
Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

In the Spring and Autumn Period of the Lu Kingdom, the ancient trees towered to the sky, and the wind and clouds surged. In the sky, the stars twinkle, as if telling a secret that has remained unchanged for the ages. In this era full of mystery and wisdom, a story about Confucius is quietly circulated among the people.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

What is the reason behind a great thinker who is revered as a "sage" by later generations to worship a child as a teacher? What is the reason behind this? What is Xiang Qi's answer? Why did Confucius attach so much importance to this answer?

1. The Flower of Spring and Autumn Wisdom: The Birth of Xiang Lu

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a child named Xiang Lu was born in a desolate valley, and his cry echoed throughout the valley. Xiang Lu's birth seems to herald the change of this era. His mother, a strong and wise woman, raised him in that difficult environment.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

Xiang Lu has shown extraordinary wisdom since he was a child. He likes to sit on the edge of the valley, gazing at the clouds in the sky, pondering his own questions. He is curious about the mysteries of the natural world and always asks questions that even adults find difficult to answer. His curiosity is not limited to natural phenomena, but also includes human social and philosophical reflections. Once, he asked his mother, "Mother, why does the wind in the valley sound like it tells an old story?" and she replied with a smile, "Because every gust of wind is a messenger of time, and they blow from the distant past, carrying with them the echoes of those times." ”

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

Xiang Lu's ingenuity soon attracted the attention of the neighboring elders. They often came to Xiang Lu's home to talk to the young wise man. These old men are very knowledgeable, but they are often confused when faced with Xiang Qi's questions. Once, Xiang Lu asked an old man: "Teacher, why do the princes want to fight for hegemony, why can't they coexist peacefully?" The old man was silent for a while, and then said: "This is because people's hearts are unpredictable, desires are difficult to fill, and every prince wants to become the master of the world. Xiang Lu pondered the old man's words, but he still had doubts in his heart.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

As the years passed, Xiang Lu gradually grew up. He began to focus not only on life in the valley, but also on the chaotic world outside. He began to study ancient books and learn various Xi and strategies. His mother watched him grow up, feeling both relieved and worried. She knew that the child would eventually leave the valley and go to the wider world.

One day, Xiang Lu said to his mother: "Mom, I want to go out and see the world and understand the truth about the princes' struggle for hegemony." The mother looked at him deeply and whispered, "Go, my child, but remember, wherever you go, do not forget your original intention." Xiang Lu nodded, his eyes shining with determination.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

On the day Xiang Lu left the valley, the spring breeze blew through the valley, as if to see him off. He embarks on a journey to find answers, with his mother's blessings and the weight of his time. He knew in his heart that his journey was not just about satisfying his personal curiosity, but also about finding a solution that would make the world peaceful.

2. Duel of Wisdom: The encounter between Xiang Lu and Confucius

Confucius and his disciples passed through the country of Lu in one day as they traveled through various countries. Their motorcade traveled slowly, through lush fields and ancient villages. During this journey, Confucius heard about a clever boy named Xiang Qi. The child's wisdom was even passed down among the neighbors in the neighborhood. Confucius was naturally interested in such a talent, and decided to meet the child himself.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

As Confucius's motorcade approached the city, their path was blocked by a child playing. This child is none other than Xiang Lu. He had built a small city out of mud, sand and stones, and was concentrating on arranging his troops and horses. Confucius's motorcade had to stop, and Confucius approached curiously to watch.

Confucius asked, "Little friend, why are you blocking the road with this small city?" Xiang Lu looked up at Confucius, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and replied, "Teacher, I am simulating a war and using this city to defend against the enemy. Confucius smiled, and his heart appreciated the child's ingenuity even more.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

Then Confucius asked a question: "So, how do you deal with a strong enemy?" Xiang Lu pondered for a while and replied: "Although a strong enemy is strong, it also has weaknesses. I will look for these weaknesses and overcome them with wit rather than force alone. After hearing this, Confucius was very satisfied with Xiang Qi's answer, and he knew that this child not only had wisdom, but also a well-thought-out strategy.

Confucius decided to engage in a battle of wits with Xiang Lu. He asks a range of moral, political, and philosophical questions, each of which is deep and complex. Xiang Lu not only answered them one by one, but also came up with his own unique opinions, which surprised both Confucius and his disciples.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

This contest of wisdom is not only a test of Xiang Qi's intelligence, but also an exchange of ideas. Confucius admired Xiang Lu's intelligibility and said to him: "If you have such profound insights at a young age, you will definitely be a pillar of the country in the future." Xiang Yi humbly accepted Confucius's praise and said that he still had a lot to learn Xi.

This meeting between Confucius and Xiang Lu not only caused a sensation in the local area, but also made Confucius and his disciples deeply realize the importance of wisdom. When Confucius left, he said to Xiang Qi: "I have benefited a lot from your wisdom and way of thinking, and I hope you will continue to explore knowledge and become a beacon of this era." Xiang Lu bowed respectfully to Confucius, his heart full of longing for the future and a desire for learning.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

3. Wise Debate: Xiang Lu's witty answers

On that spring afternoon, the debate between Confucius and Xiang Lu was like a spring breeze blowing through the green grasslands, stirring up waves of wisdom. The surrounding villagers and Confucius's disciples gathered to witness this rare duel of wisdom. Confucius, with his profound knowledge, posed profound problems to Xiang Lu.

