
Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

In the vast land of the Northeast, wind and snow are blowing. The family sat around a dilapidated wooden house, the light of the fire flickering, casting shadows of their worries. Zhu Kaishan, a once high-spirited family leader, had mixed emotions flashing in his eyes. His gaze finally rested on his eldest son, Zhu Chuanwen, with both disappointment and deep worry in his eyes.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

This night, for the Zhu family, is destined to be extraordinary. The family faces unprecedented challenges: years of natural disasters have led to crop failures, and the survival of the family is in jeopardy. Zhu Kaishan once hoped that his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen would be able to stand up in this predicament and shoulder the pillars of the family. However, Zhu Chuanwen's timidity and conservatism made this hope dim.

At this moment, Zhu Chuanwen lowered his head, his heart was full of contradictions and struggles. He knew his own shortcomings, but he couldn't overcome the psychological barrier and become the person his father expected. And Zhu Kaishan's disappointment is not only for his son, but also for the future of the entire family.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

So, can Zhu Chuanwen grow up in adversity and become a real family leader? Can Zhu Kaishan's disappointment be transformed into pride in his son?

Cautious Zhu Chuanwen: It is difficult to bear the heavy responsibility of the family

Zhu Chuanwen stood in the courtyard, his eyes as sharp as an eagle's falcon scanning the hired workers around him. His eyes were full of dissatisfaction and sternness, as if every small flaw could provoke his anger. The hired workers kept their heads down and were busy, but from time to time they secretly exchanged helpless and fearful looks. Zhu Chuanwen suddenly shouted at a young hired man: "What are you doing here? You can't do this kind of work well, it's really a waste!" The young man's face suddenly turned pale, and he started his work again in despair.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Under the shade of the trees on the side, Zhu Kaishan quietly observed all this. His brow furrowed, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He had hoped that he would understand the art of leadership and how to motivate and respect others, but now it seems that his approach is completely contrary to his expectations.

Zhu Kaishan walked towards Chuanwen, his tone was calm but with unquestionable majesty: "Chuanwen, management is not a simple order and reprimand, you need to learn to understand and respect others. ”

Zhu Chuanwen turned his head to look at his father, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he became stubborn: "Father, I'm just making sure that the work can be completed efficiently." If they are not strictly demanded, how can they do their best?"

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Kaishan sighed: "Efficiency is important, but people's hearts are even more critical. If you only use orders and intimidation to manage, you will only lose their respect and loyalty. ”

A trace of displeasure flashed on Zhu Chuanwen's face, obviously he didn't agree with his father's opinion. But Zhu Kaishan's words had already planted the seeds of doubt in his heart. Zhu Kaishan turned to leave, leaving Zhu Chuanwen to ponder in place. He began to realize that maybe his management style really needed to be improved, but his self-esteem made it difficult for him to admit it easily.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

As time passed, discontent among the Zhu family's employees grew, and some even began to talk about leaving the Zhu family in private. Zhu Chuanwen's management style not only failed to improve efficiency, but instead caused even greater confusion and dissatisfaction. The stability and harmony of the Zhu family seem to be facing unprecedented challenges.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Excessive thrift: Zhu Chuanwen's business failure

Zhu Chuanwen's brows tightened, and he stood in front of the storeroom of the hotel, examining the batch of horse meat that had just been shipped in front of him. The quality of the meat is not very good, but the price is unusually low. In Zhu Chuanwen's view, this is a good opportunity to reduce costs and increase profits. He smiled slightly and said to the chef beside him, "This batch of meat, we will use it as beef." Customers can't tell the difference. ”

The chef looked at the horse meat, and there was a hesitant look on his face: "But, Boss Zhu, isn't it good to do this......?

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Chuanwen waved his hand impatiently: "You just do your own thing, you don't have to worry about anything else." This allows us to save a lot of money. ”

The chef had no choice but to bow his head in agreement, but his heart was full of worry. Sure enough, it didn't take long for a customer who was familiar with meat to notice that something was wrong. He took the meat on the plate, walked up to Zhu Chuanwen, and said in a cold and hard voice: "What kind of meat is this?" Tell me, is this really beef?"

Zhu Chuanwen's face changed, and he tried to keep his composure: "Of course it's beef, are you mistaken?"

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

But the customer shook his head firmly: "I eat beef a lot, and it's definitely not the taste of beef." I ask you to give me an explanation!"

This scene was seen by other customers, and there was a lot of discussion in the restaurant. Zhu Chuanwen's face turned from red to white, and he realized that things were starting to get out of control. Soon, the news snowballed through Harbin, and the Zhu family restaurant was discredited for selling counterfeit beef.

When Zhu Kaishan learned of this, his face turned pale. He found Zhu Chuanwen, and his voice was full of disappointment and anger: "Chuanwen, what are you doing here? Your behavior has seriously damaged the reputation of the Zhu family!"

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Chuanwen bowed his head and was silent, he knew that his behavior was beyond justification. Zhu Kaishan continued: "Doing business is about integrity, how can I trust you to take on the responsibility of the family with your behavior like this?"

