
At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

As children develop a diverse diet, oral health issues are becoming a significant challenge. In order to help babies, children, and children keep their mouths clean, many parents have begun to pay attention to the popular children's electric toothbrushes. However, parents know very little about this type of product, and they also want to know how old the toothbrush is suitable for their child and how to choose a good product. As a pediatric dentist, I have done research on this type of product. Today, I will compile a popular science article for you to introduce children's electric toothbrushes in detail, so that parents can choose and use children's electric toothbrushes for their children with more confidence. Here are the electric toothbrush products for kids that I've reviewed:

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

1. At what age is an electric toothbrush suitable for a baby?

The following are the recommended cleaning methods according to the oral characteristics and tolerance of children of different ages, to help parents make decisions based on their children's actual situation and oral health status when choosing, and ensure that children can get proper oral cleaning and protection.

1. For babies from 6 months to 1 year old: due to the child's immature mouth, it is not suitable to use toothbrushes and toothpaste and other products. Parents can choose a soft gauze or cotton cloth dipped in water and gently wipe the baby's teeth and gums.

2. For 2-3-year-old babies: the child has erupted adjacent teeth and has improved his tolerance to the oral cavity. At this time, parents can start to cultivate the awareness of brushing their children's teeth every day. It is recommended to choose a silicone toothbrush with a flap, which is soft and does not harm your child's gums, and is suitable for children to use on their own.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

3. For children aged 4 and above: Oral hygiene becomes more important due to the gradual fixation of teeth and a more varied diet. Dentists have also started recommending children's electric toothbrushes for children over 4 years of age, as they clean better and clean the mouth more thoroughly. In addition, electric toothbrushes are more fun for children and help develop good brushing Xi.

2. 5 benefits of using a professional children's electric toothbrush

In today's society, dentists generally recommend that children over 4 years old use electric toothbrushes to maintain oral health. Due to the high rate of tooth decay among children in mainland China, where children with oral problems account for a large percentage, it is essential to clean the oral cavity. However, using unprofessional products can cause damage to your child's mouth. Children's electric toothbrushes can bring the following benefits, which will be better than manual toothbrushes:

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

1. Super cleaning power, can prevent tooth decay

A high-quality children's electric toothbrush has super cleaning power, which can clean food debris and bacteria in the mouth more thoroughly, effectively preventing the occurrence of tooth decay. Compared to traditional manual toothbrushes, the vibration of electric toothbrushes is better able to remove dirt from the surface of the teeth.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

2. The vibration frequency is uniform and stable, and the strength is more accurate

A high-quality children's electric toothbrush has a uniform and stable vibration frequency, which can provide more precise brushing force. This ensures that every tooth is cleaned evenly, so that some teeth are overlooked or not cleaned thoroughly.

3. Save time and effort

A good children's electric toothbrush can complete the brushing process faster than a manual toothbrush. The high-speed vibration of an electric toothbrush quickly cleans the surface and between teeth, reducing the time required for brushing.

4. The threshold for brushing teeth is low, and children can better grasp it

High-quality children's electric toothbrushes are designed to be easier to use, with a lower threshold for brushing teeth, making it easier for children to master. The operation of an electric toothbrush is simple and straightforward, you only need to press a button to start brushing, and there is no need for complicated manual brushing skills.

5. More interesting

Some electric toothbrushes will be equipped with a brush head specifically designed for children, which may have cartoon characters or animal shapes, making the brushing process more fun and challenging. This design stimulates children's interest and makes them more willing to brush their teeth, thus developing good oral hygiene Xi.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

3. What are the three major hazards of inferior products?

There are many benefits to using a professional children's electric toothbrush for children over 4 years old, but not all products on the market are safe and easy to use. If your child uses a low-quality product or does it in the wrong way, there is a risk of damaging the teeth. I have summarized the following 3 harms about children using low-quality children's electric toothbrushes:

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

1. Abrasion of tooth enamel and stimulation of oral bleeding:

The vibrating brush head design of some inferior children's electric toothbrushes is easy to cause wear and tear of tooth enamel, and some inferior electric toothbrush bristles are also relatively hard, if the child uses it improperly, the brush force is too large, which will irritate the oral mucosa and cause oral bleeding.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?
At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

2. Aggravate the child's original dental disease:

If your child already has oral problems such as bleeding gums and sensitive teeth, using an electric toothbrush may exacerbate these problems. Because the bristles of an electric toothbrush are characterized by high-speed vibration, it may cause further irritation and damage to the gums and teeth, leading to worsening of dental symptoms.

