
Xu Zhaohui of Western Securities: Integrate the industry's view of honor and disgrace to the construction of corporate culture and promote the company to take the road of high-quality and long-term development

author:China Securities Journal

In order to fully consolidate the achievements of the cultural construction of the securities industry, clearly guide the development direction of cultural construction, and promote the accelerated formation of the industry culture of "compliance, integrity, professionalism and stability", the Securities Association of China issued the "Proposal for Establishing the Concept of Honor and Disgrace in the Securities Industry" on April 14, 2023, aiming to help practitioners improve their compliance level, enhance their awareness of integrity, improve their professional ability, and strengthen the construction of moral level, so that the industry concept of honor and disgrace can become the basic value of practitioners.

The core ideas of the "Ten Insistences" and "Ten Objections" in the "Proposal" of the concept of honor and disgrace in the securities industry highly condense the value concepts, business ideas and behavioral norms formed by the culture of the securities industry in the long-term development, and inject solid strength into the high-quality and vigorous development of the securities industry.

Party building leads the ideological ecology of honesty and self-discipline

Integrity expands the rich connotation of corporate culture

Honesty has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times. In May 2022, the China Securities Association formulated the "Securities Industry Integrity Guidelines", which clarified that securities operating institutions should assume the main responsibility for the construction of integrity culture.

Based on the "14th Five-Year Plan", Western Securities inherits the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adheres to the leadership of the party, gives full play to the important role of the party organization in "setting the direction, managing the overall situation, and ensuring implementation", and strives to achieve a high degree of integration and unity of party building, party style and clean government, industry culture, and enterprise management. The concept of integrity is the starting point, the normalization of party building education and practice work is implemented, and the party building theme lectures, integrity theme party classes, special study Xi seminars and "four micro" Xi activities are regularly held. At the same time, Western Securities cultivates a clean and healthy atmosphere, builds a solid foundation of integrity, and integrates the industry's concept of honor with industry culture and corporate culture, so as to lead the direction and escort the high-quality development of Western Securities.

Integrity is the cornerstone of an enterprise, the foundation of a business, the way of development, and the value foundation of the valuable spiritual wealth of an enterprise. Western Securities persevered and continued to strengthen the construction of integrity and reputation capital.

Specifically, Western Securities further clarifies all kinds of laws and regulations and professional codes of conduct that all employees need to follow, and uses the system to ensure the effective implementation of various measures; Establish and improve the human resources system, incorporate reputational risk and integrity requirements into the assessment system of risk management personnel and gradually increase the proportion of evaluation, and inspect and evaluate the integrity of employees and their historical reputation; explore the establishment of medium and long-term incentive and restraint mechanisms, implement responsibility, and cultivate professional ethics for employees. Rules and Code of Conduct: Strengthen internal work supervision, make emergency plans for major reputational risks, continuously improve the performance ability of reputational risk management personnel and reputational risk monitoring capabilities, and effectively prevent reputational risks; Carry out company-wide training and publicity on reputational risk management system to enhance employees' reputational risk awareness and promote the formation of the company's reputational risk culture concept.

Committed to serving the country financially

Contribute to rural revitalization

The real economy is the source of economic development, and once finance is separated from the real economy, it is water without a source and a tree without roots. Western Securities adheres to the development of the real economy of financial services in the first place, takes customers as the center, makes full use of the full-license financial business qualifications, and the full-life cycle full-business chain service system with the five major business sectors as the core, and provides professional investment and financing services for corporate customers and individual customers across the country.

As the first state-owned listed securities firm in Northwest China, Western Securities continues to upgrade its development strategy of "deeply cultivating the western region", and continuously enriches financial products and financial tools with financial technology innovation and professional investment and research capabilities as the starting point, so as to help Shaanxi's economic transformation and upgrading.

For example, Western Securities has promoted the IPO, additional issuance, convertible bonds and major asset restructuring of key industrial chain enterprises screened by the Shaanxi Provincial Government to help enterprises raise funds and boost their strength and expansion; Special financial bonds for small and micro enterprise loans and "three rural" financial bonds will improve the coverage and availability of financial services, and promote a virtuous cycle and healthy development of the economy and finance.

The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that "the most arduous and arduous task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way is still in the countryside". In the process of serving the real economy, Western Securities has continuously consolidated and expanded its achievements in poverty alleviation, strived to improve the ability and level of financial services for rural revitalization, and actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and missions.

In terms of ideological assistance, Western Securities continued to dispatch a team stationed in the village to carry out party building and joint construction seminars with relevant local leading cadres to assist in the effective implementation of regional assistance work in an all-round way; in terms of industrial assistance, it increased investment in assistance funds to assist in building agricultural demonstration park projects and the construction of beautiful villages; in terms of consumption assistance, it strengthened targeted procurement assistance to solve sales channels for agricultural products and provide material assistance to difficult areas; in terms of intellectual assistance, it carried out financial knowledge lectures in towns and towns, set up securities business department outlets, and held theme lectures on a regular basis. The financial management lecture hall provides standardized financial services for villagers, assists local residents in establishing rational investment and value investment concepts, enhances villagers' awareness of financial risk prevention, and assists in the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in the region in an all-round way.

When culture is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when culture is strong, the nation is strong. In the new era and new journey, Western Securities will adhere to the party building to lead the construction of corporate culture, and take the "Ten Insistences" and "Ten Objections" of the "Proposal" as the guide to effectively promote the deep integration of party building and industry culture construction. Innovate ways and means to carry out the publicity and implementation of the industry's concept of honor and disgrace, enhance the "soft power" and core competitiveness of Western Securities, build a new pattern of corporate culture construction, and help the company to achieve steady and far-reaching results in the era of comprehensive registration system. The concept of honor and disgrace runs through the whole process of financial services for the real economy, gives full play to the professional strength and location and subdivision advantages of capital market intermediaries, continues the red blood, inherits the red gene, does not forget the original mission of "serving the country with finance" and serving the people, unswervingly takes the road of financial development with Chinese characteristics, and contributes to the strength of western securities in Shaanxi to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization.

Author: Xu Zhaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Western Securities Co., Ltd

Reviewer: Wang Chao Editor: Yu Hongbo Producer: Li Ruoyu Signed: Fei Yangsheng