
Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

author:Gourmet qualities

In our busy lives, we often neglect to pay attention to our physical health. And a bowl of hot millet porridge may be the health secret you're looking for. Millet has always been known as the "first of the five grains", and in the past, to visit the sick, the elderly, and pregnant women were to send some millet as a condolence gift.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

Millet is called millet in the north, after the millet is shelled, it becomes golden millet, millet is nutritionally balanced, containing protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, known as the "small treasure trove of nutrition".

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

Millet can be said to be suitable for all ages, not only nutritious but also spleen and stomach, especially for the weak and sick, breakfast to drink millet porridge, better than most of the breakfast, Chinese millet has a lot of origin, where is the best millet to eat? Please recognize these 4 places, soft and fragrant, high nutrition, good taste, is your best choice to buy millet.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

1. Yellow millet in Qinzhou, Shanxi

Place of origin: Qinxian County, Shanxi Province, known as Qinzhou in ancient times. Qin County is located between the two mountains of Taihang and Taiyue, and is located in the north of Changzhi City, Shanxi Province.


As one of the four famous rice in China, Qinzhou yellow millet carries a profound historical heritage and rich cultural connotation. Its cultivation history dates back hundreds of years, and it has been passed down and improved for generations to become a unique and high-quality rice variety.

The millet is grown in a strict area such as Tanshan, Cicun Township, Qinxian County. These regions have unique geographical environments, including suitable climate, soil and topographic conditions. For example, the local soil is rich in minerals and provides ample nutrients for the growth of millet. In addition, the mild climate and abundant sunlight allow millet to fully photosynthesize during the growth process, accumulating rich nutrients, thus guaranteeing its unique and excellent quality.

The nutritional value of Qinzhou yellow millet is extremely high. Compared with ordinary millet, it is richer in fat, which provides the body with a necessary source of energy. Its protein content is also considerable, which plays an important role in the repair and growth of body tissues. At the same time, the abundant soluble sugars not only give millet a sweet taste, but also quickly replenish energy for the human body.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


Qinzhou yellow millet particles are small and exquisite, showing a brilliant golden yellow, like golden pearls. Its shape is round and full, neat and even, giving people a visual enjoyment.

After boiling, Qinzhou yellow millet has a fragrant aroma and is filled with a rich rice fragrance, which is mouth-watering. Its taste is fragrant, soft and glutinous, melts in the mouth, and makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Qinzhou yellow millet is known as the "king of millet". During the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, because of its excellent quality and unique flavor, it was given the title of tribute rice, which became a precious ingredient in the court, highlighting its noble status.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

2. Inner Mongolia Chifeng golden seedling millet

Place of origin: Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Chifeng City is located in the southeast of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, at the intersection of Mongolia, Hebei and Liaoning provinces.


Inner Mongolia has a dry climate with relatively little annual precipitation, but the sunshine hours are long and the temperature difference between day and night is large. This climatic condition has unique advantages for the growth of millet. Plenty of sunlight during the day and higher temperatures favor photosynthesis, allowing millets to accumulate more nutrients; Cooler temperatures at night reduce the consumption of nutrients by respiration, which is conducive to nutrient precipitation and accumulation.

Golden Miao millet is loved and favored by consumers for its excellent quality and taste. Its good reputation in the market is not only due to its excellent taste and rich nutrition, but also due to its consistent quality and reliable supply.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


The golden seedling millet is golden and dazzling, as bright as the sun. Its grains are full and rounded, and the size is uniform, giving people a sense of visual satisfaction.

When tasted, the taste is sweet and mellow, delicate and smooth. Its sweetness is natural and pure, and there is no trace of artificial additives, so that people can enjoy the delicious taste while also feeling the gift of nature.

Golden millet is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B group, iron, zinc, etc., which is of great significance for maintaining the normal physiological function and health of the human body.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

3. Peach blossom millet in Wei County, Hebei

Place of origin: Wei County, Hebei Province. Wei County is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, the southernmost part of Zhangjiakou City.


