
Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

author:Collection of Chinese History

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the history of Hengshui celebrities. </h1>

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Dong Zhongshu (179 BC – 104 BC), a native of Guangchuan (Guangchuan Dadong Guzhuang Village, Jingxian County, Hebei Province).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Scribe, thinker, and politician of the Western Han Dynasty

Dong Zhongshu studied hard in his early years, famous for his study of "Ram Spring and Autumn", and his governance was mainly based on ramology, so he served as a doctor during the Jing Emperor's reign and taught "Ram Spring and Autumn"; Emperor Wu was deeply appreciated by Emperor Wu of Han, and in the first year of Yuan Guang (134 BC), Emperor Wu of Han issued an edict to seek a strategy for governing the country, Dong Zhongshu combined Confucianism with the social needs of the time in the famous "Countermeasures for Raising The Virtuous", and absorbed the theories of other schools, creating a new ideological system with Confucianism as the core, and systematically put forward "heaven and man induction" and "great unification" The doctrine and the proposition that "those who are not in the six arts and the art of Confucius are all desperate, do not make progress at the same time", "depose hundreds of families, and respect Confucianism alone" were adopted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, making Confucianism the orthodox thinking of Chinese society and influencing it for more than two thousand years. In the fourth year of Yuan Shuo (125 BC), he resigned his official post and returned home and began to write books, after which whenever the imperial court had a major matter to be discussed, the emperor would order emissaries and court lieutenants to go to the Dong family to ask for his advice, indicating that Dong Zhongshu was still respected by Emperor Wu of Han. Dong Zhongshu lived through three dynasties in his life, spent the peak of the Western Han Dynasty, died of illness in 104 BC, died at the age of about 75, and was buried in Xiamaling in Chang'an because of The favor of Emperor Wu.

Su Dingfang (592–667), courtesy name Lie, was a native of Wuyi County, Jizhou (present-day Wuyi County, Hebei).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

A famous general in the early years of the Tang Dynasty

Su Dingfang was known for his bravery and courage as a teenager, he accompanied his father to recruit traitors, stabilize the township, and in the last year of the Sui Dynasty, he defected to the Hebei rebel army led by Dou Jiande and Liu Heimin, and repeatedly made military achievements, until the reign of Tang Taizong, Su Dingfang began to serve the Tang Dynasty, and accompanied Li Jing in the Northern Expedition to the Eastern Turks, in the decisive night attack on the Battle of Yinshan, Su Dingfang led two hundred cavalry to the front first, broke through the tooth tent of Jieli Khan, and made a great contribution to the destruction of the Eastern Turks. In the second year of Xianqing (657), he was promoted to the position of grand commander of the YiliDao March, began to act alone, and was deeply appreciated and trusted by Emperor Gaozong of Tang for his extraordinary achievements and integrity, and was entrusted with important tasks many times. Su Dingfang conquered the Western Turks, Pingliangling, Yi Baekje, and Goryeo and "destroyed the three kingdoms before and after, and all of them captured their masters", and opened up the territory of the Tang Dynasty to the west to the Aral Sea in Central Asia, and the border reached Persia and extended east to the south of the Korean Peninsula. After that, Su Dingfang successively served as the general of Zuo Xiaowei and the general of Zuo Wuwei, the duke of Xingguo, and in his later years he was appointed as the ambassador of Anji, fully responsible for the military defense of Tubo, and in the second year of Qianfeng (667), Su Dingfang died at the age of 76, and was given the title of Zuo Xiaowei Grand General and Governor of Youzhou, with the title of "Zhuang".

Gao Changgong (?) –573), courtesy name Gao Xiao (高孝瓘), courtesy name Changgong ,, was a native of Ying County, Bohai Commandery (bohai County, in present-day Hengshui City, Hebei).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties period, the Northern Qi Sect Chamber and famous general, one of the four beautiful men in ancient China

Gao Changgong was gentle and gentle, gentle and strong-hearted, and his voice was both beautiful, and his early career experience was far inferior to that of his brother, starting with Tong Zhisan Riding Attendant, and in 559 he began to serve as a magistrate and act as an agent for the history of the assassination of Wanton Prefecture; after the abolition of Emperor Gao Yin took the throne, he was promoted to the title of King of Lanling County, known as the King of Lanling, because of the diligent and meticulous work of the army, he moved and assassinated the history of the prefecture; after the change of Qianming, Emperor Xiaozhao ascended the throne, gave the Lanling King Gao Changgong further reuse, transferred to the middle of the army, and added the three divisions of the Fu Yi Tong, and later successively served as Shangshu Ling, Grand Sima ( Da Sima , Tai Bao , tai wei , and so on. Because of his repeated military exploits, he was jealous of the Northern Qi Emperor, and he was entrusted with illness at home, and finally drank poison and died; after his death, he was posthumously awarded the false Huang Yu, Taishi, Taiwei Gong, and Jizhou Assassin History, with the title of Zhongwu.

