
The 75-year-old aunt went to the supermarket with her daughter-in-law, and was scolded and cried three times along the way

author:Sweet and sweet

My name is Lin Xiaomei, and my mother, Zhao Yulan, is 75 years old. In recent years, her Alzheimer's disease has become more and more serious, her memory is very poor, and she often forgets to bring things, and she is anxious all day long. I had long advised her not to go out, but she was stubborn and couldn't listen. In order to take care of her, I had to take a long-term leave and accompany her every day.

Just yesterday, my mother suddenly said that she wanted to go to the supermarket to buy some things, and I persuaded her bitterly: "Mom, you are not feeling well, I will buy it, you can be quiet at home." Mom's eyes widened and she said very seriously, "I can go myself!" Isn't it true that I can't move at all, and you're going to treat me like a waste?"

I sighed, "Mom, that's not what I meant... You know, I'm worried about where you're going. What should I do if I get bumped into in the supermarket? Last time you forgot something at the mall and couldn't get it back. ”

Mom became very excited and her voice became louder: "I'm not there yet!" Don't call me an old lady with limited mobility! I can also go to the supermarket by myself!" With that, she lifted the bag and walked out the door.

I grabbed her anxiously, thinking that this was bad, and my mother's temper was coming up. I tried to say softly, "Mom, calm down. I swear I'm not looking down on you, I'm just too worried about you. Why don't I come with you? I'll treat you to a good meal after we've shopped, okay?"

My mother stopped, looked at me and said, "Then you have to talk and take me to Haidilao hot pot after buying something!" I nodded in agreement. It seems that I can't persuade my mother to quit today, so I can only accompany her to the supermarket. I was nervous, worried about what might happen along the way.

But on second thought, I can't always think of my mother as a patient, she can take care of herself after all. I had to learn to understand and trust her, to give her some freedom and dignity, and not to lock her in my home. So, I cheered up and decided to accompany my mother to the supermarket with the most positive attitude.

We quickly arrived at a large supermarket nearby. As soon as I entered the door, my mother was energetic and pushed the shopping cart between the shelves. I followed behind her, keeping an eye on her condition. Not long after entering the door, an uncle had a large bag of flour in his hand and accidentally bumped into his mother while walking. The man's face immediately turned ugly, and he reprimanded his mother loudly: "You can't do it, you won't say a word when you knock me!"

I hurriedly went over to help my mother push the cart and apologized to the man: "I'm sorry uncle, it's my mother's eyes are not very good, I'm really sorry to meet you." The man gave us a blank look and muttered as he walked away. I turned my head to see that my mother's eyes were red, and tears were rolling in her eyes.

I was distressed, so I hurriedly went over and hugged my mother, and asked softly: "Mom, don't listen to that person, don't be sad with me." Mom wiped her tears and tried to squeeze out a smile: "I'm fine, let's go shopping." I knew my mother didn't want to lose her temper in public, so I held back my tears. I felt very bad in my heart, and secretly regretted taking my mother out.

The cashier was obviously upset with us, and said impatiently, "Go get it, don't delay the people behind." I quickly nodded my head and apologized, and pulled my mother out of the group.

I whispered comfortingly, "Mom, you wait here, I'll go to the car and get my wallet back quickly." Zhao Yulan looked at me with teary eyes and said, "I'm sorry daughter, I can't even bring all the money, I'm too confused."

I felt sour, but I still squeezed out a smile and said, "Mom, it's not your fault, it's my carelessness." You can rest assured that your wallet is right in the car and you'll be back paying soon. With that, I ran to the parking lot and five minutes later rushed back to the cash register with my wallet.

At this time, the line was lined up again. When the cashier saw me, he said angrily, "Squeeze again?" I hurriedly apologized and paid the money. The cashier looked impatient, and I just felt embarrassed. As I helped my mother to leave, I heard the complaints and mutterings of customers behind me, and I just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get into.

Mom also felt guilty and kept saying she was sorry. I reassured her not to take it personally, it wasn't her fault. Finally, we walked to the parking lot with our big bags and were about to get on the bus when a worn-out bicycle suddenly hit my door!

I hurriedly checked the door to make sure there were no dents. At this time, a middle-aged man strode over and asked, "Who hit my car?" Stand up for me!" I explained that it wasn't intentional, it was just that a cyclist accidentally bumped into it. The man didn't listen at all, and shouted, "I only bought this car for a long time, you have to compensate!"

I was really taken aback by him, but I still tried to say as calmly as possible: "Sir, my car is only slightly scratched, you see..."