The peach blossom millet of Weixian stands out with its unique geographical environment and climatic conditions. Located at the intersection of Heng Mountain, Taihang Mountain and Yan Mountain, Wei County has complex and diverse terrain and fertile soil, which provides rich nutrients and a good growth environment for the growth of millet.

Millet cultivation in the region has a long history, dating back thousands of years. In the long-term cultivation process, local farmers have accumulated rich experience and traditional cultivation methods. At the same time, the introduction of modern technology has also provided strong support for improving the quality and yield of millet, realizing the organic combination of tradition and modernity, thus ensuring the excellent quality of millet.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


The peach blossom millet in Weixian County is golden and bright, as bright and dazzling as the peach blossoms in spring. Its particles are uniform and full, with a regular shape, showing good appearance quality.

On the palate it is delicate, smooth and elastic. During the cooking process, millet is able to absorb water quickly, and the porridge or rice cooked is mellow and fragrant.

It is rich in nutrients, rich in high-quality protein and a variety of essential trace elements, such as selenium, zinc, etc., which play an important role in enhancing human immunity and preventing diseases.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

4. Shaanxi Yulin rice fat millet

Place of origin: Mizhi County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. Mizhi County is located in the northern part of Shaanxi Province and the southern part of Yulin City.


Millet cultivation in Mizhi County has a long history, dating back to ancient times. Local farmers have accumulated rich planting experience and traditional skills, which have been passed down from generation to generation, so that the quality of rice fat millet can be continuously optimized and improved.

Millet cultivation in the region adopts traditional farming methods, focusing on ecological protection and sustainable development. Farmers follow the laws of nature, rationally use land and water resources, and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, ensuring the green, environmental protection and safety of millet.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


The color of rice fat millet is golden and brilliant, and the particles are full and round, full of vitality and vitality.

The taste is sweet and delicious, soft and glutinous. Whether it is cooked into porridge or rice, it can give off an enticing aroma and make people hungry.

Rich in protein and a variety of trace elements, such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc., it provides comprehensive nutritional support for the human body.

Let's introduce you to a few delicious practices of millet.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

Millet porridge

Choose plump millet with no moth-eaten grains. Place it in a fine mesh sieve and rinse gently with slow-flowing clean water to gently remove impurities and possible residual dust from the surface. Then, place the washed millet in a large large bowl and add enough water to completely submerge the millet and let it soak quietly in the water for 30 minutes. This step is crucial to allow the millet to fully absorb the water, release a richer aroma during the subsequent cooking process, and make the porridge softer and smoother.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


1. Gently pour the soaked millet and the soaked water into a clean and thick pot. Then, according to personal preference and the amount of millet, add an appropriate amount of water. First, the water is quickly boiled over a high fire, and the water in the pot will tumble violently like a cheerful dancer, showing a state of heated boiling.

2. Then, quickly reduce the heat to low and keep the water in the pot boiling gently and continuously. During the simmering process, it is necessary to gently stir with a spoon from time to time to prevent the millet from sticking to the bottom of the pan or forming lumps, ensuring that each grain of millet can be evenly heated, fully releasing its natural aroma and nutrients.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

3. Over time, the millet will gradually bloom and the texture of the porridge will become thicker and thicker. During the whole process, you should pay close attention to the state of the porridge and the evaporation of water, if you feel that the water is too low, you can add some boiling water in an appropriate amount to maintain the appropriate consistency of the porridge.

4. When the millet porridge is boiled until the rice grains are soft and rotten, the porridge body becomes viscous, and a layer of fine porridge oil forms on the surface, it means that the millet porridge has been cooked. At this point, you can add a little rock sugar or honey to your personal taste to add a hint of sweetness.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

Millet cake

Choose the best millets and make sure they are golden in color, intact in their particles, and odor-free. Carefully wash the millet to remove possible impurities and incomplete particles. Then, put the millet in a container large enough and add enough water so that the millet is completely covered in water. Soak it for more than 4 hours, preferably overnight, so that the millet can fully absorb water and soften, laying a good foundation for subsequent production.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


1. Drain the soaked millet and place it in a high-performance blender. Next, add an appropriate amount of water according to how moist the millet is. Start the blender and beat the millet into a fine, even, smooth rice milk.

