
"The benevolent are also people", how does Song Renzong's benevolent political state choose between power and court? Song Renzong, the emperor, sits on the world, but he takes "benevolence" as his purpose and becomes the most recommended in the historical circles


"The benevolent are also people", how does Song Renzong's benevolent political state choose between power and court?

Song Renzong, the emperor of life, sat on the world, but he took "benevolence" as his purpose and became the most respected holy lord benevolent monarch in the historical circles. This benevolent monarch's deeds are unique.

This emperor is based on "benevolence", which is profoundly embodied in "loving people", and this love is not limited to concubines, family members, and cronies, but covers the entire country.

Under his rule, he loved like a son and profoundly demonstrated his benevolence. Such a benevolent monarch is indeed a rare and precious existence in the long history.

True benevolence is not only shown in caring for those close to you, but also in caring for subordinates, small people, and even dissidents. Without a true heart of benevolence and benevolence, it is difficult to achieve such an outstanding benevolence.

Benevolence and righteousness are not only "love for others", but also "self-denial". Confucius's teaching of "self-denial and retribution for benevolence" reveals that in the face of power, fame and fortune, the most important thing is not how much to "give to others", but the degree of "self-restraint".

Song Renzong is remarkable precisely because he is able to achieve self-denial between desire and self. It has been thousands of years since there was such a benevolent monarch, demonstrating this kind of morality of seeking oneself, which seems simple but is not easy.

In Confucianism, Confucius's "benevolence" emphasizes personal cultivation and pays attention to the concept of "benevolence". However, Mencius expanded "benevolence" from the private level to the level of governing the state, and put forward the concept of "benevolent government", which brought the Confucian "benevolence" to a new level.

Mencius emphasized the concept of "putting the people first", and under this concept, he constructed an ideal political system that guided "benevolence" to the governance of the state.

He advocated "virtue for government" and advocated that leaders should uphold benevolence and morality in the process of governance, so as to guide the people. This concept was not only made clear in Mencius's writings, but also became an almost "inseparable" political proposition for later rulers.

There is a huge gap between theory and practice. Although some cases of Mencius's idea of "benevolent government" can be found in Chinese history, there are few complete and inherited classical practices.

With the spread of Western learning in modern times, China began to come into contact with the influence of Machiavellian doctrine. Machiavelli advocated the establishment of a monarchy with unlimited power to ensure the obedience of his subjects.

This makes one ponder: Is "benevolent government" too theoretical as an ideal politics and is it contrary to the complexity of realpolitik? Is Mencius's vision too naïve in the face of Machiavellian and other realpolitik concepts?

In ancient times, there were few practices of "benevolent government" that were as unique and practiced as Song Renzong. This has become a unique sample of governing the country, a wisdom embodiment of ancient Chinese political concepts, and has far-reaching political and philosophical significance.

This practice teaches people that governing the country does not need to be mired in intrigue and conspiracy, but should be guided by good intentions, which may not seem to have the majesty of some emperors, but also avoids behind-the-scenes deceit, and has established a valuable reputation for the country during and after his death.

Song Renzong's way of governing the country is like a fresh picture, injecting a touch of bright color into the times. He did not rely on conspiracy and conspiracy, but demonstrated a new model of governance through the practice of benevolent governance.

In the palace of politics, he is not high and majestic, but walks into people's hearts with an approachable attitude. His benevolent government is like the morning sun, warm and bright.

When Song Renzong implemented the "benevolent government", he was not swayed by power and tricks. Unlike some emperors, he does not seek extravagant and wasteful authoritative appearance, but cares for the people with his heart and makes the people of the world feel warm. This non-confined approach to governance has brought new thinking to ancient Chinese politics.

This practice of "benevolent government" seems to lack some imperial heroism, but it is more real and ordinary. When Song Renzong was benevolent, he may not have the majesty of an emperor, but the country under his rule was full of a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

This way of governance has won the trust and respect of the people with a peaceful heart. The practice of "benevolent government" not only made some achievements in governing the country, but also left a commendable political achievement behind Song Renzong.

He did not use power as a means, but treated the country's plans with a kind heart. This unique way of governance has made people's evaluation of him not only stay in his lifetime, but also leave an unforgettable historical memory behind him.

Instead of libelous words, he likes to admonish, and he uses negotiation without subduing, which is not to show the blind conspiracy of an emperor who is "superior to others", but to show sober wisdom and wisdom.

In the leadership art of the emperor, it is not necessary to do everything himself, but to have the help of virtuous people to build a smart management system.

Characters of different statuses and patterns inevitably rub together in this unique tension field, like a depressing atmosphere about to come.

In this moment of crisis, the emperor had to think carefully and face the path of power and intrigue. Whether to depose his cronies' courtiers, whether to choose a temporary compromise? All these things are tangled in his heart, like clouds about the coming of a thunderstorm.

In the conspiracy again and again, the contradictions between the monarchs and ministers gradually heated up, like a candle in the palace, once it encounters the wind, it may become a torch that detonates the contradiction.

Endure the pain of "recalling the prime minister" is a tragic choice in a political evolution. The emperor's heart may be whispering ancient thoughts, in the face of national plans, should he give up a cronie and give up a piece of history, or stick to his principles and pay a greater price?

This is a game of intrigue and a test of emotions between kings and ministers. The emperor may feel the heaviness of this decision, just like the king on the throne, bearing the fate of the country, and every choice affects the situation of the entire court.

"The benevolent are also people", how does Song Renzong's benevolent political state choose between power and court? Song Renzong, the emperor, sits on the world, but he takes "benevolence" as his purpose and becomes the most recommended in the historical circles
"The benevolent are also people", how does Song Renzong's benevolent political state choose between power and court? Song Renzong, the emperor, sits on the world, but he takes "benevolence" as his purpose and becomes the most recommended in the historical circles
"The benevolent are also people", how does Song Renzong's benevolent political state choose between power and court? Song Renzong, the emperor, sits on the world, but he takes "benevolence" as his purpose and becomes the most recommended in the historical circles

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