
The national treasure composer "Xu Jingqing" commented on Daolang very sharply

author:Jun sent thousands of miles away

Mr. Xu Jingqing, a national treasure composer, is a shining pearl in the field of Chinese music, and his musical talent and attainments are so profound that they are awe-inspiring. He recently made his first public comment about Daolang on a well-known talk show, and his words are full of passion and profound connotations, as if he is a clear stream in the music industry, giving people a deep shock. This interview not only once again showed Mr. Xu's wisdom and erudition, but also gave us a deeper understanding of Daolang.

First of all, Mr. Xu fully affirmed and appreciated Daolang's contribution in the field of music. Daolang's musical works not only enrich the connotation of Chinese music, but also create a new era of music, and his music has a unique charm and style, which is refreshing. In Mr. Xu's view, Daolang's music is not only the pride of Chinese music, but also the treasure of world music. He used music to express his love for life, his thinking about life, and used music to convey the essence and connotation of Chinese culture, making Chinese music more dazzling on the international stage.

The national treasure composer "Xu Jingqing" commented on Daolang very sharply

Daolang's musical works are a treasure of Chinese music, and each of his songs has its own beauty and charm. As Mr. Xu said, no one can compare with Daolang, his musical talent is unparalleled, and his musical works are unique. Mr. Xu's evaluation is an affirmation of Daolang's musical talent and the value of Daolang's musical works. Mr. Xu's evaluation makes us cherish Daolang's musical works more and admire Daolang's musical talent even more.

Then, in response to some people's comments on Daolang's songs as "vulgar" and "no musical cells", Mr. Xu gave a sharp rebuttal. He pointed out that those people don't know what music is at all, and their remarks are an unfair evaluation of Daolang and disrespect for Chinese music. Music is an art, an expression of emotion, and a cultural heritage. Every piece of music has its own value and significance, and it deserves our appreciation and respect. Mr. Xu's evaluation makes us more aware that music is not divided into high and low, and every kind of music has its own beauty, which is worthy of our cherishing and protection.

The national treasure composer "Xu Jingqing" commented on Daolang very sharply

Mr. Xu emphasized that Daolang's lyrics are not only high-level creation, but also a kind of inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese culture. Each lyric is like telling a true story, and every song is like a miniature world, containing people's love for life, the struggle against fate, and the pursuit of dreams. These songs are like a window that gives us a glimpse of the real life of ordinary people and experiences their joys, sorrows, and sorrows. This kind of lyrics close to the heart of the people allows every listener to find resonance in it and feel the charm of Daolang's music.

Mr. Xu once again pointed out that Daolang is not only in music

He has outstanding talent, and his character in life is worth learning from. In today's music industry, some people will do anything for fame and fortune, but Daolang has always maintained his original intention, insisted on his music dream, and created every song with his heart. This persistent spirit and noble character make him unique in the field of music, and he is warmly loved and sought after by the majority of fans.

The national treasure composer "Xu Jingqing" commented on Daolang very sharply

Mr. Xu's evaluation makes us cherish Daolang's music works even more, his music is not only entertainment, but also a profound cultural lesson. It inherits traditional Chinese culture, carries people's love for life, and is a treasure of Chinese music. Daolang's musical works exude a distinct personality, and his lyrics are like picture scrolls, showing the richness and diversity of China, making people feel the charm of culture.

Mr. Xu's comments also remind us that music is pluralistic and should not be limited to a certain standard. Every piece of music has its own value, its own audience, and all deserve to be respected and appreciated. Different styles of music enrich the world of music, and Daolang's music works are one of them, which leads the listener into a musical realm full of emotion and thought.

So, what do you think of Mr. Xu's evaluation of Daolang? Are you also like Mr. Xu, full of praise for Daolang's musical works? Please share your impressions with us. Let's enjoy Daolang's music, feel his musical charm, and appreciate his musical wisdom. In the ocean of music, every sound has its own unique value, and every musician deserves to be respected and appreciated.


Mr. Xu Jingqing's evaluation of Daolang has brought profound enlightenment. First of all, we should cherish and respect different types of musical works, whether they are popular songs or traditional music, each of which has its own unique value and meaning. Music is an art, an expression of emotion, and a cultural heritage that should be regarded as a valuable cultural heritage. Daolang's musical works have injected new vitality into traditional Chinese culture, which also reminds us to inherit and promote our own culture.

Finally, Mr. Xu emphasized Daolang's persistence and noble character. In today's music industry, there are many people who will do anything for fame and fortune, but Daolang has always maintained his original intention, insisted on his music dreams, and created with his heart. This persistent spirit and noble character is an example for us to learn from and respect, and it reminds us to pursue our dreams, stick to our principles, never forget our original intentions, and not be swayed by external temptations.


Mr. Xu Jingqing's evaluation of Daolang provides us with important enlightenment. He affirmed Daolang's contribution in the field of music, emphasizing the cultural connotation and emotional expression of his musical works, as well as his persistence and noble character. These revelations have far-reaching implications for us in terms of music creation and appreciation.

Secondly, we should pay attention to the cultural connotation and emotional expression of musical works. Music is not only a combination of melodies, but also the transmission of culture and the expression of emotions. Daolang's lyrics skillfully integrate traditional Chinese culture, making the musical works full of wisdom and depth. This reminds us to pay attention to the creative quality of our works, not only to pursue commercial success, but also to pay attention to the artistry and cultural heritage of our works.

Finally, we should learn from Daolang's persistence and noble character. In today's music industry, there are many people who will do anything for fame and fortune, but Daolang has always maintained his original intention, insisted on his music dreams, and created with his heart. This persistent spirit and noble character is an example for us to learn from and respect, and it reminds us to pursue our dreams, stick to our principles, never forget our original intentions, and not be swayed by external temptations.

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