Confucius asked, "Young wise man, can you tell me how many stars there are in the sky?" Xiang Lu pondered for a moment and replied, "The stars in the sky are innumerable, just as endless as human thoughts. We can't count them exactly, but we know that their existence is the beauty of the universe. When Confucius heard this, a hint of approval flashed in his eyes.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

Then Confucius asked, "Then, how much grain is there on the ground?" Xiang Lu smiled and said, "The quantity of grain depends on the hard work of the peasants and the gifts of nature." They are both finite and infinite, like human effort and hope. Such an answer not only shows Xiang Qi's wisdom, but also reflects his deep understanding of nature and human life.

Xiang Lu then asked Confucius, "Teacher Kong, what do you think is the most important thing in life?" Confucius was stumped by this question. He was silent for a while, and then said, "This is a question worth pondering, there are many important things in life, and it is difficult to summarize them simply. Xiang Lu's question made Confucius also fall into deep thought, and he realized that the young man's thinking had gone beyond the norm.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

The debate went on for a long time, and Xiang Qi not only skillfully answered every question of Confucius, but was also able to ask some questions that made Confucius think. His wisdom and wit not only amazed those present, but even Confucius had to admire him. Confucius knew in his heart that this young man was not just a wise man, but that his depth of thought and vision had reached unimaginable heights.

As the sun sets, the debate finally ends. Confucius said to Xiang Lu: "Young man, I am amazed by your wisdom and insights. You will be a leader and mentor of our time. Xiang Lu modestly responded: "Teacher Kong, your teaching has benefited me a lot, and I will continue to study hard to Xi, hoping to contribute to the world one day." ”

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

This debate is not only an exchange of knowledge and wisdom, but also a collision of ideas. The meeting of Confucius and Xiang Qi, these two wise men, symbolized the importance of wisdom and thinking, which influenced that era and even later generations.

4. Apprenticeship: Confucius's approval

In the Spring and Autumn Lu Kingdom, on both sides of the ancient road, the willows are still around, and the small river flows through. The years are quiet, but every inch of land in the country of Lu is full of seeds of wisdom and is waiting to sprout. In this context, the story of Confucius and Xiang Lu is like a brilliant pearl, embedded in the long river of history.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

On that sunny day, Confucius walked along the path outside the village, contemplating the deep meaning of education and learning. At this time, he saw a seven-year-old child, Xiang Lu, playing seriously by the river. When Confucius approached, he saw Xiang Lu holding small pebbles in his hand and bouncing them gently on the surface of the river, and the pebbles jumped a few times on the surface of the water and sank to the bottom. Confucius was fascinated by this scene and stepped forward to ask.

"What are you doing, child?" Confucius asked.

Xiang Lu raised his head, his eyes flashing with wisdom, "I'm talking to the river, seeing how many jumps my pebbles can be on the surface of the water." ”

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

Confucius sat down slightly, "What a lot of skill it takes." ”

"It's not just the technique, it's about understanding the mood of the water. Xiang Lu said seriously.

Confucius was shocked by these words. He carefully observed the child and found that Xiang Lu's eyes not only had innocence, but also a deep insight into the world. Confucius's heart was filled with admiration, and he began to talk to Xiang Qi about the nature of heaven and earth, and humanistic etiquette. During the conversation, Xiang Lu showed wisdom and insights beyond his years, which amazed Confucius.

Story: Confucius: How many stars are there in the sky? After the seven-year-old child answered, Confucius immediately bowed to the teacher

Back at home, Confucius couldn't calm down for a long time. He pondered the conversation with Xiang Lu and felt an unprecedented inspiration. Eventually, he made up his mind to learn from the seven-year-old boy. This decision is not only out of admiration for Xiang Qi's intelligence, but also out of his respect for wisdom and the embodiment of his educational thought that "threesomes must have my teacher".

This act of Confucius caused extensive discussion in the Lu State and even throughout the Spring and Autumn Period. People marveled at Confucius's broad-mindedness, and at the same time admired Xiang Qi's intelligence. Xiang Lu's story quickly spread among the people and became a good story.

Under the guidance of Confucius, Xiang Lu's wisdom was further developed. He not only Xi studied classical literature, but also had deep insights into astronomy and geography. Confucius, on the other hand, also learned a lot from Xiang Qi, especially his innocent view of the world and his thirst for knowledge. This teacher-student relationship has become a model for future generations to admire.

As the years go by, stories circulate in people's mouths, and every time they are told, they add a new color to this history. The story of Xiang Lu and Confucius became a legend in the Spring and Autumn Period, inspiring generations of people to pursue knowledge and respect wisdom.


1. The Analects

2. "Spring and Autumn"

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