3. Chronic tooth damage:

Long-term use of an electric toothbrush may cause chronic damage to your child's teeth. Since electric toothbrushes tend to have stiffer bristles and more force, overbrushing or incorrect brushing posture can cause enamel wear on the tooth surface and may even cause microcracks on the tooth surface.

Fourth, the five major IQ tax products should be guarded against

It is okay to use an electric toothbrush for children over 4 years old, but you need to choose a professional children's electric toothbrush to get excellent cleaning results. There are many brands and products to choose from in the market, but at the same time, there are many cases where merchants exaggerate their claims. The picture below is a summary of the negative reviews about children's toothbrushes, and parents should pay more attention when buying electric toothbrushes for their children. In order to help parents avoid purchase mistakes, the following is a list of five common tooth damage products:

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

1: U-shaped children's electric toothbrush

Despite the growing popularity of U-shaped electric toothbrushes in the field of children's oral care, there are some IQ tax products emerging in the market. These products are marketed with a variety of high-tech features, but they don't actually offer a clear advantage. These products do not have excellent cleaning power to clean teeth effectively, so consumers should be wary of exaggerated claims and choose a properly designed children's electric toothbrush that is suitable for the characteristics of the child's mouth.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

2: The so-called international big names

Some children's electric toothbrush brands appear as so-called international brands, claiming to have professional technology and quality assurance. However, in fact, some brands do not have real professional strength, the quality is not up to par, and it may even be a foundry product.

3: Unprofessional products

There are also some unprofessional products in the market for children's electric toothbrushes. These products may not have undergone rigorous quality control and safety testing, and their performance stability is unreliable. Consumers should choose brands with stronger expertise and age-specific designs to ensure the quality and safety of the products.

4: High-value products

Some children's electric toothbrushes usually use cute image designs and colorful appearance colors, which increase the fun of children's brushing. However, many of these high-value products are not easy to use, but they are just good-looking, their professional strength is not up to par, and there is no age-specific design, which leads to a high rate of tooth injury for children.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

5: Low-price and low-quality products

In order to reduce costs, these products often ignore the consideration of tooth care and cleaning in the design and production process, use inferior materials and technology, and deceive consumers with cost-effective gimmicks, resulting in serious tooth damage to children.

It is feasible to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, but you must choose a professional children's electric toothbrush to get excellent cleaning results. Although parents are very eager to give their children a children's electric toothbrush, you must know that the products are now advertised as having strong cleaning power and do not hurt teeth, and there are still many cases of tooth injury, so it is also recommended that parents take a look at the score chart of different brands of children's toothbrushes and tooth protection released by the oral forum, and choose the best. By the way, I would like to share with you a few products that I think are good after evaluation:

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

Among thousands of brands, Filix is recognized as a professional and technical veteran brand, as the pioneer of the domestic "non-tooth-harming" field, it is the most professional in this field, and it is also the only brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! It is one of the very few brands in children's electric toothbrushes with medical background and original medical research and development standards, it has exclusively developed eight major performance and black technology that does not hurt teeth, including V-ZUS intelligent engine algorithm, innovative gingival high-frequency array massage technology, DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc. It has been tested by a national authoritative testing agency to have strong cleaning power and reduce 90% of brushing damage, and it is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries! At the same time, it has good compatibility with complex children's teeth in China, and has undergone more than 6 years of anti-attenuation design and testing, and has 6 years of certification for comprehensive performance, durability and reducing the rate of tooth injury. The non-toxic and corrosion-resistant bristles are increased by 98.3%, making them safer and more reliable.

