
To build a new low-carbon ecology, 30-year-old Liby Group handed over a green answer sheet

author:21st Century Business Herald

Since 2020, when China put forward the goals of "carbon peak" by 2030 and "carbon neutrality" by 2060, "energy conservation and carbon reduction" and "green and low-carbon" have become the direction of joint efforts of the whole society. The Action Plan for the Green and Low-Carbon Development of the Manufacturing Industry during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period also clearly points out that it is necessary to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

"As a part of the manufacturing industry, the daily chemical industry is closely related to the national life, and it is imperative to save energy and reduce emissions in the industry, which is also the only way for the future development of daily chemical enterprises. Pu Min, general manager of production management center of Liby Group, said.

As a leading brand of natural cleaning and care, Liby has been taking green and environmental protection as the core concept of enterprise development since its establishment in 1994, and has deeply integrated "green health" into the whole life cycle of products. This year, Liby Group officially released the 2023 Social Responsibility Report, which disclosed in detail the fruitful achievements of the company in green development and promoted the construction of a new low-carbon ecology in the industry.

Thirty and standing, thick accumulation. At present, the 30-year-old Liby Group has embarked on a green development path with Liby characteristics and started a new journey of high-quality development.

Focusing on the new goal of "dual carbon", technological innovation casts new kinetic energy

As "green consumption" gradually became the mainstream of the market, Liby Group took the lead in releasing the "green health" strategy in the industry in insight into consumers' new demand for green and healthy washing, and successively launched green revolutionary innovative products such as "non-hot hand washing powder", "food dish soap", "Liby natural soap", "carbon neutral dish soap", "concentrated laundry detergent that breaks through the barrier of domestic water-soluble film".

According to Zhang Liping, General Manager and Chief Scientist of Innovation R&D Center of Liby Group, Liby Group is one of the enterprises with the largest R&D investment in domestic counterparts, with an annual investment in R&D exceeding 3% of sales revenue, and is in the forefront of the industry in formula research, packaging research, standard construction and intellectual property layout.

As early as 2006, traditional washing products such as laundry detergent were still the main product types in the washing market, and had a large market demand. As a high-frequency detergent that consumers need daily, Liby understands that more and more consumers hope that detergent products can be healthier and more environmentally friendly.

"We realize that green, healthy, safe and environmentally friendly have become the latest pursuit of consumers for washing products. In response to consumers' pursuit of green health, we began to carry out product innovation and experiments in this direction, and launched the first water-saving laundry detergent in the Chinese market in 2006, which reduced the washing of clothes from three times to two times through unique formula technology, saving 30% of water compared with ordinary products. Zhang Liping is still deeply impressed when she recalls, "This product has excellent washing effect, mild formula, and obvious water saving, which is loved by consumers and is the main force of home washing for many consumers." ”

To build a new low-carbon ecology, 30-year-old Liby Group handed over a green answer sheet

(R&D personnel of Liby Group discuss green raw materials)

In 2014, based on the first water-saving laundry detergent, "Good Daddy Laundry Detergent" was born, and the water-saving effect was increased to 50%. The product has also received a good response from the market. At the same time, Liby also took the lead in adding biological enzymes to the whole line of laundry detergent, and applied marine black technology to the laundry market for the first time, creating a new trend of marine laundry.

At present, "achieving carbon neutrality" has been one of the goals of Liby Group to achieve high-quality and long-term development. "This inevitably requires us to follow this credo in product development and design, and launch more carbon-friendly products that are in line with the 'dual carbon' strategy. Zhang Liping revealed that key requirements such as "concentration", "environmental protection", "degradability", "reduction of chemical residues" and "food grade" are still the trend of daily chemical products in the future.

Up to now, Liby Group has 139 products, which have been recognized as green design products by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, accounting for 46.96% of the industry, ranking first in the industry, and the biodegradability of all raw materials has reached more than 90%. In the future, Liby will continue to help low-carbon emission reduction with low-carbon products and actions, start low-carbon green life, and accelerate the process of daily chemical industry moving towards carbon neutrality. Zhang Liping said.

Build a green supply chain that covers the entire life cycle of products

21 "China Green Product Certification", 139 "Green Design Product Certification", the first carbon neutral factory certification in the local daily chemical industry in 2022, and the first domestic plastic flexible packaging "Double Easy" certification excellent rating certificate...... Behind each certification is the industry's affirmation of Liby Group's exploration and practice of green and sustainable development over the years.

In 2021, Liby Group established the "Double Carbon" Strategic Action Committee, comprehensively launched the "Double Carbon" strategic action, and became the first "Double Carbon" governance model in the daily chemical industry.

"Under the promotion of the 'dual carbon' strategic action committee, through the formulation of the company's 'double carbon' goal, a comprehensive 'carbon inventory' has been carried out on the whole life cycle management of its 8 production bases and office buildings and all products. According to Pu Min, the scope of Liby's carbon inventory covers the whole life cycle of products, "We scientifically set carbon reduction targets and paths according to the results of carbon inventory, and formulate a strategic roadmap for enterprise 'dual carbon'. ”

For example, in the early stage of product design, Liby links with consumers through data analysis to design products that meet consumers' green consumption needs, vigorously promotes the use of green raw materials and strictly implements green procurement of raw materials in the process of raw material preparation, and continuously improves the production process to maximize resource conservation and reduce waste discharge in the production process.

