
Where does the body cold come from! Girls' minor problems come from here, and it is recommended to learn about the body

author:Little D said healthy

"Do you often feel cold in your hands and feet, even in the summer? Maybe your friends and family have similar problems. This can be a widely overlooked health problem: body chills. Especially for female friends, body cold is not just a small problem, it can be the invisible source of many health problems. "

Where does the body cold come from! Girls' minor problems come from here, and it is recommended to learn about the body

Revealing Body Cold: How Does It Affect You Quietly?

Body chill is often mentioned in everyday life, but it is not common to truly understand its meaning and recognize the signs of body chill. In traditional medicine, body cold is seen as a physical state in which the body's metabolic activity is low, resulting in a lack of energy production, which affects normal bodily function and health status.

Medical explanation for body cold

In medicine, body chill is not a disease, but a physical characteristic. It reflects a deficiency of the body's internal energy (i.e., what TCM calls "yang energy"), which may be caused by genetic factors, long-term poor lifestyle Xi habits, or the influence of the external environment. People with body chills usually have a slower metabolism in their bodies and feel tired and cold easily, especially at the ends of their limbs.

Recognize the signs of body chills

The identification of body chill can be carried out by observing some of the telltale signs of daily life:

Cold limbs: Hands and feet feel cold all year round, and it is difficult to warm up even in a warm environment.

Indigestion: Prone to digestive problems such as bloating and loss of appetite.

Fatigue and lack of energy: Frequent feeling of fatigue and lack of energy.

Mood swings: Chills can cause mood swings, such as feeling depressed or anxious.

Sensitivity to cold: Reacts strongly to temperature changes, especially in cold environments.

Where does the body cold come from! Girls' minor problems come from here, and it is recommended to learn about the body

"Revealing the secret of body cold: it's not just cold, these factors you don't expect!"

Body cold, often reduced to "feeling cold", is far more complicated than that. It is a manifestation of an imbalance in the functioning of the body, involving many factors. This section will provide an in-depth analysis of the various causes of body chills and reveal the science behind them.

Xi of life: the invisible "cold source"

Dietary preference: Long-term consumption of cold foods, such as raw and cold fruits, cold drinks, etc., can lead to weakened spleen and stomach function, thereby causing body cold.

Lack of exercise: Insufficient exercise leads to a slowdown in the body's metabolism and poor blood circulation, which in turn causes a drop in body temperature.

Staying up late Xi: Long-term staying up late interferes with the body's normal biological clock, affects the endocrine system, and leads to abnormal body temperature regulation.

Environmental factors: external influences that cannot be ignored

Long-term exposure to low temperatures: such as over-reliance on air conditioning, especially in summer, when exposed to low temperatures for a long time, the body gradually loses its ability to adapt to the cold.

Seasonal changes: Especially during the transition season, the body fails to adapt to temperature changes in time, resulting in the appearance of cold symptoms.

Physiological factors: a delicate balance within

Hormonal imbalances: Fluctuations in female hormonal cycles, especially during menstruation and menopause, can easily lead to imbalances in thermoregulatory mechanisms.

Effects of the menstrual cycle: During menstruation, the body may lower the basal body temperature in order to reduce energy expenditure, resulting in a feeling of coldness.

Where does the body cold come from! Girls' minor problems come from here, and it is recommended to learn about the body

Demystifying Body Cold: An Invisible Threat to Women's Health

Body cold, a common problem in traditional medicine but often overlooked in modern life, has had a profound impact on women's health. It's not just about feeling cold, it's about many aspects of a woman's overall health.

Reproductive health concerns

Body cold has a profound effect on the female reproductive system. Long-term cold may lead to problems such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and even affect fertility. This is because body cold can lead to a lack of temperature in the uterine environment, affecting the normal function of the uterus and ovaries. For example, body chills can cause blood circulation to slow down, which in turn affects the normal growth of the endometrium, which is essential for pregnancy.

Invisible factors of endocrine imbalances

Cold can also interfere with a woman's endocrine system. Body chills can affect thyroid function, which can lead to a slowdown in metabolism, which in turn affects hormone levels. Hormonal imbalances not only affect mood and weight, but can also lead to a range of gynaecological problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Digestive discomfort

Many women with cold bodies also experience digestive discomfort such as stomach upset, indigestion, or loss of appetite. The decrease in the temperature of internal organs caused by body cold may affect the activity of digestive enzymes and the normal digestion process of food.

Potential decline in immunity

Coldness can lead to a weakened immune system, making women more susceptible to colds, flu and other illnesses. A low body temperature environment can be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

Where does the body cold come from! Girls' minor problems come from here, and it is recommended to learn about the body

An effective way to manage body cold: warm your life, one step at a time

Body cold, a term that may sound like only associated with the cold season, actually poses a long-term challenge to many women's health. Managing the cold doesn't happen overnight, but with subtle adjustments in our daily lives, we can gradually improve the situation. Here are some effective conditioning strategies that are both simple and practical to help you warm your body and improve your overall health.

Diet: Warmth starts in the stomach

Warm ingredients: Red dates, ginger, black fungus, longan and other ingredients are believed to have a body-warming effect in traditional medicine. For example, red dates can nourish the blood and calm the nerves, while black fungus helps blood circulation.

Eat a balanced diet: A balanced intake of nutrients is key to maintaining good health. Make sure your diet has enough protein, healthy fats, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Avoid cold foods: Reduce your intake of cold drinks and cold fruits, such as watermelon and pears, which may exacerbate cold.

Lifestyle improvements: Activity is the best heater

Moderate exercise: Moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, yoga or light strength training, can increase blood circulation and body temperature.

Get enough sleep: Sleep quality directly affects the body's metabolism and recovery. Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every day.

Stress reduction methods: Long-term stress and anxiety can cause the body's metabolic rate to decrease, which can exacerbate body cold. Try meditation, deep breathing, or taking a relaxing outdoor walk to reduce stress.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Physiotherapy: A Modern Application of Ancient Wisdom

Moxibustion: Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that enhances the body's blood circulation by burning moxa wool at specific acupuncture points.

Cupping: By creating a local vacuum on the surface of the skin, cupping stimulates blood flow, which can improve symptoms of body cold.

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