
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

author:Ecological environment of Chengdu

Family, who understands~

It was 16-17 degrees the other day

The sun is shining

The wind is blowing today

The temperature is even more halved

The highest temperatures in the next few days were in the single digits

Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

Did you silently dig out the warm clothes at the bottom of the closet?

Or just put on a down jacket

Hand warmers, hot water bottles, scarves, hats?

Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

While the two-legged beast was still shivering

Rolling people may be leisurely enjoying a bamboo feast

Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

Wild giant pandas live in the dense forests of the mountains at an altitude of 1,500-3,500 meters, and they have long adapted to this wet and cold environment, even in the winter covered with snow and ice, they do not hibernate and still go out to forage. In addition, giant pandas have dense and thick fur, which can provide good heat retention and reduce heat loss.

So don't worry

This temperature has no effect on the tumbling

On the contrary, it will make them feel more comfortable~

(Imagine what will happen to those who like cold and fear heat in the hot summer?)

Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

Not only do animals need to keep warm, but plants are no exception, and the warm-hearted garden masters put on "coats" for those plants in the park that are afraid of freezing early~

Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

These plastic films act like small greenhouses to provide warmth to plants in winter to protect them from frost damage, to protect them from winter wind, rain, snow and ice in the face of wind and snow, and to reduce water loss and maintain the water supply to plants and prevent them from becoming "dry" due to winter dryness.

Some plants are "clothed"

Some are "plain faces"

Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes
Don't be afraid, I have warm clothes

In winter, whitening the lower part of the trunk with lime water or stone sulfur mixture can also play a role in keeping the tree warm and cold, helping the tree not to be frostbitten. Because the trunk is generally dark brown, it will absorb heat during the day, and when painted white, it will reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption, so that the tree will not suffer frostbite due to the large temperature difference between day and night. In addition, lime also has an insecticidal and fungicidal effect, and can also help trees to be protected from pests. However, the main role of whitening is also related to the region, the northern region is mainly used for antifreeze, while the southern region is more for insecticide and sterilization.


Dear family,


Don't be tough in winter

Pay attention to keep warm~

Source: Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base

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