
Is it good to eat instant noodles? Stop believing in "rumors" and tell you the truth in one article

author:Diabetic podiatrist Liang Yuxuan

Mr. Zhang is a manager of a small company, recently due to busy business trips, often working overtime late at night, in order to save time, he chose instant noodles as dinner, at first he did not feel anything wrong, and even felt that this kind of fast food is convenient and delicious, but then slowly, Mr. Zhang found that his body seemed to have changed a little.

For example, he unconsciously gained weight, and he originally thought it was just "overwork" caused by high work pressure, but then he not only gained weight, but also often felt tired, tired, and sometimes even dizzy and palpitations.

He began to realize that it might have something to do with his usual eating habits.

Is it good to eat instant noodles? Stop believing in "rumors" and tell you the truth in one article

So, Mr. Zhang came to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and the doctor told him that his physical condition had been severely malnourished and metabolic disorders, which may be due to long-term intake of instant noodles, etc., this kind of high-oil, high-salt and low-nutrient food, his body has gradually lost its balance.

The doctor suggested that Mr. Zhang should change his eating habits in time after he returned, increase the intake of nutrients such as vegetables, fruits, and proteins, and exercise appropriately, but Mr. Zhang didn't understand, is it all because of eating instant noodles?

In fact, now that the pace of life is accelerating, instant noodles as a fast food product are indeed loved by many people, but from the perspective of nutrition, instant noodles are not a healthy food, and its main problems are high oil, high salt and low nutrition.

Is it good to eat instant noodles? Stop believing in "rumors" and tell you the truth in one article

First of all, many people don't know that the fat content in instant noodles is very high.

Most of these oils and fats are processed and contain high levels of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids, and long-term intake of these fats may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and the salt content in instant noodles is also very high, excessive salt intake can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure, and in severe cases, it may even cause high blood pressure.

The second point is that the nutrient content in instant noodles is very low, it mainly provides carbohydrates and a small amount of protein, fat and other nutrients, in fact, it lacks vitamins, minerals and other trace elements required by the human body, if eaten for a long time, it may cause malnutrition like Mr. Zhang.

All in all, instant noodles do have some health problems, but as long as we master some methods, we can still eat them well, and some "rumors" related to instant noodles in life, we also have to keep our eyes open.

Is it good to eat instant noodles? Stop believing in "rumors" and tell you the truth in one article

For example, some people think that instant noodles cause cancer. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this statement, because the preservatives in instant noodles are actually mainly used to prevent the breeding of microorganisms and extend the shelf life, as long as they are used within the scope specified by the state, they will not cause harm to human health.

Some people also say that instant noodles are "junk food", in fact, this statement is also relatively one-sided, the nutritional value of instant noodles is relatively low, but as long as we eat it scientifically, it can also become a part of our healthy diet, for example, you can control the amount first, and then control the ingredients.

It is recommended to try to control the consumption of instant noodles within 1-2 times a week, and avoid using it as the main dietary source, when eating instant noodles, you can match some vegetables, fruits, meat and other ingredients to increase the intake of nutrients, such as lettuce, eggs, etc., which will make the nutrition more balanced. #头条首发大赛#

Is it good to eat instant noodles? Stop believing in "rumors" and tell you the truth in one article


[1] Guo Ruihua, Zheng Yan, Yang Tiankui. Journal of Food Safety and Quality, 2015(7):5.

[2] Zhong Kai. Life and Partner(Month-end Edition), 2017(9):55-55.DOI:CNKI:SUN:RSBM.0.2017-09-040.

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