
Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

author:Lao Zhang's health theory

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Do you often hear the saying that vitamin C is an artifact that boosts immunity, and eating one tablet a day can prevent colds and fight viruses.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

But have you ever noticed that the price of vitamin C on the market varies greatly, some only cost two yuan a bottle, and some cost 100 yuan or more?

What's the difference between these vitamin Cs? Is it better to be more expensive than cheaper?

1. What exactly is vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that the body cannot synthesize on its own and must be consumed from food.

Vitamin C plays many important roles in the human body, such as being involved in collagen synthesis and maintaining the health of skin, teeth, bones and blood vessels.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

Promote iron absorption and prevent iron deficiency anemia. As an antioxidant, it scavenges free radicals, protects cells from oxidative damage, and prevents senile diseases.

Enhances the function of the immune system, activates white blood cells, fights the invasion of pathogens, and relieves inflammatory responses.

Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy, which is a serious disease.

It can cause symptoms such as bleeding, anemia, swollen and sore gums, skin purpura, joint pain, and poor wound healing. Therefore, vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body and cannot be missing.

2. What is the relationship between the type and price of vitamin C?

Vitamin C can be obtained from food or supplemented with medicines or supplements.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

Synthetic vitamin C is produced through fermentation and chemical reactions, and contains only vitamin C itself, and no other components.

Synthetic vitamin C is cheap to produce and inexpensive, generally between a few dollars and dozens of dollars. The advantages of synthetic vitamin C are high purity, good stability, and it is not easy to be destroyed.

The disadvantage is that it may contain some impurities or additives, which may cause allergies or adverse reactions to some people.

Natural vitamin C is extracted from plants or animals, and in addition to vitamin C, it also contains some other nutrients, such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamin E, etc.

Natural vitamin C is expensive to produce and expensive, generally between tens and hundreds of dollars.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

The advantage of natural vitamin C is that it is closer to the vitamin C in food, it is easier for the body to absorb and utilize, and there may be some synergistic effects.

The disadvantage is that the purity is low, the stability is poor, and it is easy to be destroyed by heat, light, air and other factors.

3. What is the relationship between the effect and price of vitamin C?

The effects of vitamin C are mainly determined by two factors: intake and bioavailability.

Intake refers to the total amount of vitamin C ingested from food or supplements per day, generally in milligrams.

The higher the intake, the better the effect of vitamin C, but there is also an upper limit, beyond a certain amount, vitamin C will be excreted from the body and will not be utilized.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

The daily intake of vitamin C for adults should be between 75~2000 mg, which can be adjusted appropriately by different people according to their physical conditions and needs.

Bioavailability refers to the proportion of vitamin C ingested from food or supplements that can be absorbed and utilized by the body, generally expressed as a percentage.

Bioavailability is affected by many factors, such as the type of food, how it is processed, when it is ingested, how much it is consumed, how much it is consumed, individual differences, etc.

In general, the higher the bioavailability, the better the effect of vitamin C.

So, what does the price of vitamin C have to do with its effects?

Theoretically, higher-priced vitamin C should be more bioavailable because it contains more natural ingredients and is closer to the vitamin C found in food.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

However, this does not mean that the low-priced vitamin C is ineffective, and synthetic vitamin C can also play a role in vitamin C as long as the intake is sufficient.

And the high price of vitamin C may not be suitable for everyone, because it may contain some ingredients that the body does not need or adapt, causing waste or adverse reactions.


To sum up, vitamin C is an important nutrient that has many benefits for the human body, but the more is not the better, and it needs to be reasonably selected and used according to the individual's situation and needs.

Vitamin C products on the market, whether synthetic or natural, have their own advantages and disadvantages, and a high price is not necessarily better than a low price, the key is to see if it meets your needs.

Which is better, two dollars of vitamin C or 100 dollars?

If you want more natural ingredients, you can choose the more expensive vitamin C, and if you just want to supplement the vitamin C itself, you can choose the less expensive vitamin C.

No matter which vitamin C you choose, it's important to control your intake, avoid excess or insufficiency, and maintain moderation and balance.

Vitamin C is important, but it is not a panacea and is not a substitute for a normal diet and lifestyle.

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