight has soared from the original 150 pounds to more than 200 pounds, and her fans have skyrocketed to several million.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

Although the fat sister has gained a lot of weight, Brother Sheng still loves her, and the two also entered the palace of marriage in 2016.

The fatter the person, the less likely it is to get pregnant, although the fat sister wants to give birth to a child for Brother Sheng, but because of the obesity of the body, the two have never had a child, and finally through IVF, she was pregnant with a child.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

After having a child, the fat sister began to eat normally for the sake of the child's health, and her weight continued to decline.

What is unexpected is that although the weight has been controlled, compared with normal people, the fat sister is still a lot fatter, and giving birth to a child takes a certain risk.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

Although she may pay the price of her life because of this, the fat sister is still unmoved, Brother Sheng learned that giving birth to a child is accompanied by the danger of life, and immediately decided to give up the child, hoping that she can live a healthy life, but she is determined to give birth to a child for Brother Sheng.

After being pregnant in October, the fat sister gave birth to a son for Brother Sheng, and with the crystallization of love, the marriage of the two was also envied by people.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

"It is said that the end of the live broadcast is to bring goods" is not wrong at all, with the change of the times, whether it is a smash hit Internet celebrity or a top star in the entertainment industry, they will bring goods to seek more benefits.

And the fat sister is naturally no exception, following the pace of the times to join the ranks of bringing goods, but the products she brings are basically food series, in order to have a good sales, she will eat several meals every day.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

What is unexpected is that the fat sister's current worth continues to rise with her weight, and the money earned in a month at her peak cannot be earned by ordinary people working for a lifetime.

In a live broadcast, when the fat sister was asked by fans how much money she earned, she thought about it and said a shocking number.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

The fat sister said that in the month of earning the most, the income from live streaming reached 7 figures, and it started with 4.

This number is beyond the reach of many people, but this is only a month's income for her, which is really amazing.....

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

Although the fat sister earns a lot in a month, she is earning money with her life, and she has been overeating for a long time, so that her body has been overwhelmed and suffered from a series of diseases.

Recently, the fat sister has suffered from cerebral hemorrhage, the risk of this disease is extremely great, and the mild one is relatively easy to treat, but the probability of treating patients with serious diseases is not one in ten.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

And the fat sister is a serious cerebral hemorrhage patient, and after learning that the chance of being treated is not great, the fat sister immediately made a will and said: "The money she has earned since engaging in live broadcast will belong to her husband after her death." ”

When netizens learned about it, they immediately exploded, thinking that Brother Sheng didn't deserve it, but the fat sister was still immersed in Brother Sheng's help to her when she was in trouble.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

Brother Sheng once had intimate contact with Sister Fat's assistant in a live broadcast, which made netizens think that Brother Sheng married her because of Sister Fat's money.

However, this is not the case, when Brother Sheng and Fat Sister got married, Fat Sister was still a little-known little anchor, and her life at that time was barely living.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

This also proves that Brother Sheng at that time did not marry Sister Fat because of her money.

Although netizens continue to speculate, the fat sister has brought a lot of joy to people, making netizens feel sorry for her.

The fat sister of the Internet celebrity who is worth 200 million yuan, after having a cerebral hemorrhage, plans to give all her property to her husband

It's good to make money, but you should always pay attention to your health, and hope that the fat sister can get through the difficulties and return to people's field of vision.