The key to what they can do is to focus on professionalism and do not engage in redundant functions or redundant models, just seven or eight years of hard work for a product, iterate more than 20 times, and optimize more than 300 details. In order to "clean efficiently and without hurting teeth", a number of original technologies have been created, and more than 100 technical adjustment parameters such as vibration frequency, power, and sweeping angle have been adjusted, and the deviation value of various performance indicators in more than 6 years is not higher than 0.1%. Although Huile is hardly advertised, it has been recommended by many dentists and its sales have skyrocketed in offline channels. Many celebrity parents have also chosen Huile because they are worried that their children's teeth will be damaged by using other toothbrushes. In the face of the soaring rate of tooth injury, Huile adheres to the product concept of rigorous, professional and safe, and the product is recognized as a strict medical product research and development. The majority of dentists generally believe that Huile is very protective of the oral cavity!

In addition, Philips, as an international brand, has a particularly strong sense of vibration, and the stability output is also good. However, as a European and American brand, it may be specially designed for European and American children's teeth, and the overall vibration and power range are small, and the compatibility with the dental characteristics of domestic children at different stages is slightly poor, so it is necessary to pay attention to selection. In terms of after-sales, Philips does not support trials, and the brush head is more expensive, requiring about 150 yuan a year. Huile not only supports trial, but also gives away 5-year brush heads for a limited time.

If you have to buy a cheap one, I recommend Bayer, the price is relatively cheap, the basic function experience can meet the entry requirements of people who are not high, it does not support trial, the brush head is about 20 yuan.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

5. 8 tips for choosing a high-quality children's electric toothbrush

The above shows that dentists are very recommended that children over 4 years old use high-quality children's electric toothbrushes, not recommended are those unprofessional products, so is there any practical way for parents to quickly identify high-quality products?

1. Give preference to sonic children's electric toothbrushes

Generally, the high-quality children's electric toothbrushes are sonic type, with very stable performance, comfortable experience, gentle cleaning, and most importantly, relatively safe. It is not recommended to choose products that rotate and vibrate, as they have a high rate of wear and tear on children's teeth.

2. Choose a brand with online technical strength

To choose a professional brand for children, generally have many years of experience in children's oral care, will affect the cleaning power, tooth protection performance test optimization, such as the frequency range, sweeping angle, power range, etc. have been finely adjusted, and the child's oral cavity has a high compatibility, can be cleaned safely and effectively.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

3. Don't buy a U-shaped electric toothbrush

Although this kind of product simulates the design of tooth curvature on the outside, it is impossible to fully fit the curvature of every child's teeth, and the product does not have any sweeping angle and frequency design, which has no cleaning power, and it is almost the same as a toy for children.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

4. The softness of the bristles should be appropriate

Children's oral sensitivity should also be appropriate for the softness of the bristles, do not pick too hard bristles, it is easy to poke the mouth, and do not choose too soft bristles, generally there is no cleaning power. It is recommended that young children can choose soft bristles, and then choose moderate and soft bristles when the child's mouth is tolerant.

5. Choose products with strong battery life

The longer the battery life, the better the battery quality, it is not recommended to choose those products that can only be used for about a week on a single charge, the battery quality is not guaranteed and it is also very troublesome to use. It is recommended that you choose a product that can last up to 30 days, which is safe and reliable!

6. Choose products with age-specific design

As mentioned earlier, children are growing up, and the oral environment will change with development, so it is necessary to have age-specific design products to match different changes in oral needs.

At what age is the baby suitable for an electric toothbrush?

7. The roundness of the bristles is higher than 80%

Professional products will pay attention to the roundness of the bristles, and will not make the bristles sharp enough to wear the teeth, and the standard is to recommend that parents choose a roundness rate of more than 80%.

8. Consider the life of the brush head and the replacement cost

Everyone knows that the brush head needs to be replaced regularly, and children are more naughty, which can easily lead to split ends and deformation of the bristles, and the frequency of replacement will be higher, so the cost also needs to be considered.

In fact, dentists recommend children to use high-quality electric toothbrushes, but the market is complicated. Only by choosing a brand with high professionalism and technical strength can you truly maintain your child's oral health and avoid the risk of tooth damage!

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