"I don't care about that!" He suddenly pointed at his mother and said loudly, "You old lady is foolish, you have to pay!"

I was dumbfounded, I didn't expect him to be angry at my mother. My mother trembled at his sudden accusation, and tears flowed down her face. She choked up and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was me who carelessly... I'll give you money..."

Looking at my mother like this, I just felt like a knife. She's been wronged enough these days, and I can't bear it. So, I stood up to my mother, stared at the man and said, "Sir, I can understand your anger, but please don't vent it on a scared old man." It's not her fault. We ask for your understanding and we are very sorry for what happened today. ”

The man also seemed to realize that he had gone too far, and his face softened. He snorted, turned and rode away. I soothed my heartbroken mom and got into the car, she was already crying and couldn't speak. I was so distressed, but I didn't know how to make her happy.

Along the way, my mother couldn't stop her tears. I tried to make her laugh, but she always burst into tears. I hated myself for not protecting her and letting her suffer such grievances. Halfway through the car, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I stopped on the side of the road and gently hugged my mother's shoulder.

"Mom, don't be upset, okay? I'm with you. Don't take those people's words to heart, they don't understand you, that's why they say heavy things. I promise you that I will take care of you more carefully and considerately in the future, and I will never let you be wronged again. You are the best and best mom and I love you. ”

My mother sniffed, finally looked at me, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, daughter, for causing you trouble..."

I squeezed my mother's hand and whispered, "No trouble, Mom, we are family." You raised me, and of course I have to take care of you. Come, let's go home. ”

Mom finally smiled and nodded. I started the car, determined to take care of my mother more in the future, so that she could enjoy her old age in peace.

Just as we were about to drive home, a little girl suddenly ran to the car window and knocked on it. I quickly rolled down the window and asked with concern, "Little sister, why are you here alone?"

The little girl smiled and said, "Sister, give this flower to grandma, don't make her sad." After saying that, she gave a roadside wildflower to her mother. Only then did I realize that the little girl also had scratches on her hands, and her clothes were stained with mud, as if she had risen from the ground.

Mom took the flower, was stunned for a while, and then tears welled up again. I hurriedly asked the little girl, "Thank you, little sister, did you fall just now?" Are there any injuries?"

The little girl smiled shyly: "It's okay, I just went to pick up the ball, and I accidentally tripped over a stone and broke some skin on my knee." I saw my grandmother crying in the parking lot, and I felt that my grandmother was so sad that I wanted to send a flower to my grandmother. ”

It turned out that the little girl saw the scene of her mother being scolded by the customer in the supermarket, and she couldn't bear it and followed us silently. When she saw her mother being scolded and cried by the man in the parking lot, she couldn't help crying. I was very touched by the kindness and compassion of this child.

I hugged her gently and said solemnly, "Thank you, little angel." You made grandma happy. Talk to your family and be careful not to get hurt. The little girl nodded, looked at her mother again, and said, "Grandma, don't be sad, smile more, you smile when you look the best!"

With that, she ran away. I turned to look at my mother, who had finally stopped crying and had a smile in her eyes again.

"Let's go home." Mom said to me. Along the way, she held the little flower tightly in her hand, and often showed a faint smile on her face. I know that maybe for a long time, my mother has suppressed a lot of negative emotions in her heart, and today it finally broke out all at once. And the kindness of that little girl swept away the gloom in her mother's heart.

When I got home, I carefully brewed tea for my mother and made a few simple dishes. After dinner, I sat on the balcony with my mother and chatted. She rarely talked about all kinds of interesting things about my childhood, and she smiled so happily. I laughed along and said to my mom sincerely, "I'm sorry I haven't been able to take good care of you these days." I promise I'll fix it later. ”

My mother held my hand, her eyes full of love: "I don't blame you, it's my mother who is willful." I wanted to be able to do something on my own, but I neglected my physical inconvenience. I'll listen to you in the future and won't trouble you. ”

"You'll never be in trouble!" I couldn't help but hug my mom again, "I'm glad you still want to do things on your own." I will trust you a little more in the future. As long as we mother and daughter understand each other, everything will be fine. ”

That night, I talked with my mother until late. When I turned off the bedroom light for her, she was already asleep. I looked at my mother's peaceful sleeping face, and my heart welled up with endless love and pity. As children, we should cherish the time we spend with our parents. There will inevitably be misunderstandings in life, but as long as they are resolved with love and patience, a broken relationship can be repaired.

The next morning, I made hot porridge for my mother. She smiled at me and said "thank you". These two simple words made my eyes warm - we finally found our original intimacy again.