Zhang Zishan (1914 – February 10, 1952) was a native of Shangcun, Shen County, Hebei

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

He joined the Communist Party of China in October 1933 and, under the cultivation and education of the Party, did a lot of useful work for the Party and the people, whether in the War of Resistance Against Japan or the War of Liberation, he carried out heroic struggles and established meritorious deeds; but in a peaceful environment, he could not withstand the erosion of the decadent ideas and way of life of the bourgeoisie, and gradually became corrupt and degenerate, becoming a sinner of the people.

Empress Xiaowen Dou (?) –June 29, 135 BC), a native of Guanjin, Qinghe (present-day Wuyi County, Hengshui, Hebei).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Empress Liu Heng of the Han Dynasty

When Emperor Hui of Han was emperor, he was elected as a son of his family and entered the palace to serve Lü Hou, known as Dou Ji; he was later given the title of Acting King Liu Heng (劉恒) the Acting King, accompanied by the Daiguo, and was honored as empress dowager; after Emperor Liu Heng of Han ascended the throne, he was made empress dowager, and had a daughter and two sons: the eldest daughter, Princess Tao Chang Liu Yan, the eldest son, Liu Qi, the eldest son of Emperor Jing of Han, and Liu Wu, the youngest son of Liang Xiaowang; after Emperor Jing of Han ascended the throne, after Emperor Wu of Han ascended the throne in the first year of jianyuan (141 BC), he honored her as empress dowager; Dou's control of power spanned the jing emperor and Emperor Wu, advocating the art of huang lao, and became a Taoist in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty Although Dou was not as familiar as Lü Yan and Wei Zifu, his loyal executors and defenders had a profound influence on the politics of the Western Han Dynasty. Jianyuan died in the sixth year (135 BC) and was buried with Emperor Wen of Han at Baling.

Empress Feng (441 – October 17, 490) was an unknown native of Xindu County, Changle County (present-day Jizhou District, Hengshui, Hebei Province).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Northern Wei Dynasty was an outstanding female politician and reformer, Empress Tuoba Mao of the Wencheng Emperor, the mother of The Xianwen Emperor Tuoba Hong, and the grandmother of Emperor Xiaowen Yuanhong

Born in the Northern Yan royal family of the Le Feng clan, after the fall of Northern Yan, he did not enter the court of Emperor Taiwu Tuoba Taoye and became a slave; Zhengping II (452) was elected as a nobleman of Emperor Wencheng; in the second year of Tai'an (456), he was crowned empress; after Emperor Xianwen Tuoba Hong took the throne, he was honored as the empress dowager, in the face of political turmoil, he listened to the government, decided to kill the powerful minister Yihun, and returned to the government according to the ancestral system; after the death of Emperor Xianwen, he established his grandson Tuoba Hong on the throne and became the empress dowager, and the second time he came to the throne and ruled the world for fifteen years, pushing the Sinicization of Northern Wei to the peak. Her influence on the Northern Wei Dynasty was further developed by her grandson Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei, and became the actual presiding officer of the comprehensive reform in the middle of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and during her regency for more than twenty years, the implementation of the Three Long Law, the Juntian Law, and the Banlu Law established the prototype of an agricultural power, eliminating a considerable number of chaotic dynasties and aristocratic land enclosures, and the policy influence gradually expanded to all subsequent dynasties. In September of the fourteenth year of Taihe (October 17, 490), he died of illness in Pingcheng at the age of 50, and was buried in YongguLing, known as "Empress Wencheng Civilization", after Emperor Xiaowen moved the capital to Luoyang, he built Guyang Cave in the Longmen Grottoes to commemorate Empress Feng.

