
The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

author:Hearts shine

On April 7, blogger Sun Shaojun broke the news: "One of the three major Japanese mothers, Huawei Intelligent Driving at the meeting" adopts the "Toyota + Huawei + Momenta" trinity cooperation model. For a time, countless conjectures were triggered.

The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

What people didn't expect was that it was Toyota that chose to cooperate.

You know, this is not a small car company, looking at the world, sales are "really far ahead", ranking first in the sales list for 4 consecutive years.

As a result, such a powerful multinational giant actually chose to bow his head. But it's understandable to look at his sales in China.

Many people are thinking: If the joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, how can the independent brand play?

Let's talk about Huawei's intelligent driving technology first. As one of the few major manufacturers in the world that can independently develop intelligent driving systems, their technical strength is beyond doubt. Huawei has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the field of intelligent driving, with a staggering 7,000 R&D personnel and a cumulative investment of more than 30 billion yuan.

The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

The actual performance of Huawei's intelligent driving technology is also quite outstanding. Models like the M5 have successfully avoided more than 40,000 potential collisions through Huawei's intelligent driving system. This is not bragging, it is real data. Therefore, when joint venture car companies adopt Huawei's intelligent driving technology, their competitiveness will indeed be greatly improved.

But will the cooperation between the joint venture car company and Huawei really be smooth sailing? I don't think so.

First of all, the decision-making process and system of joint ventures are often cumbersome and slow. In such a fast-changing era, the speed of decision-making can cause them to miss out on many opportunities. Second, joint ventures do not have a lot of technical reserves in the field of electric vehicles, especially compared with technology giants like Huawei. As a result, they need to spend more time and effort learning and mastering new technologies.

The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

Of course, this does not mean that joint ventures do not have opportunities. After all, they have a wealth of experience in automotive manufacturing and a strong brand presence. As long as Huawei's intelligent driving technology can be successfully integrated and the technical shortcomings can be overcome, they are still likely to occupy a place in the electric vehicle market.

So, how should domestic brands respond to this challenge?

In fact, independent brands already have a certain first-mover advantage in the field of electric vehicles. They have not only accumulated a lot of technology and experience, but also formed a certain market foundation and user reputation. While joint venture car companies are still struggling with how to integrate new technologies, domestic brands have begun to think about how to further improve their technical level and product quality.

The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

In addition, independent brands are also making continuous progress in the research and development and application of intelligent driving technology. They not only have good performance in hardware, but also have a lot of R&D and innovation in software and algorithms. Such efforts not only improve the intelligence level of the product, but also enhance the competitiveness and user experience of the product.

What's more, domestic brands are usually faster than joint venture automakers in terms of decision-making efficiency and market response speed. This means they are able to capture market demands and changes more quickly and introduce new products that meet market demand. This flexibility makes domestic brands more comfortable in the market competition.

The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

Of course, domestic brands also face some challenges and difficulties. For example, how can we further improve the quality and performance of our products? How to strengthen brand building and marketing? How to differentiate from joint ventures? These problems need to be seriously considered and solved by independent brands.

Having said all this, back to the original question: If the joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

The answer is: of course!

The joint venture car uses Huawei's intelligent driving, can the independent brand still play well?

Although the joint venture has adopted advanced intelligent driving technology, the first-mover advantage of domestic brands in the field of electric vehicles and the continuous improvement of technological research and development capabilities still make them competitive. Of course, this doesn't mean that domestic brands can rest easy, they still need constant effort and innovation to stay ahead of the curve.

So, how do you think domestic brands should respond to this challenge? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

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