
4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

author:Lao Zhang's health theory

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Have you ever had the experience that when you have a cold, fever, headache, stomach pain, skin allergies and other common minor ailments, you go to the pharmacy to buy medicines, and the clerk always recommends some expensive and well-known drugs instead of some cheap drugs that are also good results?

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

Actually, this is not necessarily the fault of the clerk, because although some drugs are cheap and easy to use, they have some side effects, so the clerk is generally reluctant to recommend them to you. However, if you know the names, effects, usage, and precautions of these medications, you can choose whether to use them for yourself instead of being led by the nose by the clerk.

In this article, I will introduce you to 4 cheap and easy-to-use medicines, which are generally reluctant to be recommended by the clerks, and I hope they can help you.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

1. Aspirin

Aspirin is an over-the-counter medicine and one of the oldest medicines, its main ingredient is salicylic acid, which can be used to treat mild to moderate pain such as headaches, joint pain, toothache, etc., it can also be used to reduce fever and inflammation, and it can also be used to prevent heart disease and stroke because it inhibits the aggregation of platelets, thus preventing the formation of blood clots.

The price of aspirin is very cheap, a box of 100 aspirin only costs a few dollars, and it works so well that many people use it as a home medicine. However, aspirin also has some side effects.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

For example, it can increase the risk of stomach ulcers and bleeding, as well as the risk of asthma and allergies, and can interact with some other medications, so you need to consult your doctor or pharmacist before using aspirin to find out if it is suitable for you and how to use it correctly.

In general, adults should take 300-600 mg at a time, no more than 4 times a day, and children should adjust the dose according to age and weight, and avoid giving aspirin to children with chickenpox or flu, as this can lead to a serious complication called Reye's syndrome.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which has many important roles in the human body, such as participating in the functioning of the immune system, promoting wound healing, enhancing antioxidant capacity, and preventing scurvy.

The price of vitamin C is also very cheap, only a few dozen yuan a bottle, but its effect is very significant, it can improve the body's resistance, prevent colds and other infectious diseases, can also whiten the skin, anti-aging, protect the eyes, etc.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

Vitamin C can also protect against cancer, and some studies have shown that people who take 1,000 mg of vitamin C daily have a 20 to 50 percent lower risk of developing cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer. So, why are store associates generally reluctant to recommend vitamin C?

There are two reasons for this, one is that the profit of vitamin C is also very low, and the clerk is more willing to recommend some more expensive health products, and the other is that vitamin C also has some side effects, such as it may cause diarrhea, stones, too much iron, etc., so not everyone is suitable for taking vitamin C, and it needs to be decided according to their own physical condition and the advice of a doctor.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

3. Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is a common chemical and an over-the-counter medication that can be used to treat stomach discomfort such as hyperacidity, indigestion, and flatulence, as well as to treat urinary system problems such as urinary tract infections, uric acid stones, and oral diseases such as gingivitis, mouth ulcers, etc., as it neutralizes acidic substances and thus relieves symptoms.

The price of sodium bicarbonate is very cheap, a 100-gram bag of sodium bicarbonate only costs a few dollars, and it works very well, and many people use it as a household medicine. However, sodium bicarbonate also has some side effects.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

For example, it can cause stomach acid rebound, edema, high blood pressure, etc., and will also affect the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc., and will also interact with some other drugs, so before using sodium bicarbonate, you need to consult a doctor or pharmacist to understand whether you are suitable for use and how to use it correctly.

In general, adults should take 1-2 grams each time, no more than 4 times a day, and children should adjust the dose according to age and weight, and avoid long-term or excessive sodium bicarbonate, which may cause metabolic alkalosis or renal impairment.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

Fourth, diphenhydramine

Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine and an over-the-counter medication, which can be used to treat allergic reactions such as allergic rhinitis, hives, itchy skin, etc., as well as motion sickness and motion sickness, motion sickness, seasickness, etc., and can also be used to treat insomnia because it has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

The price of diphenhydramine is also very cheap, a box of 20 tablets of diphenhydramine only costs a few dollars, and it is also very effective, many people use it as a must-have medicine for travel or allergy season. However, diphenhydramine also has some side effects.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend

For example, it can cause dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, etc., it can also affect memory and concentration, and can also interact with some other medications, so before using diphenhydramine, you need to consult a doctor or pharmacist to find out if it is suitable for you and how to use it correctly.

In general, adults should take 25-50 mg each dose no more than 4 times a day, and children should adjust the dose according to age and weight, and avoid giving diphenhydramine to infants or older people, as this may cause breathing difficulties or excitement.

4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs that store staff are generally reluctant to recommend


The above are the 4 cheap and easy-to-use drugs I introduced to you, they all have good effects, but the clerks are generally reluctant to recommend them to us, so we need to understand and choose for ourselves.

Of course, these drugs are not a panacea, and they also have some side effects, so we must consult a doctor before using them, follow the doctor's advice, and do not take or use them at will to avoid adverse consequences.