In the transportation and supply link, relying on the digital management system, Liby optimized and upgraded the warehousing and distribution, logistics network layout and logistics order delivery, reduced the flat warehouse area by nearly 100,000 square meters, and estimated the annual saving of allocation cost by more than 4 million yuan and reduced the use of diesel fuel by more than 140 tons.

In the recycling process, Liby Group designed 100% recyclable plastic flexible packaging through green material selection and technological innovation, verified the carbon footprint and water footprint of its products, and obtained the first "carbon footprint" and "water footprint" certificates in the industry.

To build a new low-carbon ecology, 30-year-old Liby Group handed over a green answer sheet

(Liby Green Product Group)

In Pu Min's view, green transformation is a practical path for enterprises to practice the "dual carbon" strategy, and Liby Production Management Center is implementing the "dual carbon" strategy in an orderly manner through a series of measures such as technology application and innovation, digital empowerment, clean production, and business collaboration.

In terms of technology application and innovation, Liby vigorously promoted the application of new technology and new energy technology to improve production efficiency. "The photovoltaic power generation is one of the key projects that is being promoted, and the installed capacity is expected to reach 20.68 megawatts after the implementation of the project, with an average annual power generation of about 20 million kilowatts, a reduction of 16,900 tons/year in carbon emissions, and a saving of 2 million yuan/year in energy costs. ”

In terms of digital empowerment, the second phase of the energy management system was launched to carry out refined management of equipment and resource investment, in terms of cleaner production, focusing on energy saving, consumption reduction, emission reduction and green product certification, and promoting the standardization and normalization of production management system and qualification awareness, and in terms of business collaboration, improving the efficiency of inter-departmental collaboration through digital empowerment and business process reform.

It is not difficult to find that the practice of green carbon reduction runs through the entire product chain of Liby from the initial design, raw material preparation, production and manufacturing, to the transportation and supply and circulation consumption in the medium term, and to the recycling and processing in the later stage, forming a green supply chain with high efficiency and low energy consumption.

Build a green ecosystem and promote carbon reduction in both upstream and downstream

In order to ensure the effective promotion of the "dual carbon" strategy, Liby also formulated three circle actions with Liby's characteristics: the inner ring: insist on promoting its own emission reduction, the middle ring: strive to become an industry benchmark, and the outer ring: help the decarbonization of the daily chemical industry.

In the context of the country's "dual carbon" situation, more and more enterprises hope to explore new business models and implement their own carbon reduction actions through practice. In July 2022, Alibaba, together with 19 consumer enterprises including Liby Group, PepsiCo, Philips, Mengniu and Yili, jointly launched the "Carbon Reduction Friendly Action". Liby Group actively responds to the goal of "double carbon", builds a green and healthy value ecological chain around the green product cycle management, and creates a green and low-carbon sample of the industry, hoping to contribute to the carbon reduction of the whole society by giving full play to the driving effect of the industry's leading brand.

The "Action Guide for Promoting Sustainable Consumption in the Daily Chemical Industry" points out that in terms of environmental pollution, the daily chemical industry is not a strongly related industry, but there are also problems such as high dependence on natural resources, imperfect packaging waste recycling system, and difficult supply chain management.

To this end, Liby Group has participated in the compilation of national standards and group standards for many times to promote the standardization of green and low-carbon development of the industry. As one of the first batch of enterprises in the industry to initiate carbon-reduction friendly actions, Liby Group actively participated in the green special session of e-commerce platform, participated in the carbon reduction actions such as "governance" of the Yellow River and 88 carbon account, integrated and sorted out the excellent green and low-carbon cases of the group, participated in the green development achievement exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, continuously promoted carbon reduction in the industry, and led the industry to jointly protect the environmental and ecological balance.

To build a new low-carbon ecology, 30-year-old Liby Group handed over a green answer sheet

(Liby Group participated in green and low-carbon activities such as "governance" of the Yellow River)

It is understood that Liby Group is actively committed to continuously building a green and low-carbon daily chemical ecosystem from "recycling" to "regeneration", and integrating the concept of green health into all links of the value chain such as R&D, procurement, manufacturing, transportation, marketing and after-sales.

In recent years, Liby Group has always adhered to the concept of green development, actively built green factories, promoted green manufacturing, created green and low-carbon products, developed green logistics, and realized green management of the whole life cycle of products. In addition, Liby Group also carried out a wide range of green environmental protection public welfare activities, advocated green office for employees, disseminated low-carbon concepts, and contributed to a sustainable future.

As a leading enterprise in the industry, we must set a benchmark, lead the entire industry to do a good job in the 'double carbon' action, and lead the industry to develop in a green and sustainable direction. Chen Zebin, chairman of Liby Group, said that the young generation of entrepreneurs should shoulder the dual responsibilities of enterprise development and environmental protection, and make their own contributions to the protection of lucid waters and lush mountains.

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