
"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Gourmet Gewu

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Recently, mycoplasma pneumonia, influenza A has been in an uproar, many people have begun to cough and other symptoms, and we have not been infected, in addition to daily disinfection and protection, there is also a good lungs, the lungs are respiratory organs, if there are viruses and bacteria in the air or too dry and lack of water, there will be dry cough, itchy throat, or dry pain, especially in the cold winter season, we must pay attention to the maintenance of the lungs, eat more food that clears the lungs and moisturizes the lungs.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

As the saying goes, "the lungs are strong and all diseases are eliminated", the following is to introduce you to three kinds of food, which are the best foods to nourish the lungs, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat 1 kind every other day, which can clear the lungs and heat and let the fire run away.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

snow pear

Sydney is a natural health ingredient that has always been loved by people. The taste of Sydney pear is sweet, cold, can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, nourish yin and clear heat. The root of Mao is also a leader in Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and appetizing. Combining the two and simmering them not only maximizes the health benefits, but also brings a refreshing and sweet taste.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

To make a delicious stew of pears and roots, you first need to prepare fresh pears and roots. Peel and core the pears and cut them into small pieces; Then put the pear and the root together in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water is slightly more, about 3 times that of the pear root. Next, cover the pot and simmer over medium-low heat for 1 hour until the pears and roots are cooked.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

During the simmering process, you can add some rock sugar in moderation to adjust the sweetness. If you prefer a richer taste, you can also add some goji berries or red dates to add nutritional value. Wait until the simmer is complete, turn off the heat and let it sit for a while to thicken the soup. Finally, pour the stewed pear root soup into a bowl and sprinkle some mint leaves or chrysanthemums to visually add color and beauty.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

Drinking this bowl of warm pear stewed grass root soup can not only soothe our cough symptoms, but also nourish the lungs and enhance the body's immunity. Especially in autumn and winter, when the air humidity is low, people are prone to dryness and coughing. At this time, drinking a bowl of stewed pear root soup can effectively improve these problems, keep our body away from dryness, and stay healthy.

So how to choose Sydney?

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

1. Observe the appearance: Choose a pear with a smooth appearance, no visible damage or blemishes, and a uniform cortex. Avoid pears with dark spots, dimples, or dark spots.

2. Check ripeness: Gently press the bottom of the pear, the ripe pear will have some elasticity. Avoid choosing too hard or overripe pears.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

3. Smell: Ripe pears will give off a faint aroma. Choose pears that give off a fresh fruity aroma.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

4. Weight: Choose a relatively heavier pear, as this usually means more juice and more flavor.

5. Luster: Good quality pears usually have a smooth appearance with bright color and shine.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

lotus root

The combination of lotus root with osmanthus and glutinous rice to make osmanthus glutinous rice root is a delicious and healthy product.

Lotus root is an excellent ingredient. According to traditional Chinese medicine, lotus root has a sweet taste and has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. People are often prone to dryness in winter, and lotus root can alleviate this dryness. It is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion and bowel movements. In addition, lotus root is also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can promote metabolism and improve immunity. Therefore, taking lotus root as part of your diet is a very healthy choice.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

The combination of lotus root, osmanthus and glutinous rice is a delicious and charming taste. Osmanthus is known as the "king of aromas". Glutinous rice, a common starch-rich food, can provide us with a long-lasting feeling of fullness. When making osmanthus glutinous rice root, we can first wash the lotus root and cut off one end of about three centimeters, then soak the glutinous rice for six hours, soak it soft and stuff it into the lotus root, and then fix the cut lotus root back to its original position with a toothpick, boil it in brown sugar water for two hours, soak it for another three hours, and then slice it and put it on a plate and pour it on the osmanthus syrup.

