
Bad news! Zhou Qi's Double 20 brought bad news to the Chinese men's basketball team!

author:Old road miscellaneous altar

Not surprisingly, Zhou Qi played strongly in the thirteenth round of the CBA League, when the Guangdong men's basketball team defeated the Beijing Control men's basketball team 107-106 away, scoring 27 points and 21 rebounds, completely dominating both offensive and defensive ends. But while we are immersed in Zhou Qi's excellent performance, there is a reality that is difficult to speak, like a fish in the throat. The stars who have performed so well in our men's basketball team should logically appear on a more competitive stage, because only in this acre of three-point land, for our stars, just abusing vegetables has no exercise value at all.

Bad news! Zhou Qi's Double 20 brought bad news to the Chinese men's basketball team!

Looking back a few years ago, our athletes who stayed abroad included Zhang Zhenlin, Zeng Fanbo, Yu Jiahao and others, and the media reports also brought us great hope. But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and several hopeful stars returned to the country one after another. It's clear that these people either don't have what it takes to survive in the top leagues, or the CBA is too high in income to make them feel better to come back. Don't you know that after they come back, they will soon be like Wang Zhelin, and they will disappear among everyone.

Bad news! Zhou Qi's Double 20 brought bad news to the Chinese men's basketball team!

As long as Zhou Qi is now the main inside, no longer floating on the outside to shoot 3 points, double twenty is bound to be common, and it is not too difficult for him. And he had to go to the Australian league as a last resort, when he was in the Australian league, he was at most at the level of double ten, and if Zhou Qi played in the NBA, the level of 5+5 would not be reached. Therefore, if you don't go to a high-level league to train, you will only abuse vegetables in the CBA, and you will never be able to play your level in the international arena.

Bad news! Zhou Qi's Double 20 brought bad news to the Chinese men's basketball team!

Fortunately, the Chinese women's basketball national players represented by Li Meng and the women's football international represented by Wang Shuang have gone abroad to learn and Xi in the WNBA and European football, which are the highest level, and only in this way can they be on par with the high level and be comfortable in the competition. Is it that the men's basketball and men's soccer players still have too high incomes, which makes them very satisfied, so they are so comfortable?

Bad news! Zhou Qi's Double 20 brought bad news to the Chinese men's basketball team!

This is the old road miscellaneous, thank you!

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