
Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

author:Calligraphy and painting everyone

Text/Feng Haitao Painting/Li Peijin

There are two kinds of collectors of calligraphy and paintings, one is for business and the other is for consumption. However, many friends who collect paintings and calligraphy do not figure out which one they are. It can also be said that they did not know that there were two types of calligraphy and painting collections. Rather, it is believed that what is operated is operated, and what is collected is collected. Define yourself as a collector, so that your own road to collecting paintings and calligraphy has gone to the road of no return. The calligraphy and painting market is a process of generation, operation and consumption. Calligraphers and painters are the producers, and this is understood and known. However, the identity of the operator and the consumer, both collectors, is rarely understood. Because everyone thinks that consumers are collectors. However, in fact, the identity of the collector of the consumer is not as accurate as that of the operator. You must know that the reason why calligraphers and painters are known and why calligraphy and painting works go to the market is because of the operation and maintenance and publicity packaging of the operators or calligraphers and painters themselves.

Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

Li Peijin's work

The reason why the operator packages a certain calligrapher and painter is because the calligrapher and painter is marketable, or more bluntly, it can create wealth for the operator. However, this phenomenon is due to the current environment formed by the trading environment of calligraphy and painting works formed by calligraphy and painting lovers who discover their favorite calligraphy and painting works, dig out the author of this work, and recommend them. The formation of this environment has also misled those who are new to the field of painting and calligraphy collection, believing that the operator is the operator and the consumer is the collector. In the process of collecting paintings and calligraphy, it is not the calligrapher and painter who earns the first pot of gold, but the collector (the collector here refers to the operator who discovers, promotes and operates). And the one who contributed to this first pot of gold was collected because of various needs (here referring to demand consumers).

Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

Li Peijin's work

In this kind of production and supply and demand relationship, the reputation and prestige of calligraphers and painters will be higher and higher, and the people who know their works will become more and more extensive, followed by the increase in purchase demand, and the imbalance between supply and demand will make the value of their works rise in a straight line, and in the process of rising, the first batch of consumers will get benefits from it, so that there will be a second group of people who have gained wealth because of the collection of calligraphy and painting in the collection link (this part of the people is also a lot of people now, thinking that it is the real collector group). However, as you can see in my story, they are actually the first consumers.) When the reputation and price of calligraphers and painters continue to rise, there will be a third and fourth group of people who have gained wealth through collecting their calligraphy and painting works. In this process, another kind of collector will be created, which is what we call intermediate, which derives wealth from it by solving the needs of some collectors and demanders. It was also at this moment that it was the time for calligraphers and painters to make money.

Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

Li Peijin's work

What I said above, you can seriously compare the famous family you are familiar with, the history of fame and fortune, and see which one is not so successful. If you really can't find it, I suggest you don't mix in the circle of calligraphy and painting. Whether you are a calligrapher or a collector, it is not suitable to make a living in the painting and calligraphy circle.

Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

Li Peijin's work

Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

Li Peijin's work

Painting and collecting: There are two kinds of collectors, one is for business and the other is for consumption

Li Peijin's work

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