
In the next three years, please take the initiative to downgrade your life

author:Kun-kun Fusions
In the next three years, please take the initiative to downgrade your life

Take the initiative to downgrade your life,

Only then can life usher in a new turn.

Author: Insight Annabesu

Ren Zhengfei once said in a speech at Huawei's internal forum that in the next three years, Huawei will take "survival" as its main program.

The enterprise is cold, and the individuals in it are also fighting against the cold, trying to live with life.

In the next few years, the best way for ordinary people to cope is to take the initiative to reduce their burden and downgrade their lives.


Consumption downgrade

A while ago, the topic # One thing shows that your consumption is downgraded # appeared on Weibo hot search.

In the past, people regarded showing off their wealth as a trend, but now it is popular to "pick the door" in a variety of fancy ways.

Squatting at a convenience store late at night and waiting for a three-fold bento as breakfast the next day;

I get a haircut at home, and I don't have more than 100 yuan of clothes on my body;

If the cleanser toothpaste can't be squeezed, cut it with scissors, and then use it three or four more times......

No one wants to pick and search to live, but we have experienced the unemployment crisis and suffered accidents, and we have begun to live very soberly.

Compared with the pleasure of buying, buying, buying, and buying, the deposit in our hands is our greatest sense of security.

In the coming years, tests await us.

Saving money hard and trying to save money is to save yourself a certainty in an uncertain future.

The book "Minimalist Life" provides a shopping standard, 3 questions before buying something yourself:

Do I really need it, how often do I use it, and do I have something to replace it?

Thinking through these questions can help you save a lot of unnecessary expenses.

Best-selling author Harvey Ick says: Your Xi of managing money is more important than the amount of money you have.

The first step in managing money is to develop the Xi of bookkeeping.

You can download a special bookkeeping app, or "make a note" on the WeChat bookkeeping page to record your expenses for the day.

Then do a weekly or monthly review to see where to spend and what not to spend.

When you know exactly where every penny goes, you can block the exit and keep your wallet.

Balzac said:

For those who are wasteful, money is round, but for those who are thrifty, the flattening of money can be piled up piece by piece.

Learn to save money, you save risk, learn to save money, you save security.

Here are a few ways to save money that I've personally tested:

Percentage savings method: save 10% of your income every month, force savings, and thunder can't move;

365 savings method: draw a table, pick a number in 1-365 every day to save money, after a year, you can easily save 66,795 yuan;

In the next three years, please take the initiative to downgrade your life

Weekly accumulation method: 52 weeks a year, save 10 yuan in the first week, and save 20 yuan in the second week......

And so on, in a year, you can save more than 10,000.

Spending moderately, saving money addictively, having an umbrella in the sun, and stocking up on hungry food are the best views on money in the next 3 years.


Investment downgrade

Recently, there is a hot word on the Internet "the middle class does not want to die three-piece suit": investing in shops, quitting to start a business, and trading stocks full-time.

Many people are too optimistic about the economic situation, blindly invest, and eventually lose even the original stable life.

Tell the story of two of my friends.

A friend is an executive of a trading company in Shenzhen, with an annual salary of one million.

His wife is a stay-at-home wife, and the two have a pair of children.

Last year, considering that the eldest was going to school, they wanted to sell the small third house in their hands and replace it with a better school district house.

But the house couldn't be sold for a long time, and the couple was anxious about their children's schooling, so they borrowed 1.5 million with their friends and another 2 million to buy a house in the school district.

I never thought that as soon as they bought the house, their friends would be laid off, and since then, hundreds of resumes have been submitted and nothing has been heard from.

But he still has a large family to support, and he still has a mortgage of nearly 20,000 yuan to repay every month, and the compensation for leaving his job was quickly spent.

The former middle-class elite had to choose to cut off supply and borrow money everywhere to survive.

Another friend is a technical specialist in a large bank, with a salary of more than 10,000 yuan per month.

But one day, he listened to a friend's suggestion and invested in a chain restaurant project.

He spent more than 400,000 yuan of his savings and borrowed loans from three banks.

But then when the epidemic hit, my friend's investment was also lost, not to mention losing all the principal, and he also owed a lot of debt to the bank.

Writer Lian Yue said:

The standard of investment is that you must have the capital to settle the life of your family in advance, and then you have spare money before you can use it for investment;

After the investment fails, you have to ensure that your family has enough food and clothing, and if you fail to follow this standard, you will be killed by the investment.

As uncertainties persist in the coming years, I advise you to:

1. Clear your liabilities and reduce the frequency of credit card use;

2. Don't invest blindly, try to choose a stable investment strategy;

3. Don't go all-in on anything, and have at least one or two years of family savings on the card.

In the next three years, please take the initiative to downgrade your life


Employment downgrade

In "Interview with Ryoko", a 35-year-old interviewee received an offer from a junior company after being laid off by a large company.

