
The third session of the Fifth People's Congress of Quangang District opened

author:Minnan Net

On the morning of December 19, the third session of the Fifth People's Congress of Quangang District was grandly opened. People's congress deputies from all fronts in the region walked into the conference center with pride and firm steps, attended the meeting with full political enthusiasm and a high sense of responsibility, and performed their sacred duties according to law.

The atmosphere of the Quangang Conference Center was solemn and warm, and the national emblem in the center of the rostrum curtain shone brightly against the bright red flag.

Yang Changwen, Yang Fengxiang, Wang Zhian, Wang Zhiqiang, Zhang Jingli, Zheng Yongxuan, Chen Yongjie, Qiu Binqiao, Wang Guoming, Wang Meizhu, Wang Junfeng, Zhuang Xiangyang, Liu Yongfang, Lin Yanqing, Chairman of the CPPCC District Committee Peng Chuiding, and Chen Sharon, Director of the Management Committee of Quangang Petrochemical Industrial Park, were seated in the front row of the rostrum. Wang Zhian, executive chairman of the presidium, executive chairman of the plenary meeting, and director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, presided over the meeting.

There should be 219 delegates present at the conference, and 203 delegates present at the meeting, which met the quorum.

At 8:30 a.m., Wang Zhi'an announced the opening of the third session of the Fifth People's Congress of Quangang District. Everyone stood up, and the majestic national anthem sounded at the venue.

Yang Fengxiang, head of the Quangang District People's Government, made a work report to the conference on behalf of the Quangang District People's Government. Yang Fengxiang pointed out that over the past year, under the strong leadership of the district party committee, under the supervision and support of the district people's congress and the district CPPCC, the district government has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the party, deeply implemented the action of "deep study and striving for excellence, daring to be the first, and striving for efficiency in hard work", focused on the goal of "three cities construction", took the "breakthrough and upgrading year" activity as the starting point, forged ahead under pressure, forged ahead with heavy burdens, made every effort to fight for the economy, grasped projects, promoted development, and benefited people's livelihood, and promoted the gradual stabilization of various economic indicators. The trend has been improving month by month, striving to restrain the downward trend of the economy, and successfully completing the goals and tasks set by the Second Session of the Fifth District People's Congress.

This year, we fought for steady economic growth, and continued to make efforts to tackle tough projects, the "troika" We focus on scientific and technological innovation and gather talents, the platform construction has been significantly enhanced, the innovation vitality continues to burst out, the agglomeration effect is increasingly apparent, and the innovation momentum is fully released; we have strengthened the function and optimized the ecology, refined the construction of fine pipes to accelerate the integration of urban and rural areas, intensively cultivated to promote rural revitalization, and made precise efforts to do a good job in ecological governance, and the urban quality has been upgraded; we have benefited the people's livelihood and increased well-being, the social security has become more solid, the education and medical care have been steadily improved, the good voice of Quangang has been sung in an all-round way, the social governance is promising and orderly, and the development results are shared for all; we strive for excellence and efficiency, the service for benefiting enterprises is more efficient, and the legal environment is more justThe government has been built more rigorously and the business environment has been continuously optimized.

Yang Fengxiang pointed out in the report that 2024 is a critical year for the in-depth implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the acceleration of the implementation of the "Three Cities Construction". Doing a good job in all aspects of this year's work is of great significance and arduous task.

Yang Fengxiang, head of the Quangang District People's Government: "The overall requirements of this year's work are: hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the party, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress in stability in accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees, deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the private economy in the new era, deeply cultivate the '1+3' special action, boost confidence, face difficulties, climb higher than strong, Strive for the advanced position, show Quangang's role, reflect Quangang's responsibility, and write a chapter of Quangang in promoting high-quality development in an all-round way. ”

The main expected targets for economic and social development are: 6.5 percent growth in regional GDP, 3.5 percent growth in total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, 6.3 percent growth in industrial added value, 6 percent growth in tertiary industry added value, 6 percent growth in general public budget revenue, 15 percent growth in investment in fixed assets, flat growth in actual use of foreign capital, 3 percent growth in import and export, 6.5 percent growth in total retail sales of consumer goods, and 6 percent growth in per capita disposable income.

Focusing on the above goals, Quangang District should focus on four tough battles: first, focus on fighting a breakthrough battle of economic development, strengthen the petrochemical advantages with a strong chain, promote industrial upgrading with project breakthroughs, and expand industrial space with factor agglomeration; second, focus on fighting the active battle of reform and innovation, build a highland of innovation and entrepreneurship, deepen the empowerment of reform and opening up, and promote the development of the private economy; third, focus on the overall battle of urban and rural construction, make every effort to do a good job in urban construction and management, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, optimize the ecological environment in the whole region, and sing the good voice of Quangang wholeheartedly; fourth, focus on fighting a lasting battle for people's livelihood and inclusiveness, provide social security with a greater sense of gain, and develop social undertakings with a greater sense of happinessto consolidate social governance with a greater sense of security.

Yang Fengxiang pointed out in the report that in the face of difficulties and challenges, we will strengthen the belief of victory, with a more high-spirited, more enterprising spirit, and a more pragmatic style, comprehensively improve the modernization level of the government governance system and governance capacity, and strive to build a loyal, rule-of-law, for the people, and a promising government that is honest and honest 。

Yang Fengxiang, head of the Quangang District People's Government: "Delegates, those who want the same will win, and those who are in the same boat will prosper. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the district party committee, with a spirit of hard work and a sense of responsibility of 'always being at ease', only seize the day, strive for the upstream, be pragmatic and diligent, be good at doing good work, and strive to accelerate the implementation of the 'three-city construction' and promote the all-round high-quality development and transcendence of Quangang!"

The congress also examined the report on the implementation of the 2023 national economic and social development plan and the draft 2024 national economic and social development plan of the district, and the report on the implementation of the 2023 budget and the draft budget for 2024. After the meeting, the "10,000 Yuan Proposal" was read out, bringing together the efforts of all walks of life to promote the quality and efficiency of education in Quangang.

Present at the meeting as observers were: the leaders of the four sets of teams of the district who are not deputies to the Fifth District People's Congress, the leaders of the Party Working Committee, the Management Committee, the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, the People's Armed Forces Department, the courts, the procuratorate, and the Youcheng Branch of the Petrochemical Industrial Park, retired leaders at the department level, the main responsible comrades of the constituent departments of the district committee, the mass groups, and the district government, the main responsible comrades of the provincial and municipal organs, enterprises and institutions under the management committee of the Petrochemical Industrial Park, and the enterprises and units under the district government, and the deputies of the 17th Quanzhou City People's Congress and members of the Fifth District Committee of the CPPCC in Quangang. (Wei Pingqi Han Yi Min Hongqing / Wen Sanhua Photography / Picture)

Source: Evangelical Springs