Shang Kexi (25 August 1604 – 4 December 1676) was a Chinese poet whose ancestral home was Hongdong County, Pingyang Province, Shanxi, and later moved to Hengshui County, Zhending Province (present-day Hengshui City, Hebei)

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

General of the Dongjiang Army of the Ming Dynasty, one of the five Han kings of the early Qing Dynasty

Shang Kexi was not good at learning, liked bow horses, had wisdom and courage, knew the military well, after joining the army, he served under the account of Mao Wenlong, the general of Dongjiang, and was an official to the deputy general of Guanglu Island; in 1629, Yuan Chonghuan beheaded Mao Wenlong, and Shen Shikui, the chief soldier of Pidao, took over, squeezing out the old department of the former Mao Wenlong, in 1634, Shen Shikui intended to falsely accuse him and murder Shang Kexi, this matter was detected by Xu Erxian and others under Shang Kexi's subordinates, and Shang Kexi had the intention to go, sending Xu Erxian and Ban Zhifu's subordinates to Shenyang to contact Houjin, and the emperor Taiji heard about it and shouted "Heaven help me too", After shang kexi took the generals and the military equipment of the five islands under his command to return to Jin, emperor Taiji went out of the city for 30 miles to greet each other, rewarded countless treasures, and returned a total of 27 members of the Shang kexi family who had been captured and found before, and was appointed as a general officer; in 1636, Emperor Taiji changed the name of the country to Qing, sealed Shang Kexi Zhishun King, and gave Shang Kexi Haizhou a fiefdom, and the old family could be placed here, receiving great courtesy from emperor Taiji, and Shang Kexi spent his life fighting horses, and after hundreds of battles, he turned to tens of thousands of miles. For the establishment and consolidation of the Qing Dynasty, he was promoted to the title of Prince of Pingnan during the Kangxi Dynasty, and in the fifteenth year of Kangxi (1676), Shang Kexi died in Guangzhou at the age of 73, and the Kangxi Emperor gave him the title of "Jing".

Gao Shi (704–765), courtesy name Dafu, was a native of Bohai County (present-day Jing County, Hebei).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Chancellor of the Tang Dynasty and poet of biansai

In the eighth year of Tianbao (749), Jinshi and Di were awarded the title of Lieutenant of Qiu County, and he defected to Ge Shuhan, the envoy of Hexi Jiedu, and served as the secretary of the government. In the fifteenth year (756), Tianbao escorted Tang Xuanzong into Chengdu, promoted the counselor, served as the envoy of Huainan Jiedu, rebelled against the rebellion of Li Xuan, the king of Yong, rebelled against the rebels of An Shi, rescued the siege of Suiyang, successively served as the prince Zhan Shi, Peng Shu Erzhou Assassin Shi, Jiannan Dongchuan Jiedushi, Guangde II (764) into the punishment department waiter, Zuo San riding Chang Shi, and was crowned Marquis of Bohai County; Gao Shi grew up in the ancient style and Lefu, and the poetry admired the Jian'an wind bone, and his poems were extensive, especially reflecting the suffering of the people, The language is simple and the style is majestic; together with Cen Shan, Wang Changling, and Wang Zhizhuo, he is known as the "Four Poets of Biansai", and he is the author of the twenty volumes of the "Collection of Gao ChangShi"; Yongtai died in the first year (765) at the age of 62, posthumously awarded the Title of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, with the title of Zhongzhong.

Gong Zhongtao (1886 – March 1964) was a native of Anping County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Revolutionary pioneer

In 1916, he was admitted to Beijing Fazheng University, initially exposed to some new ideas, in 1919 he participated in the May Fourth Movement, in the same year he became acquainted with Li Dazhao and began to study Marxism-Leninism under the inspiration and education of Li Dazhao, in April 1923, he was introduced by Li Dazhao to join the Communist Party of China, and was sent back by Li Dazhao to spread Marxism-Leninism and establish and develop the party's rural grass-roots organizations. Under the leadership of the party, this rural party branch has played a strong role as a fighting fortress in every historical period, and Gong Zhongtao has been loyal to the party all his life and has the courage to dedicate himself to the party's cause.