2. Pour the beaten rice milk into a spacious stainless steel basin. Subsequently, caster sugar is added to the rice milk and the amount is adjusted according to personal preference for sweetness. Meanwhile, add 3 grams of yeast powder and stir well with a whisk or chopsticks to completely dissolve the sugar and yeast powder in the rice milk, ensuring that the mixture is uniform and free of particles.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

3. Cover the stirred rice milk with plastic wrap or a damp cloth and place it in a warm and windless place for resting and fermentation. As the yeast acts, the volume of the rice milk gradually expands, and small bubbles may appear on the surface, fermenting to about twice the original volume, a process that usually takes 1-2 hours, depending on the ambient temperature and the activity of the yeast.

4. Stir the fermented rice milk again to expel the bubbles generated in it. Pour it into a pre-prepared mold, which can be a specialized cake mold, a stainless steel basin or a ceramic bowl. Note that the inner wall of the mold should be coated with a thin layer of oil in advance to facilitate demoulding.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

5. Place the mold with the rice milk in a steamer with boiling water and steam over high heat for 30 minutes. During the steaming process, the rice milk gradually solidifies and expands, forming a fluffy and elastic millet cake.

6. After steaming, turn off the heat but don't rush to open the lid and let the millet cake continue to simmer in the pan for 5-10 minutes to allow it to cook thoroughly inside and have a more delicate texture. Take out the steamed millet cake, remove it from the mold and put it on the drying rack to cool, and let it cool to room temperature before serving.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

Millet pot

Select high-quality, fresh millets and carefully inspect them to ensure that they are free of impurities and broken particles. Put the millet in a large bowl, add enough water, stir gently and let it stand for a moment to allow the impurities to float, then pour out the water and repeat 2 - 3 times until the water is clear and the millet is thoroughly washed.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


1. Put the washed millet in a container, add an appropriate amount of water, and soak for 2 hours. After soaking, drain the millet and set aside.

2. Put the soaked millet into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water and a little refined salt. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook slowly. During the cooking process, stir the millet from time to time to ensure that it is evenly heated and prevent sticking to the bottom or boiling paste.

3. Continue to cook until the millet is soft, the water is basically absorbed, and a thin layer forms at the bottom of the pot. At this point, keep a close eye on it and avoid boiling it dry or burnt.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

4. When the bottom of the pot is formed, carefully turn it over. Continue to keep the heat low and slowly fry the other side until both sides are golden brown and crispy. During the frying process, the pan can be moved appropriately to make it more evenly heated and the color more attractive.

5. Take out the fried millet pancake and place it on kitchen paper to absorb the excess grease and make it more refreshing and crispy. Once cooled, you can enjoy this delicious millet pot.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

Millet pumpkin paste

Pick a pumpkin with a bright color and a hard texture. Wash the dirt and impurities on the surface of the pumpkin with clean water, then use a knife to peel off the outer skin of the pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds, and cut it into small pieces of uniform size for later use.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley


1. Rinse the millet with water, put it in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of water and soak for 30 minutes, so that the millet can absorb enough water and prepare for subsequent cooking.

2. Put the soaked millet and the sliced pumpkin cubes into a pot and add an appropriate amount of water. The amount of water should be adjusted according to the personal preference for the consistency of the paste, if you like a little thinner, you can add more water, if you like a thicker one, you can add less water.

3. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook slowly. During the cooking process, stir from time to time to prevent the millet and pumpkin from sticking to the bottom of the pan or boiling paste.

Where is the best millet in China? Please recognize these 4 origins, nourishing and healthy, treasures in the valley

4. As the cooking time is extended, the pumpkin will gradually become soft and rotten, and the millet will also boil and bloom. Continue to cook until the pumpkin and millet are completely fused to form a delicate paste.

5. If you don't feel that the texture of the paste is delicate enough, you can use a blender or blender to further beat it into a smoother paste. Then pour it back into the pan and heat it for a few moments to make it thicker and more mellow.

Millet is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a great choice for a healthy diet!


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