
Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

author:Tomato Story Painting
Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Wang Ruoxue, who was a kind and optimistic person. She is about to marry a man named Li Hao, and the two have been in love for many years and finally decide to tie the knot.

However, the hero is sad to pass the beauty pass, and the problems after marriage come one after another. Wang Ruoxue's mother-in-law, a woman named Zhang Shihua, is a difficult and mean person.

A small mistake can make Zhang Shihua nitpick, and even do something unacceptable.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

One day, Wang Ruoxue was pregnant, and she happily told her husband Li Hao. Li Hao was so excited that he immediately ran to tell his mother Zhang Shihua.

Such an attitude made Wang Ruoxue very sad and disappointed. She tries to make herself strong and not be affected by her mother-in-law's troubles.

However, Wang Ruoxue's strength did not win her mother-in-law's recognition and respect. In Zhang Shihua's eyes, Wang Ruoxue will always be a person who is not worthy of her son.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Finally, when Wang Ruoxue was six months pregnant, Zhang Shihua couldn't help but find fault again. She deliberately put a needle on Wang Ruoxue's back, saying that it was to see if she was pregnant.

This scene was seen by Li Hao, who angrily stepped forward and kicked Zhang Shihua away. He reaffirmed his choice: no matter what happens, he will choose to marry Wang Ruoxue.

After this scene, the contradiction between Li Hao and his mother-in-law intensified. Zhang Shihua felt that she had been greatly insulted and was very angry.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Wang Ruoxue was very worried that this result would bring them huge trouble. She persuaded Li Hao and Zhang Shihua to reconcile, but without success.

In court, Wang Ruoxue frankly told the judge about her feelings and expectations for the future. She said that she couldn't bear her mother-in-law's troubles, but she didn't want to make the two families completely turn their faces for her unborn child.

The judge was deeply moved by these words. With worries and guilt for the future, they finally choose to reconcile.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

After the court settled, they finally returned to their peaceful lives. The mother-in-law's attitude changed, and she gradually accepted Wang Ruoxue as a new member.

After the reconciliation, Li Hao and Wang Ruoxue decided to start a new life. They found a cosy and comfortable apartment ready to welcome the upcoming children.

However, the happy days did not last long. Soon after, Wang's father suddenly became seriously ill and needed expensive surgery.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Wang Ruoxue didn't tell Li Hao, she secretly found a full-time job, hoping to take care of the children and contribute to her father's medical expenses.

One day, Wang Ruoxue reminded Li Hao that his recent behavior was a little strange. He always goes out early and returns late, and no longer cares about her and the child's situation.

In order to find out the truth, she secretly investigates her husband's whereabouts. She found out that Li Hao was not having an affair, he was just working hard to solve the family's financial problems.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

This discovery made Wang Ruoxue both moved and guilty. She realized that she was not giving her husband enough understanding and support.

That night, after Wang Ruoxue waited for Li Hao to go home, she decided to confess her findings and feelings to him. She said: "Dear Li Hao, I know that you are working hard for our family, and I am very grateful to you.

Please forgive me for my unreasonable speculation and suspicion of you.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Li Hao listened to Wang Ruoxue's apology, and he felt both relieved and distressed. He understood that Wang Ruoxue was also for the good of the family, and he said: "Ruoxue, I understand your worries and thank you for your apology."

You don't need to feel guilty, we can get through it together.

From that day on, Wang Ruoxue and Li Hao became more supportive and understanding of each other. Together, they discussed how to deal with their father's treatment costs, and decided to work together to save money and strive to treat his father as soon as possible.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

As the days passed, Wang Ruoxue's father successfully underwent surgery and recovered well. Li Hao and Wang Ruoxue's child was also born healthy.

However, although a settlement was reached in court, Li Hao and Wang Ruoxue's families did not completely return to a state of harmony.

A few months passed, and Wang Ruoxue's mother suddenly became seriously ill and needed to undergo high-cost surgery.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

However, Li Hao refused Wang Ruoxue's request under the pretext of being busy with work. He believes that Wang Ruoxue's mother is not related to him by blood, and should find his relatives to take care of him.

When Wang Ruoxue needed support and comfort the most, she felt her husband's ruthlessness and coldness. At this time, Zhang Shihua saw her son's attitude towards his wife and was dissatisfied.

