
The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Ruoyu's mother in the kitchen

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As the saying goes: "The winter solstice is as big as the year", and the arrival of the winter solstice solar term indicates the beginning of the number nine cold days, and also indicates that the new year is coming. Therefore, in addition to dumplings on the winter solstice, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, which has a good meaning of nourishing health and comforting the winter.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Tofu Maruko】

Main ingredients: 500 grams of pork, 1 piece of tofu, 1 section of green onion, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 3 grams of salt, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, appropriate amount of cooking oil

【How to do it】

1. Choose fatty and thin pork belly for pork, chop it into meat filling, retain some graininess is the best, chop green onions, and put some minced ginger if you like to eat ginger.

2. Steam the tofu in a pot, or cook it directly, crush it and mix it into the meat filling.

3. Add two tablespoons of three grams of salt, two tablespoons of light soy sauce, two tablespoons of oyster sauce, one teaspoon of sugar, one tablespoon of pepper and beat in an egg.

4. Stir clockwise fully until it is strong, mix a spoonful of starch with 5 tablespoons of water and stir it into water starch, pour it in and stir evenly.

5. Pour cooking oil into the pot, the oil is hot for six or seven percent, grab a handful of meat filling in the palm of your hand and roll it round, put it in the oil pan, fry it over medium-low heat, and fry it until the surface is golden and you can remove the oil.

6. The fried tofu balls can be eaten directly, or they can be frozen and preserved, put a few when eating hot pot and stewed soup, stew them again until they are soft and rotten, blanch a few green vegetables around the edge of the plate, put in the meatballs, hook some thick and pour them on, it looks good and delicious, and it means reunion!

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Scallion taro】

Main ingredients: 1 plate of taro, 2 chives, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of cooking oil

【How to do it】

1. Taro is scraped with a paring knife, and when we were children, we all used a penny or five-cent coin to scrape, and it was scraped quickly and well.

2. Pour oil into the pot, pour half of the chives into the hot oil and fry the fragrance, and the taste will be more fragrant with rapeseed oil.

3. Pour in the taro and stir-fry, do not add seasonings in a hurry, stir-fry until the surface of the taro is slightly yellow, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and a teaspoon of salt and stir-fry evenly.

4. Add boiling water that has not been taro, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, and you can easily insert it with chopsticks.

5. Reduce the juice over high heat, sprinkle in the remaining chopped green onions, and then you can get out of the pot.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Stir-fried water chestnut with snow peas】

Main ingredients: snow peas, water chestnut, carrots, fungus, minced garlic, light soy sauce, water starch, chicken essence, cooking oil

【How to do it】

1. Tear off the old tendons of snow peas, peel and slice water chestnuts, cut diamond-shaped slices of carrots to look better, and clean the fungus after soaking.

2. Boil water in the pot, first pour in the fungus and cook it, then pour in other vegetables to blanch, blanch and then fry, one is to avoid the water of the vegetables, and the other is to fry the vegetables more crisply.

3. Pour oil into the pot, pour in minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in drained vegetables and stir-fry for two minutes, add light soy sauce, rice vinegar and salt to taste.

4. Add a spoonful of cornstarch to three tablespoons of water and stir it into cornstarch and pour it into the pot, so that the fried vegetables are brighter.

5. Add a small spoon of chicken essence and stir-fry evenly.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Steamed pork ribs】

Ingredients: 2 small ribs, 200 grams of rice, star anise, Sichuan pepper, bay leaves, green onions, ginger, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 gram of salt.

【How to do it】

1. Prepare two small chops, a bowl of rice, an star anise, and 10 peppercorns. Soak the small ribs in water for 1 hour and soak them in bloody water.

2. Wash the rice, star anise and Sichuan pepper, pour it into the pot, fry over low heat, fry until the rice is slightly yellow, exude a very fragrant rice fragrance, turn off the heat and let it cool for later use.

3. Break the rice with Sichuan pepper and star anise together with a food processor, and the beaten rice noodles have the fragrance of star anise and Sichuan pepper, add a gram of salt and mix well.

4. Add green onions, ginger slices, Sichuan pepper, star anise, bay leaves, two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, one spoonful of cooking wine, one teaspoon of pepper and one teaspoon of sugar to the soaked pork ribs, grasp and marinate for 1 hour. Pour rice noodles into the marinated pork ribs and mix well so that the ribs are evenly coated with rice noodles.

5. Put the pork ribs on a plate and steam on high heat for 30 minutes. If the amount is large, the time will be extended. Sprinkle the steamed ribs with some chopped green onions and serve.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Chicken with scallion oil】

Ingredients: 1 yellow chicken, 5 chives, 1 ginger, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon steamed fish soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil.