This time, Zhu Chuanwen had nothing to say, and his head hung lower. The credibility of the Zhu Family Hotel was severely damaged by his momentary greed for small gains. Zhu Kaishan looked at the son in front of him who he had high hopes for, and his heart was both angry and disappointed.

Timid and afraid: Zhu Chuanwen's evasive character

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Chuanwen's timidity and evasive personality are vividly reflected in his life. One evening, the family was faced with another crisis: a major drought swept through their crops, and they ran out of food. Patriarch Zhu Kaishan urgently convened a meeting of family members, hoping to find a solution. Zhu Chuanwen, as the eldest son, should have been the center of this discussion, but he was extraordinarily silent.

In the dimly lit room, Zhu Kaishan's voice was low and powerful: "We must find a way, this drought may last for a long time." ”

Other family members have expressed their opinions, some proposing to borrow grain, others saying that they should have a variety of drought-resistant crops. Zhu Chuanwen was silent, his eyes fluttering. He knew in his heart that this crisis was extraordinary, but his heart was like being bound by heavy chains, unable to take a step.

Zhu Kaishan noticed his silence and looked at him dissatisfied: "Chuanwen, do you have any ideas?"

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Chuanwen hesitated, and finally just whispered: "I... I think, maybe... Should we wait and see?"

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

"Wait?!" Zhu Kaishan said with dissatisfaction in his voice, "This is an escape, not a way to solve the problem!"

Zhu Chuanwen lowered his head and did not respond. His heart is full of struggle and self-blame, but he doesn't know how to break his bonds. His evasive nature makes him seem so powerless at critical moments.

At dinner, Zhu Chuanwen sat alone on the side, unpleasant to eat. His wife, Xian'er, walked over and asked softly, "What's the matter, Chuanwen, you look distressed." ”

Zhu Chuanwen sighed lightly and said slowly: "I always retreat at critical moments, and I even look down on myself. ”

Xian'er gently held his hand: "You will always find a way, I believe you." ”

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

This sentence was like a ray of warm sunshine, warming Zhu Chuanwen's heart. He looked up at Xian'er, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes: "Maybe, I should really try some changes." ”

Zhu Chuanwen's inner struggle continued, but Xian'er's words seemed to light a lamp for him. Although his personality made it difficult for him to face difficulties, with the support of his family and the encouragement of Xian'er, he began to realize that only by facing and trying could he find the courage to overcome them.

Zhu Kaishan's disappointment: The eldest son failed to become a talent

Zhu Kaishan's disappointment became more and more obvious between his eyebrows. One night, in the hall of the Zhu family, Zhu Kaishan sat alone, playing with a string of old Buddha beads in his hand, and his eyes were deep. Zhu Chuanwen walked in lightly, and when he saw his father's appearance, he couldn't help but feel a tightening heart.

"Father, you haven't slept yet?" Zhu Chuanwen tried to break the silence.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Kaishan raised his head, his eyes stabbed at Zhu Chuanwen like a knife, and his tone revealed disappointment: "Chuanwen, how can I rest assured that I will hand over the family to you with your performance like this?"

Zhu Chuanwen lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I know I disappointed you, but I'm really trying my best." ”

"Do your best?" Zhu Kaishan's voice raised, "Your 'try your best' is just to escape and do some small things, this is not the eldest son I want to see!"

Zhu Chuanwen felt powerless to refute, he knew his shortcomings, but whenever he wanted to break free from these shackles, the fear in his heart would follow him. He knew that his business failures and timid personality were the reasons why he could not take on the responsibilities of the family.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Zhu Kaishan sighed and softened his voice: "Chuanwen, you are the eldest son, and your responsibility is not only to maintain the status quo, but to lead us forward." ”

Zhu Chuanwen stood silently, and Zhu Kaishan's words were like a heavy hammer, smashing into his heart. He knew that his cautious eye and greedy Xi prevented him from becoming a true leader. This is not only a personal challenge for him, but also a crisis for the entire family.

Late at night, Zhu Chuanwen left the hall and walked on the path under the moonlight, his heart full of entanglements and thoughts. He recalls his father's courage and courage in his youth, in stark contrast to his current performance. He begins to realize that if he can't change himself, he will not only continue to disappoint his father, but also the entire family.

Only after reading the original work of "Breaking through the Guandong" can I understand: why Zhu Kaishan has always "refused to reuse his eldest son Zhu Chuanwen"

Back in his room, Zhu Chuanwen stared at the starry sky outside the window for a long time, and made a decision in his heart. He decided that starting tomorrow, instead of running away, he would learn to face challenges Xi, even if it was a small step, and start trying to change his personality. He knew that this path would not be easy, but for the sake of the family's future, he was willing to try.

Zhu Chuanwen's decision, although it did not immediately change his situation, was an important turning point in his growth. He began to learn Xi how to stay calm in the face of difficulties, how to think about the big picture when making decisions, and gradually, he began to show more responsibility and leadership in the small things. Although Zhu Kaishan's disappointment did not dissipate immediately, these changes in Zhu Chuanwen made him see a glimmer of hope. Zhu Chuanwen also gradually realized that becoming a true leader is not only about taking responsibility, but also about constantly growing and surpassing himself in the face of challenges.

Reference: "Crossing the Kanto"