
From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

author:Xiaoxiao chats about entertainment

He was once the radiant "CCTV first brother" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and he was also one of the most popular hosts in the hearts of countless audiences. Overnight, the man named Zhu Jun suddenly disappeared from public view, as if he had evaporated from the world.

Three years have passed, what has Zhu Jun experienced? Where did he go? All kinds of mysteries have led to countless conjectures......

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

In 1964, Zhu Jun fell to the ground in an ordinary family in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province.

His father was a clarinet player who loved music, and melodious music often echoed in the house. Growing up in such an environment, Zhu Jun developed a strong interest in music, especially the clarinet.

Under the patient guidance of his father, Zhu Jun not only learned performance skills, but also planted the seeds of art in his heart.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

In 1981, Zhu Jun, who was in the prime of his youth, enlisted in the army, and he stepped into the door of the army with his love for music and yearning for military life.

With his superb clarinet playing skills, Zhu Jun quickly stood out in the amateur propaganda team and became a high-profile literary soldier.

During his days in the army, he not only exercised his will, but also accumulated valuable stage experience.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

After being discharged from the army, Zhu Jun did not choose a comfortable life, but continued to pursue his artistic dreams.

He was admitted to the Gansu Provincial Quyi Troupe and began his career as a professional actor.

Here, Zhu Jun's talent was more fully displayed, he participated in many performances, and gradually became famous in the northwest region.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

The steady development of his career has also laid the cornerstone for Zhu Jun's road of love.

On a sunny afternoon, Zhu Jun's encounter with dancer Tan Mei is as romantic as the plot of a movie.

The two were attracted to each other because of their common artistic pursuits, and after a period of knowing and loving each other, they finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, weaving a happy chapter that belongs to them together.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

1991 was an important turning point in Zhu Jun's life.

He was transferred to Gansu Provincial TV and began to try his hand at working as a host. With his solid acting skills and unique personal charm, Zhu Jun soon emerged in the hosting industry.

His talent and hard work were not buried, CCTV director Gao Limin noticed this talented young host and gave him a very high evaluation.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

Under the strong recommendation of Gao Limin, Zhu Jun came to Beijing alone with the desire for a bigger stage.

On the bigger stage of CCTV, Zhu Jun began a new course of struggle.

The style of the program he hosts is changeable, whether it is a solemn evening party or a relaxed variety show, he can be at ease, showing his professionalism and personality.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

At first, Zhu Jun was just an ordinary staff member at CCTV, and his meager monthly income and heavy work made him feel a lot of pressure. But with extraordinary diligence and perseverance, Zhu Jun soon ushered in his own opportunity.

In 1994, he began to host the literary program "East, West, South, North and Central", and his footprints were all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

The baptism of wind and frost for three years has created a familiar figure on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala in the future.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

Just when his career was in full swing, a turmoil in 2018 turned Zhu Jun's life trajectory upside down.

A female intern named Xianzi publicly accused Zhu Jun of molesting her, and public opinion was in an uproar for a while.

Although Zhu Jun firmly denied the allegations and sued Xianzi for defamation infringement, the negative impact had already taken its toll, and he had to temporarily withdraw from public view.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

After three years of litigation tug-of-war, Zhu Jun finally won the case.

The court found that the so-called "evidence" provided by Xianzi could not be established at all, and his act of splashing dirty water constituted a defamation infringement.

The victory in this lawsuit did not save Zhu Jun's reputation and career. Xianzi's accusations have caused an uproar in the field of public opinion, and the public, who do not know the truth, will inevitably have a negative opinion of Zhu Jun.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

There seems to be something else behind this.

A mysterious figure named "Mai Yao Classmate" forwarded relevant news in a high-profile manner at the beginning of the turmoil and launched a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of Zhu Jun; When domestic public opinion has not yet fermented, Xianzi frequently accepted interviews with foreign media, including some foreign forces who are afraid that China will not be chaotic, and the purpose behind it is intriguing.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

After this incident, although Zhu Jun won the lawsuit, his image in the hearts of the audience has been irretrievable.

Over the years, he has worked CCTV with his own efforts and sweat, but now it has come to naught due to a deliberately hyped farce.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

Now, Zhu Jun has returned to the stage of CCTV, but he is no longer the high-spirited "first brother of CCTV".

The power of online public opinion can often push a person to the forefront in an instant, and it can push him to the bottom in an instant.

Before the law makes a final ruling, we should uphold a rational and objective attitude to look at each incident, and give the parties a fair chance, rather than blindly following and following the trend.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

Many people are speculating, what has Zhu Jun experienced in the past three years? Did he experience any struggles and torments in his heart? On the road of life in the future, will Zhu Jun be able to reproduce his former style? Let's wait and see.

From "CCTV First Brother" to Zhu Jun, who was forced to retire and disappeared for 3 years, what has happened?

No matter what the result is, the name Zhu Jun has been deeply imprinted on the long scroll of CCTV's history, and his glorious years will eventually be recited.

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