
Meng Ziyi responded to the upgrade of resources, spicy comments on Li Yunrui, Wang Xingyue's singing

author:Sohu Entertainment

Sohu Entertainment Special Article (Lin Zhenxin/Wen Ayuan/Tu Yanyan, A Yuan/Video) The launch of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts Story" and the broadcast of "Fifty Kilometers Taohuawu 4" have made Meng Ziyi gain a certain amount of attention in the near future. When he was a guest on the "Take It Away Big Star" column, Meng Ziyi also shared the story behind it.

She is the representative of the "stupid beauty" track. When it comes to watching funny videos, she sincerely replied that she doesn't think she thinks she is funny, and she will watch funny videos of other artists, but her own is "average", and she is properly "funny without knowing it".

She is also a potential player in the 95 flowers. The role of Mei Chaofeng attracted the audience, and the follow-up "Nine Purples" also aroused expectations. Faced with the question of "how can actors upgrade their resources", her response was also very sincere: "Indeed, resources are indeed stronger than before." I think ("Anecdotes of Flower Glass") may not be such a popular drama. Anyway, if you act well in a down-to-earth and practical way, then I believe the audience can also see it. ”

Meng Ziyi responded to the upgrade of resources, spicy comments on Li Yunrui, Wang Xingyue's singing

Dialogue with Meng Ziyi: Hengdian heavy snow has a hit drama? Let me believe it!

Sohu Entertainment: Then there are some new dock residents this season, if you want to pick a keyword to unlock, which keyword will you choose? The first is the amount of food, the second is cyber eight characters, the third is funny deeds, and the fourth is idols.

Mencius: Funny deeds. Because I like to watch funny videos, especially when I am surrounded by friends I know, and some of their funny videos, I really think it's funny.

Sohu Entertainment: Then will you brush up on your own funny videos?

Meng Ziyi: I will also brush it, but my own funny videos, I watch myself, I don't think I am funny, you know? I just got bored, and I just jumped over it.

Sohu Entertainment: If someone says I've seen your funny video, how would you reply?

Mencius: I want to say thank you! I actually like to see my own kind of beauty, which makes me cute and beautiful, and then I really want to see it. But that kind of funny, because I probably don't think it's that funny, I think it's average.

Sohu Entertainment: Can you share with us the background story of the establishment of MQQ Beauty Salon?

Meng Ziyi: One afternoon I saw that the sky was very blue and the sun was very big, so I didn't want to go out, I wanted to say what indoor activities I could do, and then Meng Qiqi was born.

Sohu Entertainment: Then if you invite a dock citizen to be the model for the next time, what kind of style will you give him?

Meng Ziyi: Actually, I really want to do it with Dan Ma, because now that we Meng Qiqi has expanded, not only skin care, but also makeup, and shampoo, and then I want to use Pantene to wash her hair, and then give her mine is my skin care products, and when I finish it, I will use my 3CE to put on a beautiful makeup for her. Skincare her with my drunken elephant. After the skincare is done, I will give her my favorite crunchy shark.

Sohu Entertainment: Awesome, it's really worth it to find Sister Meng's spoken.

Mencius: That's right.

Meng Ziyi responded to the upgrade of resources, spicy comments on Li Yunrui, Wang Xingyue's singing

Sohu Entertainment: If you could live in a novel, what kind of story and what kind of characters would you like to be?

Mencius: I hope it's Shuangwen, just the previous one who quickly abused me to death, abused me to death, after it's over, it's very unlucky, and then I don't believe it, and then all kinds, and then I come back from a counterattack, and I'm a big Shuangwen. If you are not violent, you are intelligent. And he bewildered them.

Sohu Entertainment: Then you know that they all said that after watching Mencius, I realized that it was possible to be smart.

Mencius: No, I'm pretty smart.

Sohu Entertainment: Acting in your true colors, right?

Mencius: Yes.

Sohu Entertainment: Because the atmosphere of "Nine Purples" has attracted many viewers to buy stocks, do you want to respond to us, the anxiously waiting audience?

Mencius: I'm looking forward to it. Because I haven't actually seen the finished film, I haven't seen anything.

Sohu Entertainment: Then they said that there are some mysterious legends, such as the Hengdian drama will be a hit, so do you believe this?

Meng Ziyi: I saw it on the hot search, it's this kind of metaphysical thing, I think this thing is different from person to person. If you are willing to believe it, you will believe in it; If you think it's okay, it's okay. I just think it's a good idea, just in case.

Sohu Entertainment: When you go to work in Hengdian, you sometimes bring your dog to work, and everyone will see it. If you usually bring a dog to work, how will you socialize when you meet someone else who also brings a dog?

Mencius: Then I brought a dog, and others also brought dogs, so let the dogs socialize. I think even if it's a dog, you have to give it some space, just let it make friends. If it likes this friend, it goes to play with them; If it doesn't like it, it's gone.

Meng Ziyi responded to the upgrade of resources, spicy comments on Li Yunrui, Wang Xingyue's singing

Sohu Entertainment: Has your dog become good friends with Xia Zhiguang's dog?

Meng Ziyi: They're not bad, they're not bad, because as far as my dog used to be, they would bite each other with some crew friends' dogs. Right.

Sohu Entertainment: Could it be that someone else's dog is too big?

Mencius: It's just that when I look at the chocolate, I think it's quite big, and I think this dog is so big, like a dog and a pig. And then when you're done with someone, you'll think it's weird to say that chocolate is such a small puppy.

Sohu Entertainment: How will you plan your focus at this stage? It's like film and television, how do you balance variety shows?

Mencius: Basically, it's just two hands. But it probably depends on the time. If you have a lot of time filming, you don't have time to record variety shows.

Sohu Entertainment: Then do you think that if you are an actor, how can you achieve resource upgrades? Because they all said that you filmed "Anecdotes of Flower Glass" before it was very popular, that is, it achieved the effect of getting out of the circle, and then your next resources will get better and better?

Mencius: Indeed, the resources are indeed stronger than before. I don't think it's such a popular drama. Anyway, if you act well in a down-to-earth and practical way, then I believe the audience can also see it.

Sohu Entertainment: In this way, you can achieve resource upgrades, understand.

Mencius: Yes, maybe a little bit better than before. But I feel like it's on me anyway, and what I didn't have was all of a sudden, all of a sudden. In my body, all the work is slowly showing an upward trend.

Meng Ziyi responded to the upgrade of resources, spicy comments on Li Yunrui, Wang Xingyue's singing

Sohu Entertainment: Then everyone says that Sister Meng is very good-looking, when will I see you taking a puppet?

Meng Ziyi: Its realization has recently been listed as our priority choice, so in fact, if we have seen a particularly good book of modern couples, we will accept it, because I have indeed not acted in a modern drama for several years. Recently, I saw that people on the Internet were calling for to see my current couple, and then we have been seriously choosing recently.

Sohu Entertainment: What kind of book can attract you?

Meng Ziyi: Otherwise, it is super suspended, and it will be suspended to let everyone know that this is a TV series, which is very ungrounded and not living. Otherwise, don't be suspended, it's a down-to-earth life drama.

Sohu Entertainment: Either it's the kind of film that is particularly interesting, and the audience is very happy to watch it; Either that's the kind of very life-like filming.

Mencius: Yes, I think both of these directions are quite good. Yes, anyway, there are actually quite a few modern dramas we have been looking for recently, but many of them are from some workplaces.

Sohu Entertainment: Do you want to play in the workplace or on campus?

Meng Ziyi: The campus must be at this age, I think I'm too ashamed, I'm not very good at acting, I can play a teacher. And then in the workplace, let's think about it again.

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