Wang Ruoxue endured her mother-in-law's insults and accusations again and again, but she was unwilling to bow to her mother-in-law. She knows that only by standing up to her position can she protect her dignity and rights.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

However, under the pressure of her mother-in-law to find faults, Wang Ruoxue began to feel physically and mentally exhausted. She wants to escape from this oppressive environment and find a sky of her own.

Wang Ruoxue decided to return to her hometown alone to seek the support and help of her relatives. She didn't want to rely on her husband's indifference again, and she wanted to use her own strength to build a warm and harmonious family.

However, at the same time, Li Hao also began to reflect on his mistakes. He realized that his indifference and indifference to Wang Ruoxue all along was wrong, and he regretted it.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

At this time, Li Hao realized that the person he really loved was Wang Ruoxue, not his mother. He understands the responsibilities and responsibilities in marriage, and he is willing to work hard to change himself and become a strong backing for Wang Ruoxue and her children again.

With the stability of Wang Ruoxue's married life, it also brought new contradictions. Wang Ruoxue's parents, Yang Ming and Liu Fang, were dissatisfied with their son's way of treating Wang Ruoxue, believing that their attitude towards their daughter was not good enough.

Yang Ming said indignantly: "My daughter married into your family, but she was treated well by you!" When Wang Ruoxue was pregnant, your family didn't even say a word of greeting, and Wang Ruoxue was wronged by her mother-in-law.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Li Hao felt very aggrieved, he really didn't expect that there would be conflicts between his parents and Wang Ruoxue's parents.

We also have our own troubles and stresses. I hope you understand.

Yang Ming snorted coldly: "How can I possibly understand your troubles and pressure? I just want to see my daughter doing well, being respected and loved.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Faced with Yang Ming and Liu Fang's accusations, Li Hao fell into self-blame and helplessness. He originally thought that his married life would become happy, but he didn't expect that there would be so many contradictions and problems.

The family's disputes look increasingly complicated. In this seemingly unsolvable situation, Wang Ruoxue became a mediator of last resort.

I know that Li Hao treats me sincerely, and he is also trying his best to do a good job. I hope you will be able to witness our happiness and not hold resentment and prejudice.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Yang Ming and Liu Fang looked at Wang Ruoxue's resolute and determined eyes, and the resentment in their hearts gradually dissipated. They remembered the reason why Wang Ruoxue chose Li Hao back then, and they also understood their daughter's persistence and dedication.

"We'll try to understand, but I hope you can really be nice to your daughter, that's our last request." Yang Ming finally couldn't help but say.

From the noisy quarrels, they began to seek reconciliation and forgiveness anew. This family, once full of controversy and contradictions, can finally work hard for family affection and happiness.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Li Hao and Wang Ruoxue's marriage has returned to a state of tranquility and happiness, however, the contradictions in the family have not really been resolved, but have only been covered up by the torrent of time.

A few years later, Wang Ruoxue gave birth to another child, a lovely son. This news should have brought infinite joy to the family, but it once again stirred up new waves.

Zhang Shihua, as a grandmother, is good news for this family that longs for a male heir.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

She secretly nagged Wang Ruoxue, accusing her of snatching the only son of the family and inciting family disputes in the Li family.

Wang Ruoxue chose to be silent, she thought about her son and his future. She strives to make her son feel the warmth and love of the family, making him a kind and respectful person.

In the face of outsiders, Zhang Shihua shows a kind and loving side to her grandson, but in private, she puts pressure on her grandson to surpass his sister and become the pillar of the family in the future.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

Such a family environment made Wang Ruoxue and Li Hao's marriage fall into crisis again. They disagreed, quarreled constantly, and their contradictions and dissatisfaction with each other accumulated to a climax.

After a heated quarrel, Wang Ruoxue decided to leave the Li family. She believes that only by leaving this toxic environment can she find the happiness that truly belongs to her and her children.

Walking out of the Li family's door, Wang Ruoxue realized that she would face new challenges and hardships. But she doesn't let the tears flow, and she has to be stronger to face the unknown future.

Don't marry if you don't kneel" The mother-in-law made it difficult for the pregnant bride, and the groom kicked it away: You marry me?

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