I knew that my mother's dementia would not get better and that caring for her would require perseverance and patience. But it also made me cherish the time I spent with her even more. I would repeat those three words to her every day while she could still understand me saying "I love you".

Life is short, and we must learn to be tolerant and grateful. I don't know that my mother raised me hard, and I will spend the rest of my life taking care of her. Until the end of my life, I will always accompany my mother and walk hand in hand with her.

After that day, I started thinking about how to make my mother's life richer and more enjoyable. I cut down on the time I spend outside and try to be with my mom as much as possible. During the day, we watched TV and chatted together, and sometimes I read some newspapers to my mother. In the evening, I would take my mother for a walk in the community, and we would talk and enjoy the family fun as we walked.

One morning, I woke up to find that my mother was no longer in the room. I hurriedly went out to look for her and found her watering the flowers in the small garden downstairs! It turned out that I was too protective of my mother, and she also wanted some time for independent activities. So I started to encourage my mom to do some simple chores, which gave her a little more confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

In order to enrich my mother's life, I also took her to enroll in a painting course at the University for the Elderly. At first, my mother was too shy to contact strangers, but I gently encouraged her, and within a few classes, my mother was able to chat happily with other students. I also saw my mother's little drawings being praised by the teacher, and she was as happy as a child.

Mom became more and more cheerful and optimistic, I let go of many of my worries, and our relationship grew closer. Every weekend, I would take my mom out for a walk, to the park, to see exhibitions, and sometimes to a coffee shop to try something new. Mom was always smiling, and it was very different from before.

In this way, under my careful care, my mother gradually regained her health and vitality. However, I also understand that this is only temporary. My mother's condition will worsen, which requires me to be more mentally prepared.

One evening, I noticed that my mother was gone. I searched the neighborhood in a hurry, but I couldn't find it. It was getting late, and I just felt extremely anxious. Just as I was about to call the police, the security guard called and said that my mother had been found.

I rushed to the security room and saw my pale mother sitting in a chair. I was almost scared out of my heart and hugged her to see if there were any injuries. Mom looked at me blankly, as if she didn't know what was going on.

It turned out that my mother suddenly walked out of the house in the evening and got lost in the community. The security guard found her circling in the green belt, anxious but unable to find her way home. That's when I realized that my mother's condition must have gotten worse again.

From that day on, I was saddened to find that my mother's memory was rapidly eroding. She often forgets to eat, doesn't recognize the gifts I gave her, and even forgets the most basic daily routines. I tried to grasp her remaining memory, but it slipped through my fingers like sand.

Looking at my mother, who is suffering from severe dementia, my heart is broken. She used to be smart and capable, but now she doesn't even remember who her daughter is. I thought of the meticulous maternal love she gave me, and I couldn't stop crying.

"Mom, do you remember me? I'm Xiaomei, your daughter..."

Mom looked at me blankly and shook her head. I know that our shared memories are coming to an end at this moment. But I still hugged my mother and cried bitterly, like a lost child.

Since then, I've spent time taking care of my mom. She was completely incapacitated and needed me to feed, wash and change her clothes. Sometimes in the middle of the night she would wake up and cry, and I could only softly lull her to sleep.

I was exhausted these days, but I never complained. Mom used to take care of me like an angel, and now it's time for me to repay her. Every time she calls me "daughter" rarely, I feel very happy.

I have never experienced how much love and patience it takes to take care of a patient. Now I really understand my mother's selfless maternal love. I am determined to spend the last years of my life with her with all my heart.

Life is like a reverse journey, I will be grateful and tolerant of my mother who took care of me back then, and wash all unhappiness with love. One day, when I hold my mother's hand to the end of my life, we will still be in the same heart, just like at the beginning.

Day after day, I patiently took care of my mother, thankful that I was able to accompany her through her old age. Even if she couldn't remember my name, I would say "Mom, I love you" to her hundreds of times a day. That's the last thing I can do for her.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, my mother would wake up suddenly, crying and screaming to find her mother. I could only hold her and tell her over and over again that she was fine. Mom tends to fall back asleep quickly, but I would have insomnia until dawn with tears in my eyes.

I started taking my mom to the hospital for various tests. The results confirmed that she was suffering from advanced Alzheimer's disease with severe brain atrophy. The doctor said that there was no cure, and that it could only delay the progression of the disease. I let out a long sigh and gently squeezed my mother's cold hand.

"It's okay, Mom, the child will always be with you."

I know mom's time is running out. So, I decided to take her to her favorite beach to watch the sunrise once. When we came to the beach early in the morning, my mother looked at the unfamiliar scene with some unease, so I patiently pulled her for a slow walk on the beach.

