
There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

author:First psychological

Life, like a magnificent picture, shows all kinds of life.

In this picture, there are many elements of our own creation, and psychology is a key to interpreting these elements.

Today, let's think deeply about a topic that attracts attention from the perspective of psychology - the delicate relationship between the grievances of life and the rich and the poor.

Life is a journey, and everyone chooses the direction to move forward at different forks in the road.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

However, there is a state of aggrieved life that seems to make some people "unable to extricate themselves".

And these people are usually poor, and you may think that this is simply because of money, but in fact, the root of this state is the psychological mechanism that is rooted in the depths of our hearts.

First, let's consider why some people have been immersed in grievances. Psychology tells us that this may be related to psychological overload.

When people face pressure and difficulties for a long time, they may form a negative thinking pattern of Xi habitation.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

This pattern is like an invisible shackle that binds them tightly to their aggrieved lives.

In such a state, it is easy for them to rely on something that ostensibly relieves exhaustion, but does not really solve the problem.

This also reminds us of the attitude towards life between the poor and the rich. Some poor people are Xi to fill their inner emptiness with three things:

  • escape
  • Eraser
  • Complaining

Avoiding problems only makes them more violent, indulging in pastimes only allows time to slip through your fingers, and complaining only transfers negative emotions to the outside world rather than actively addressing them.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

These three things, which may be a kind of psychological comfort, have become the real cause of poverty.

First, let's focus on escape. Escape is a common psychological coping style, especially when faced with life's stresses and unsatisfactory situations.

This mechanism gives people the option to escape from the problem, to hide from reality, and to get away from the situation for a while. However, escapism is only a temporary consolation, it does not solve the root problem, but rather makes it more intractable.

Perhaps the reason why the poor are getting deeper and deeper is because they see avoidance as the solution and ignore the importance of facing the problem.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

Second, pastime became a common spiritual comfort for the poor. The stress and poverty of life make them crave relaxation through recreation.

This may manifest as over-indulging in entertainment, video games, or other short-lived pleasures.

However, this pastime is often just a continuation of escape, although it can relieve stress for a short time, but it cannot get people out of the quagmire of grievance for a long time.

The reason why the wealthy fall less into this trap may be because they are more focused on time management and focus their energy on more meaningful things.

Finally, complaining is another manifestation of grievances in life.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

People struggling with poverty are often Xi shifting responsibility to the outside world or to others.

This kind of resentment not only does not solve the problem, but also encourages the growth of negative emotions.

We often see some poor people complaining about him, as if the whole world is sorry for him.

The rich rarely waste their time blaming and are more willing to change their fate with action, which is also a big secret to their success.

In contrast, the wealthy rarely face life in these ways.

They tend to be more focused on facing problems positively, thinking and acting to change the status quo.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

This is not a coincidence, but because the rich have gradually developed a positive mindset and problem-solving ability through long-term struggles and experiences.

Poverty is not eternal, and grievance is not the only option. Avoidance, amusement, and complaining, while temporary comfort, are not a long-term solution.

Letting go of these three things that are getting poorer and poorer and facing your inner troubles bravely may be the first step towards a prosperous life.

The reason why the rich do not use these three things is perhaps because they know how to stay rational and positive in the face of psychological challenges, and move forward bravely.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

Life is a challenge, and we are resilient adventurers.

In this psychological journey, let us abandon our grievances, choose to face them bravely, and pave the road to prosperity with a positive attitude and firm faith.

Perhaps, when we really let go of evasion, recreation, and complaining, we will be able to find that a life of abundance is not out of reach.

Life is like a psychological journey, and grievance is an unavoidable test. However, we are able to choose how to face it.

Letting go of psychological baggage and learning to deal with it positively may be the first step to get rid of the aggrieved life.

There are three things that the poor like to use, and the more they use them, the poorer they become! The rich rarely use them

And the reason why the rich can succeed may be because they know how to deal with psychological challenges calmly, face difficulties and move forward bravely.

Let us no longer be limited to grievances, but bravely face our inner troubles and shape a better life with a positive attitude.

Because when we let go of the three things that we use more and more poorly, we may find that a rich life is not out of reach.