
Blow the horn of the counteroffensive! The market share of domestic cars exceeds 60%: the price reduction of joint venture cars is not fragrant?

author:Pick up the car

Retail sales are more reflective of the market's response than wholesale volumes.

In May, the China Passenger Car Association released two sets of important data, one is the market share of Chinese brands, and the other is the market share of new energy vehicles.

Blow the horn of the counteroffensive! The market share of domestic cars exceeds 60%: the price reduction of joint venture cars is not fragrant?

01 Joint venture vehicles are struggling

In May, the retail sales volume of Chinese brands in the market was 980,000 units, an increase of more than 12% year-on-year, and a month-on-month increase of 12%, with a retail share of 57.6%.

Compared to the same period last year, the market share of Chinese brands increased by 7.3%, and Chinese brands are competing for the joint venture car segment at a rapid pace.

In fact, since the end of last year, people who buy joint venture cars have become a minority, and the market share of Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, Nissan and other brands has declined very fast.

Blow the horn of the counteroffensive! The market share of domestic cars exceeds 60%: the price reduction of joint venture cars is not fragrant?

On the one hand, the product power of the joint venture car is still the traditional style, the performance of technology, automation and intelligence is not strong enough, and there is a certain premium space, for users who are tired of the joint venture car, the traditional foreign brand is no longer the best choice.

On the other hand, the expressiveness of the independent brand is relatively strong, and the 100,000-level electrified products are implanted with electric drive, intelligence, and a sense of science and technology, and the fuel consumption is squeezed to a very low level.

For users, the gap between independent brands and foreign brands is getting smaller and smaller, and even in some products with strong perception, 100,000-level independent brands have been in terms of comprehensive attractiveness, and they are not falling behind.

Since the beginning of this year, the joint venture car has launched a price reduction strategy, and the sales price of many models has a gap of more than 20% with the guide price.

Blow the horn of the counteroffensive! The market share of domestic cars exceeds 60%: the price reduction of joint venture cars is not fragrant?

02 Electrification has become the main theme

The retail sales of passenger cars in May were 1.723 million, of which 804,000 were new energy vehicles, and the share of new energy vehicles was close to 47%, and new energy vehicles are eating away at a rate of 1% per month in the traditional fuel vehicle market.

It is worth mentioning that the market retail volume of PHEV models is close to 310,000, with a market share of 18%, which is a very fast growth rate.

Due to the improvement of the PHEV product line, the adjustment of prices, and the fine-tuning of user consumption directions, more and more people have switched from fuel vehicles to the PHEV market.

Blow the horn of the counteroffensive! The market share of domestic cars exceeds 60%: the price reduction of joint venture cars is not fragrant?

The power system of the electric motor, battery, and internal combustion engine will not only bring a better driving experience, smoother, quieter, and faster, but also reduce fuel consumption by at least 40% compared with traditional internal combustion engines.

The user's perception is strong.

Moreover, PHEV products do not have the range, charging, and safety anxiety of EV products, and the emergence of internal combustion engines has greatly strengthened the tool attributes, which is a trustworthy partner for many consumers.

Blow the horn of the counteroffensive! The market share of domestic cars exceeds 60%: the price reduction of joint venture cars is not fragrant?


Electrification must be the trend, and Chinese brands play an important role in this sector, 100,000 market users want the economic and practical value brought by electric drive, 200,000 market needs to be implanted with a sense of science and technology, and 300,000 market needs to be implanted with automation.

Obviously, these product points are not completed by foreign brands in a short period of time, so for the industry, Chinese brands have a strong space for development, which is also an important reason why foreign brands will not fight back in the short term.

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