When the first rays of sunlight rose from the sea level, Mom's face showed a long-lost admiration. I saw the sun shining on her wrinkled face, and she smiled childishly. At this moment, I realized the beauty and preciousness of life.

"Mom, thank you for bringing me into this world. I will always love you. ”

I whispered in my mother's ear. She didn't understand my words, just smiled stupidly. But I know that in the depths of her chaotic mind, she can still feel the love from her daughter.

However, my mother's condition continued to deteriorate. One day, I found out that she couldn't even recognize the home she knew best,???? It took several circles to get his bed back. The fault line of her memory is like an abyss, and I can't build a bridge to connect me.

"Is this my home? It's so strange here..."

My mother looked at me blankly, and when she asked this, my heart was completely broken. I choked up and nodded, trying not to shed tears:

"Yes, Mom, this is our home, you've lived there for decades... Shall we go out for a walk together?"

My mother followed me out the door in a daze, wandering around the familiar neighborhood. I know she doesn't remember it anymore, but I still hope to stir up the memories that slumber in her mind.

Mom's life has come to an end, and I'm going to watch her go. I began to sort through her relics and browse through photos of our once joyful past. Everything brought back memories for ten years and brought me to tears.

"Mom, thank you for giving me the warmest home in my life. I will always remember you. ”

I hugged my mom one last time and whispered in her ear. Mom couldn't understand me anymore, she just leaned meekly into my arms, like a carefree child.

In my mother's last moments, I held her hand and watched her go away. She left quietly, her brow no longer furrowed. I knew she was finally free, heading to the place where everything she loved was.

My mother is gone, leaving me with endless thoughts. The love she gave me will be engraved in my heart, lighting up every gloomy moment of life. I will take her love with me and guard our shared memories.

The purest love in the world is my mother's love for me. Even though the years have ruthlessly robbed me of my memory, her love has been integrated into my blood and will live forever. At this moment, I finally learned to be grateful and grateful for having this love.

Mom's funeral was simple, with only a few friends and family in attendance. I stood in front of the grave and watched my mother's picture flutter gently in the wind, and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

"Mom, you left so suddenly, I didn't even have time to say goodbye to you. I only hope that you can be free from illness and no longer suffer in the spirit of heaven. I will always love you and always cherish everything you give me. ”

I reverently offered a white chrysanthemum in front of my mother's favorite at the tombstone. That's the last thing I can do for her.

The days go on. I worked hard and started living on my own. At first, I would always dream about my mother in the middle of the night and wake up in tears. But I knew I had to be strong and not let my mother's spirit in heaven worry.

One day, I suddenly remembered the last sketch my mother had drawn before she died. I pulled out the somewhat rudimentary sketch and found that there was a small flower drawn on it. It dawned on me that this was the same little wildflower that the little girl had given to her mother that day.

It turned out that when there was no memory, my mother still had the impression of this last bit of warm memory. With trembling hands, she tried to record the little flower, but it was difficult to sketch it completely. I gazed at the unfinished outline of the flower, tears streaming back into my eyes.

I began to devote myself to fulfilling my mother's unfulfilled wish. I signed up for a painting training class and studied my mother's sketches during her lifetime. I hope to inherit her spirit through painting and record good memories with color.

Finally, on a sunny weekend, I picked up my pen and started painting the little flower. I used my mother's favorite watercolor pen to sketch the last beauty of her memory one by one.

This time, the little flowers bloomed perfectly under my pen. I can almost imagine my mother smiling, relieved that I had fulfilled her unfulfilled wish. This little flower not only carries her memories, but also carries my thoughts about her.

I found the kind little girl and gave her the painting. She hugged me happily, tears in her eyes. I know that my mother's love will spread to more people through this little flower.

The most brilliant flower in the world is the flower built with love. They do not wither or fall, they endure forever, blooming in every wounded heart. My mother's love turned into an eternal flower that took root in my heart.

Since then, I have been using paintings to record the beautiful moments in my life. Children in the sun, wild grass and flowers on the roadside, birds hidden among the leaves - every touch of color is a continuation of the mother's love. I will use these colors to weave a garden of memories that will never fade.

Life is short and hesitant, and we don't have time to be grateful for the love that is far away. But as long as hope is nurtured, love will exist in another form. I am grateful to my mother for teaching me the true meaning of life, and I will remember her instructions to live a more wonderful life.

The mother in the photo is always young and beautiful, and she looks at me deeply, like a star in the sky. Mom, I know you're there, and your love will always guide me. I love you, as always.

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