
Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?

author:Papaya New Car Guide

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We all know that electric two-wheeled vehicles have now become the most common means of transportation for Chinese people, with 400 million ownership. Looking at the world, only China has become a country on two-wheeled electric wheels. And other countries, including developed economies such as Europe and the United States, do not regard electric two-wheelers as the main means of transportation? What is the reason for this?

Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?

First, motorcycles are prohibited at home, motorcycles are not banned abroad, and motorcycles have not been replaced

One of the reasons why electric two-wheeled vehicles can become China's national means of transportation is that the domestic motorcycle ban has been introduced, and the status of motorcycles has been replaced by electric two-wheeled vehicles. In foreign countries, motorcycles have occupied a dominant position in low-end travel, so there is no soil for two-wheeled electric vehicles. Some foreigners buy electric two-wheelers just to try them.

Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?

Second, most countries do not have cheap electricity facilities

The reason why electric two-wheelers are popular in China is because China has complete electricity facilities and the electricity price is very cheap. The cost of using electric vehicles is very low. In Europe and the United States, the price of electricity is privately controlled, and the high price of electricity makes electric two-wheeled vehicles less economical than fuel motorcycles. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, many countries have incomplete power facilities and cannot develop the electric vehicle industry at all.

Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?

Third, electric two-wheeled vehicles are in line with the consumption level of most people in China

Electric two-wheeled vehicles began to be commercialized in 1996 and began to enter a stage of rapid development in 2003, which is almost synchronous with the economic take-off after the mainland's accession to the WTO. Although many people couldn't afford to buy a car at that time, buying an electric car was still a very easy thing. Therefore, the development of electric two-wheelers is just right!

Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?

In foreign countries, electric two-wheeled vehicles actually do not have such an opportunity, Europe and the United States have completed industrialization, many families have cars, and in poor areas such as Asia, Africa and Latin America, they also cannot afford to buy electric two-wheeled vehicles! Countries with a similar level of economic development in China basically ride motorcycles!

Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?

Fourth, the cost of refueling domestic motorcycles is too high

Compared with many foreign countries, the domestic oil price is medium to expensive, for many low- and middle-income people, the price of a full tank of fuel for a motorcycle is enough to charge a year's electricity! Moreover, the electric two-wheeled vehicle does not need to be maintained, and the cost of use is extremely low. In foreign countries, the price of oil is very cheap in many countries, so there is no soil for two-wheeled trams!

Why can two-wheeled electric vehicles become the mainstream in China, but it is difficult to travel abroad?


The reason why electric two-wheeled vehicles can become a means of transportation with Chinese characteristics is inseparable from our basic national conditions. As a result of the situation abroad, they cannot develop the electric vehicle industry at all. In the future, if electric two-wheeled vehicles want to go to sea, they will also pick those countries with cheap electricity prices, good infrastructure, and strong environmental awareness, so that they may become the world of two-wheeled electric vehicles like China.

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