
Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

author:Fish and rain are entertaining

Since ancient times, farmers have been the foundation of our great country, whether it is to provide food security for the people or to make great contributions to the stability and development of the country, farmers have always been an indispensable part of our society.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

Recently, the relevant departments have frequently introduced policies restricting peasants from building their own houses and prohibiting breeding, which has once again caused peasants to suffer endless tosses. Recently, the famous economist Professor Wen Tiejun called for; Don't toss the peasants anymore!

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

First, let's look at why farmers are restricted from building their own houses and farming. I believe that many people will think that this is to protect the environment, especially for some indiscriminate construction and indiscriminate cultivation, and the government's restrictions seem to be necessary.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

We can't choke on food. Most farmers are rational and responsible, they understand the importance of environmental protection, and they will not blindly destroy the ecology. The government should strengthen management and supervision, rather than restricting farmers' development space across the board.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

Restricting farmers' self-built houses and banning farming can have a huge negative impact on rural areas. Farmers' self-built houses are not only a way to meet their own housing needs, but also an important way to promote economic development in rural areas. Self-built houses can drive the development of industries such as building materials, home appliances and furniture, and provide more employment opportunities.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

The ban on farming deprives farmers of a rich and diverse source of livelihood and a stable source of income. This has undoubtedly made it more difficult for the economy in rural areas.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

Restricting farmers from building their own houses and banning farming can also exacerbate the rural-urban divide. China has been committed to promoting the integration of urban and rural development, and restricting the development space of farmers defeats this goal.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

Cities can enjoy high-rise buildings and luxury villas, while farmers are deprived of the opportunity to pursue a happy life. Such unfair treatment is not only harmful to farmers, but also a blasphemy of social fairness and justice. We should respect and protect the rights and interests of every worker, whether in rural or urban areas.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

Let the decision-makers let go, let the farmers develop freely, and let them explore new ways of life. Farmers have the right to choose their own development path, so that they can truly realize their personal value and contribute more to their families and communities.

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

Governments should encourage innovation and provide the necessary support and protection, not restrictions and constraints. Let's work together to make farmers more confident, proud, and prosperous!

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

The policy of restricting peasants from building their own houses and prohibiting breeding is a kind of toss for peasants, which not only violates their rights and interests, but is also not conducive to the development of rural areas. We should give farmers more space and opportunities for development

Who speaks for the peasants? The policy restricts farmers from building their own houses, and prohibits breeding from causing social contradictions!

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