
Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

Following the comprehensive reduction of 10,000 yuan in the Qin PLUS DM-i, the higher-cost Qin PLUS EV has also started a new round of price reduction.

The Qin PLUS EV with a guide price of 129,800 yuan is currently officially reduced by 10,000 yuan, and there is also a replacement subsidy of 2,500 yuan, which means that in today's passenger car market, you can buy a Qin PLUS EV at a price of 120,000 yuan.

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

What's so good about the 120,000 Qin PLUS EV?

To be honest, I don't think the 120,000 Qin PLUS EV is very good, it has a bunch of shortcomings, but a bunch of shortcomings are insignificant under the premise of 120,000 landing.

First of all, it is a pure electric vehicle with a nominal range of 420 km, which has an absolute economic performance advantage over the DM-i, because any model with an internal combustion engine is very expensive to use.

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

The lithium iron phosphate battery equipped with the Qin PLUS EV can also effectively improve the safety performance, which is safer than the ternary lithium with a more explosive temper.

In addition, its basic configuration performance is not bad, four airbags, external discharge, LED lighting system, DiLink car machine system, automatic air conditioning These configurations can bring users a good sense of use.

You know, this is only a 120,000 pure electric car, and its biggest advantage must be economy.

If we take a step back and look at it from the perspective of fuel vehicles, a budget of 120,000 yuan can actually only buy a fuel vehicle priced at 100,000 yuan, and the power, economy, and sense of technology cannot directly compete with the Qin PLUS EV.

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

We have previously calculated that as long as pure electric vehicles can run 15,000 kilometers per year, they will be able to open up the cost of fuel vehicles after 5 years, and the warranty period given by BYD is completely sufficient.

In other words, users who buy Qin PLUS EV are more concerned about economic performance.

In terms of driving experience, pure electric vehicles have a better driving experience, on the one hand, it is smoother, safer and faster, and the power performance is completely better than that of fuel vehicles, on the other hand, it can completely bypass gas stations in daily use, and the cost of home charging piles is 0.6 yuan per kilowatt-hour, and the cost of 100 kilometers is only 10 yuan.

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

We won't judge whether electrification is a false proposition, but for the working class, the economic performance of EV pure electric vehicles has undoubtedly stood at the commanding heights, especially this 100,000-level electrification product, which has a huge attraction in front of the working class.

With the gradual maturity and stability of electrification technology, pure electric vehicles with lower and lower costs will inevitably gradually replace fuel vehicles.

At present, BYD Qin PLUS has become the sales champion model of the 100,000-level compact car, whether it is the DM-i or the EV version of the model, it not only impresses consumers with its lower price, but also becomes the first choice of family cars in terms of use cost.

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

This means that our electrification strategy is actually successful, and in the eyes of wage earners with great pressure on life, buying a car is a huge expense, and daily use is also a huge expense, which can effectively reduce these expenses, and if it can also bring a better user experience, then it can be defined as a good car.

The market share of 100,000-level foreign brands is getting smaller and smaller, and the price is getting lower and lower, Lavida, Sylphy, and Corolla are indeed good products, but it is clear that under the impact of China's electrification, the price of these products is getting lower and lower, and the halo of joint ventures is fading.

Another wave of official surrenders? Qin PLUS dropped by more than 10,000: it makes the joint venture car so uncomfortable!

For users, it has long shifted from brand theory to product theory, which is a huge cognitive change brought about by China's electrification transformation, and it is also the best manifestation of the rise of independent brands.

I just don't know how foreign brands will accept BYD's price cuts again and again?

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