Osmanthus glutinous rice root not only has the sweetness and nutrition of lotus root, but also has the aroma of osmanthus, and the taste is rich and diverse, bringing people a wonderful enjoyment of the tip of the tongue.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

When buying lotus root, you can pay attention to the following points:

1. Appearance: Choose a clean and complete lotus root to avoid obvious damage or decay.

2. Color: The lotus root should show a slight yellowish or white color, not a dull yellow or blackened color.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

3. Touch: Touch the surface of the lotus root with your hands, it should feel smooth and solid. Avoid choosing lotus root with wrinkles or weakness on the surface.

4. Size: Generally speaking, the thicker the lotus root, the better. Thick lotus root is usually more fleshy and has a better taste.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

5. Weight: Choose a relatively heavy lotus root, which usually means that it is rich in moisture and of good quality.

6. Smell: Smell the smell of lotus root, there should be no peculiar smell or moldy smell.

Finally, it is necessary to distinguish whether it is a 7-hole lotus root or a 9-hole lotus root, the seven-hole lotus root is glutinous, the nine-hole lotus root is crisp and tender, and the taste is different and suitable for different cooking methods.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them


As a natural sweetener, honey has many amazing health benefits in addition to being delicious. The abundance of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants contained in honey helps boost immunity and facilitate digestion. Honey lemonade is a perfect combination of the nutritional value of honey and lemon, which can not only moisturize the lungs, but also meet the needs of taste. Let's take a closer look at how to make honey lemonade.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

First of all, the effect of honey on the lungs is widely known. Honey is rich in a variety of amino acids, enzymes and minerals, lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants can enhance immunity, and daily moderate consumption of honey can effectively moisten the lungs.

First, prepare a fresh lemon and a moderate amount of honey. Slice the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Then, add an appropriate amount of warm water to a large cup with a temperature below 60 degrees. Add lemon slices and lemon juice to a cup. Finally, add an appropriate amount of honey and adjust it to your personal taste. Once well stirred, the honey lemonade is ready.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

There are a few points to note during the production process. First, use fresh lemon and honey to ensure the integrity of the nutrients. Second, use warm water instead of hot water, as hot water can affect the vitamin C in lemon juice. Finally, when adding honey, the sweetness can be adjusted according to personal taste, but not in excess, so as not to affect the taste and digestive function.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

The selection method of honey is as follows:

1. Appearance: First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the honey. High-quality honey usually exhibits a cloudy color rather than being transparent. The color of honey can vary depending on the flower species, but it is worth noting that over-clarified honey may have been high-temperature treated or had other ingredients added.

2. Taste: Pay attention to the taste of honey when tasting it. Good honey should have a strong floral aroma and natural sweetness without any strange smells or tastes.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

3. Purity: Make sure the honey is pure. Pure and natural honey should not have any additives or adulterants. You can check the label on the product packaging for information about its production and certification.

4. Country of origin: It is also important to know the origin of honey. Honey quality and flavor may vary from region to region and country. Generally speaking, some famous honey producing areas such as New Zealand, Greece, Italy, etc., have higher quality honey.

"If you want to live a long life, first nourish your lungs", the lungs love these 3 kinds of vegetables, eat them twice a week to clear the lungs and moisten them

5. Brand and reputation: Choosing a well-known brand of honey can increase the assurance of purchasing a high-quality product. You can also check the reviews and feedback of other consumers to understand the credibility of the brand.

In addition to making some dietary adjustments, you should also pay attention to your daily life:

1. Maintain good Xi habits and wash hands frequently, especially after contact with public places, sick people, or items thought to carry germs, and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

2. Avoid contact with the patient's mouth, nasal cavity, throat secretions and other body fluids, and try to avoid close contact with people with respiratory infection symptoms.

3. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow to avoid spreading germs to your surroundings.

4. Keep the indoor air fresh and ventilated, and avoid prolonged exposure in a confined space.

5. Strengthen exercise, maintain good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle to improve the body's immunity and help fight pathogens.

6. Follow your doctor's advice and receive relevant vaccinations in a timely manner.