【How to do it】

1. A three-yellow chicken that is freshly killed in the vegetable market, when you buy it, tell the merchant that you should not disembowel it, just cut a hole directly at the bottom. Clean the chicken, pour in a spoonful of cooking wine, rub the chicken with salt, put the chives and ginger slices in it and knead it, and marinate the chicken for 1 hour.

2. Put the marinated chicken in a deep bowl and steam for 20 minutes. The three yellow chickens are relatively cooked, and how long to steam depends on the size. Insert it with chopsticks, and the chicken will be cooked without bleeding.

3. Take out the steamed chicken, brush it with a layer of sesame oil, and set it aside to cool. The chicken broth continues to keep warm in the steamer.

4. Heat a wok and pour two spoons of cooking oil, add the chives and fry them over low heat until the chives are crispy, and drain the scallion oil.

5. Two tablespoons of scallion oil, two tablespoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of steamed fish soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, one teaspoon of sugar, pour in the chicken broth of steamed chicken and mix into a sauce.

6. Tear the chicken apart, cut it into pieces and put it on a plate if the knife is good, and pour in the seasoning sauce. Sprinkle with some chopped green onions.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Boiled beef】

Ingredients: 400 grams of beef tenderloin, 1 handful of bean sprouts, 1 tofu skin, half a lettuce, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, half a tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of starch, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of pepper, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of red oil bean paste, 1 garlic sprout, 1 coriander, salt, green onion, ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper, bay leaf, appropriate amount of chili pepper.

【How to do it】

1. Cut the beef tenderloin into thin slices against the texture, grasp it well with a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of pepper, a spoonful of salt, an egg white, and a spoonful of starch, and marinate for a while.

2. Pour oil into a hot pan, pour in chopped green onions, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, and a spoonful of red oil bean paste, stir-fry the red oil over low heat, and then fry over high heat to bring out the fragrance. If you can eat spicy, add the hot pot base and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add 2 large bowls of water, bring to a boil over high heat, add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and a small half spoon of sugar to boil, taste salty, and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

4. Add the bean sprouts and tofu skin and cook over high heat until the bean sprouts are broken.

5. Remove the boiled bean sprouts and tofu skin and pour them into the bottom of the bowl, and put the lettuce directly into the bowl.

6. After boiling again in the pot, put the marinated beef into the pot with chopsticks. Don't stir it first, wait for the beef to change color and stir it with chopsticks to prevent the beef from sticking together.

7. Cook the beef, remove it and pour it into a bowl, and pour the soup into it.

8. Sprinkle some Sichuan pepper and dried red pepper on top of the beef, sprinkle with garlic sprouts and coriander, heat oil in a pot, and pour the hot oil on top of the peppercorns.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Braised Cinnamon Fish in Sauce】

Ingredients: 1 cinnamon fish, 1 head of garlic, 1 piece of ginger, 1 green onion, 2 tablespoons of braised soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of bean paste, 1 teaspoon of sugar, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of coriander.

【How to do it】

1. Clean up the osmanthus fish, the osmanthus fish flower in the stomach is a good thing, especially nutritious, do not discard it.

2. Pour oil into the pot, sprinkle a little salt in the hot oil, wipe the water on the surface with kitchen paper, and fry it in the pot over low heat, so that the oil will not splash everywhere, and you can easily move it until the bottom is fried, turn it over and continue to fry.

3. Push the fried fish aside, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry to make it fragrant, fry the garlic until it is slightly charred, and add red pepper to taste more fragrant.

4. Add hot water that has not covered the fish body, add two tablespoons of braised soy sauce, one spoonful of bean paste, and one teaspoon of sugar, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

5. Simmer until the soup is about to dry up, sprinkle with chopped green onions or coriander to enhance the flavor, so that a very delicious sauce stewed osmanthus fish is ready.

The winter solstice is as big as the year, in addition to dumplings, these 8 auspicious dishes are served on the table, nourishing and health-preserving implication

【Family Portrait - Roasted Mix】

Ingredients: beef backbone, fish balls, pork balls, chicken balls, capsuleballs, meat balls, quail eggs, yuba, skin tripe, bamboo shoots, green vegetables, green onions, ginger, salt.

[Steps] 1, prepare the ingredients, all kinds of meatballs, peel off the shells of the quail eggs, soak the yuba and skin belly for later use. If there is a market that sells mixed mixes, all these ingredients can be bought in one stall. All you need to do is prepare the spine.

2. Put the beef backbone in the pot with water. Add green onion and ginger and simmer over high heat. Pork bones, pork ribs, or chicken can also be used as soup stock.

3. Boil the beef backbone, skim off the foam, turn to medium-low heat and continue to boil for half an hour. Remove the boiled beef backbone.

4. Pour in all kinds of meatballs, meatballs, yuba, quail eggs, meat skins, bamboo shoots and slices to cook together, basically semi-finished products, after boiling, continue to cook for 10 minutes.

5. Add the greens, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste according to taste.

Which dish do you prefer? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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