He bluntly said that he still had some industry self-esteem, and he still wanted to go to a bigger platform, so he refused.

He thinks that with his qualifications, it is easy to find a company similar to his previous one, but the reality is that there are very few applicants for his resume.

Everyone should feel that it has become more and more difficult to find a job in recent years.

According to the survey data of the Ministry of Labor of Taiwan's "Reemployment of Workers after Unemployment":

Once people over the age of 45 are unemployed, it takes an average of six months to find a new job, and 33.6% of them cannot find a new job or give up.

I have unemployed friends around me, and when I was looking for a job, I repeatedly cut my salary, not seeking the right position, but just wanting to join the company as soon as possible, because the mortgage waits for no one.

In the next 3 years, the employment situation will be even more brutal, and you need to follow the following three rules.

1. Live first

Once you are unemployed, you understand what it means to be overwhelmed.

In the days when there is no income, car loans, housing loans, children's education expenses, and daily living expenses have all become problems.

As Yu Minhong said: When a person is faced with the problem of survival, live first.

"As long as this job does not tarnish your personality, no matter how tired you are, you don't like it, as long as it can bring you an income, you can do it first. ”

The world is difficult, and there is no shame in holding on for the time being.

2. Cherish your current unit

In January this year, Google suddenly announced that it would lay off 12,000 employees, followed by IBM joining the ranks of layoffs, laying off 3,900 people, and at the end of March, Microsoft also announced that it would lay off 10,000 employees......

In this era of rapid change, if you are still in class, you have already outperformed most people.

So, cherish your existing job and be kind to your unit.

A salary that comes on time can keep you afloat, and a good job that can shelter you from the wind and rain.

When the chill has not yet faded, resist the pressure with the existing unit and huddle with colleagues to keep warm, so as not to be frozen.

3. Maintain a zero-in mentality

In the mindset of finding a job, you have to leave behind all your achievements, status, and aura that you have come to where you are today.

Everyone always has "35-year-old anxiety" because everyone always thinks that they should earn more and more.

However, the relationship between age and achievement is not linear.

If you run fast in front and slow in the back, you will be overtaken by those behind you, and this is bound to happen.

What kind of people will live well in the next 3 years?

People who love change, take the initiative to embrace uncertainty, and have the courage to step out of their comfort zone.

May you still be full of courage and meet the next change without hesitation.

In the next three years, please take the initiative to downgrade your life


Social downgrade

The English writer Priestley said:

Social gatherings are an activity that you will regret if you don't go or not, and no one will notice your absence.

An epidemic has made many people gradually discover the non-necessity of social interaction in self-isolation.

In fact, excessive socialization not only fails to relieve emotional loneliness and bring about so-called connections, but is a kind of self-consumption.

In the future, please degrade your own socialization.

1. Don't go to meaningless meals

When we participated in a lively dinner, we thought that we would get the connections done while eating, drinking, and having fun.

But I don't understand that the friendship at the wine table cannot extend beyond the wine table.

Keen on this kind of party, not to mention wasting energy, there will be an illusion of "friends all over the world".

Wait until a wave of reality hits, and you will understand that the friendship of acting on the scene is not vulnerable at all.

2. Get out of the fake Vanity Fair

When Su Mang was the editor-in-chief of Bazaar magazine, he stood in the C position every time he took a photo with a group of celebrities.

But when her status in the fashion industry is not guaranteed, others will cut her off when they send a group photo.

People who have experienced ups and downs can better understand what it means to be cool.

The world of adults has always been realistic, they have no value, and all social interaction is a floating cloud.

Instead of bothering about building relationships in Vanity Fair, it is better to cultivate your skills.

3. Stay away from low-level circles

Zhou Guoping once said:

"People who come together for the sake of having fun are either in debt or riddled with illness, and often end up not having fun;

On the contrary, those who get together to endure hardships are tempered physically and mentally, and finally live happily and fully. ”

The low-level circles will continue to consume you and corrode you until you sink into them;

Integrating into a better group is the best path to growth.

The poet Rilke said: There is no victory to speak of, and holding on means everything.

The sea of life is never calm, you have to meet the wind and waves with a steady attitude and survive the wind and waves.

In the next 3 years, please hold your wallet tightly and reduce your desires.

Please believe that every time you bow your head to life, it is for a better future to hold your head high.

Every accumulation you have at the moment will eventually be rewarded with the favor of fate.

Source: Insights

Editor: Wang Na

Editor in charge: Niu Dong

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