
I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

author:First psychological
Author – Tommy

In the modern love verse, cohabitation is seen by many couples as a way to commit to each other and deepen their relationship.

However, when the sweet cohabitation life turns into calculations and arguments about money, the temperature of love may gradually decrease.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Today, Tommy shares with you the story of Li Hao and Lin Ting (pseudonym), which is a real-life case of how a live-in couple deals with financial problems.

Through this case, we can explore the economic distribution problems that a modern couple encounters in their common life, which is a topic that is both sensitive and complex.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

The story of Li Hao and Lin Ting begins with their romantic encounter in college.

Li Hao, an outstanding student majoring in computer science, met Lin Ting from the Department of Literature on campus. The love between the two grows in the common interests and ideals.

After graduating, they decided to live together and began their journey of life together.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Li Hao and Lin Ting's cohabitation life was full of sweetness and longing at first. They started living together in a minimalist two-bedroom apartment.

Li Hao is responsible for the purchase of most of the hardware facilities in the home, while Lin Ting focuses on the decoration and daily maintenance of the house. At first, the two were happy with this living arrangement.

However, as time went on, the realities of life began to emerge.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Li Hao works in a start-up company, and although the work is stressful, his income is relatively stable.

Lin Ting's editorial work in the publishing house often faces overtime and irregular work arrangements, and her income is slightly insufficient compared to Li Hao.

After about six months of cohabitation, Lin Ting proposed that Li Hao bear more living expenses.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

At first, Li Hao understood that Lin Ting's unstable job had increased her financial pressure, so he agreed to this request.

But as time passed, Lin Ting's requirements gradually increased, and finally reached eighty percent of Li Hao's household expenses. Faced with Lin Ting's request, Li Hao was confused and dissatisfied. He began to question whether this distribution was fair.

During a dinner, Li Hao tried to discuss the issue with Lin Ting, but the conversation quickly escalated into an argument.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Lin Ting insisted that as a man, Li Hao should take on more financial responsibility. And Li Hao feels that as an independent adult, Lin Ting should also bear the corresponding financial responsibility.

According to the Journal of Family Psychology, the distribution of money in a partnership should be based on the financial capacity, mutual understanding and respect of both parties.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Experts suggest that Li Hao and Lin Ting communicate at a deeper level and try to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

After several in-depth conversations, Li Hao and Lin Ting agreed to develop a detailed budget plan. They decide to share household expenses in proportion to their income, and they review their expenditures on a monthly basis.

This plan takes into account not only the financial ability of both parties, but also the feelings and mutual respect between the two parties.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Consideration of income level

The most basic consideration is the income level of each individual. Ideally, the two would share the expenses in proportion to their respective incomes.

For example, if one spouse earns twice as much as the other, then he or she may bear about twice as much as the cost of living. This approach takes into account the importance of differences in economic capacity and can ensure a certain degree of fairness in the sharing.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

In the case of Li Hao and Lin Ting, the core of the problem lies in the fairness of the distribution of living expenses.

When one partner feels that they are carrying too much of a burden, this imbalance can lead to tension and dissatisfaction in the relationship.

It was therefore essential to discuss and agree on a distribution that was mutually agreed to be equitable.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

The influence of money values

Money has a different meaning in everyone's heart. Some people may value the security of money, while others may be more focused on the enjoyment of life through money.

In the case of Li Hao and Lin Ting, the two need to deeply explore and understand each other's views and values about money. This understanding contributes to the formation of an economic consensus that satisfies both parties.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Even if an initial distribution plan is reached, couples should regularly evaluate and adjust this plan.

For example, if there is a change in the economic situation of one party, such as an increase or decrease in income, then the original distribution scheme may need to be adjusted accordingly.

This requires both sides to maintain open communication and be willing to make adjustments according to the actual situation.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Overall, dealing with the cost of living as a live-in couple needs to take into account income levels, fairness, monetary values, and ongoing communication and adjustments.

Every couple's situation is unique, so the most appropriate distribution plan should also be tailored to the specific circumstances of both parties.

It is important that both of them demonstrate understanding, respect, and willingness to collaborate in the process. In the cases of Li Hao and Lin Ting, we see the concrete application of these principles.

I live with my girlfriend, and she has to pay 80% of my living expenses, otherwise I will break up, is this normal?

Through effective communication and a fair distribution scheme, they eventually found a solution that worked for both parties, which not only solved the financial problems they were facing, but also strengthened their relationship as partners.

If you're having trouble dealing with the finances of your cohabitation life, remember that effective communication and understanding of each other's values are key. Feel free to DM Tommy "Emotion" and we can discuss the specific solution that suits your situation.

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