Dou Jiande (573 – August 3, 621) was a native of Zhangnan County, Bei Prefecture (present-day Gucheng County, Hengshui, Hebei).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

One of the heroes of the late Sui and early Tang dynasties

Dou family has been farming for generations, served as the chief of the li, in the seventh year of Daye (611) Emperor Jue will attack Goryeo, Dou Jiande served as the commander of two hundred people, because of assisting Sun Anzu in the uprising, the family was killed, so he led the troops to rebel against Sui, and threw himself into Gao Jibo Gao Shida; in the twelfth year of Daye, Gao Shida took Dou Jiande as the military Commandery to take power, attacked and killed Guo Xuan of Sui Zhuo County, and the momentum was great, in the same year Gao Shida was killed, Dou Jiande was killed for Shi Da, and the gathering was scattered, so he led the remnants to attack Raoyang (present-day Raoyang, Hengshui City, Hebei) and occupied the plain (present-day Ling County, Dezhou, Shandong) Because he treated his subordinates well and never slaughtered the city, the people from all sides defected one after another, and the army grew to 100,000 people; in the thirteenth year of Daye, he was called the King of Changle, the year name Ding Ugly, the capital Leshou, and the official subordinates. Later, he annihilated more than 30,000 Sui generals Xue Shixiong's troops, and in the fourth year of Wude (621), Li Shimin, the king of Qin, led an army to besiege Wang Shichong, dou Jiande led an army to rescue Wang Shichong, and was defeated and captured at Chang'an.

Dou Jiande was very frugal in his self-esteem, and every time he received more money and soldiers, he advised the peasants to teach The Sang in the territory, so that production could be restored, and the people of Weizhou built the Temple of the King of Xia, and sacrificed every year.

Liu Heimin (?) ~623), a native of Zhangnan County, Bei Prefecture (present-day Gucheng County, Hengshui, Hebei).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

One of the separatist forces in the late Sui and early Tang dynasties

When he was a young man, he was cunning and arrogant, did not rule the industry, and made friends with Dou Jiande, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, From Hao Xiaode joined the Wagang Army, in the first year of the Tang Dynasty (618), the Wagang army led by Li Mi, the Duke of Wei, was defeated, he was captured by Wang Shichong, Shichong took him as a cavalry general, defended Xinxiang, and soon led his troops back to Hebei, attached to Dou Jiande, the King of Xia, and was the Duke of Handong County; in the fourth year of Wude (621), Dou Jiande was defeated by the Tang army, and Liu Heimin gathered Dou Jiande's old troops to raise troops, claiming to be the King of Handong, the year name Tianzuo, and the capital was set at Puzhou, repeatedly engaged in tang armies, and was defeated by Li Shimin, the King of Qin. In the sixth year of Wu De (623), Liu Heimin was attacked by the crown prince Li Jiancheng and the Qi king Li Yuan, and was defeated and killed.

Pi Tong (Pi Tong ( 1st century – 30 BC ) was a native of Xindu County , Xindu County ( present-day Jizhou District , Hengshui , Hebei) in Xindu County

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai

During Wang Mang's reign, Ren hecheng Commandery (任和成郡, in modern JinXian County, Hebei) died zheng, and in October of the first year (23), Liu Xiu passed through Xiaquyang (下曲陽, in modern Jinzhou, Hebei), Pi Tong led his people to surrender, and was given the title of Taishou of Hecheng Commandery (和成郡太守), and soon after, Liu Xiu was defeated by Wang Lang and fled to Xindu, Pi Tong led 2,000 elite troops to Xindu to receive him, Liu Xiu worshiped Pi Tong as a general in the later dynasty, Pi Tong broke the white luxury in Zhongshan, Pi Tong attacked Handan, and was made the Marquis of Wuyi, and in the first year of Jianwu (25 years), he was also the Marquis of Lingshou; In the sixth year of Jianwu (30 years), Pi Dan resigned from his official position and returned to the feudal state, and died of illness in the same year.

Pi Tong was proficient in pharmacology, often treating people's diseases, known as the "Medicine King", the Northern Song Dynasty Jianzhong Jingguo first year (1101) posthumously named Pi Tong as a marquis, and later changed to the title of Duke; Guangxu Thirty-second Year (1906) "Qi Zhou Zhi" recorded: "Kao'an Guo YaoWang Temple, that is, Pi Tong Temple. ”

Sinus baby (?) –131 BC) was a native of Guanjin County, Qinghe County, Western Han Dynasty (present-day Wuyi County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Great General of the Western Han Dynasty, Minister of The Imperial Household

Dou Bao was the son of Emperor Wen of Han's empress Dowager Dou,who was appointed by Emperor Jing of The Seven Kingdoms Rebellion in the third year of Xiaojing (154 BC), and was appointed by Emperor Jing as a general, guarding Xingyang, and after the rebellion was put down, he was enfeoffed with military merit as the Marquis of Wei, Emperor Wuchu, and Ren Chengxiang; later, because of his discord with Marquis Tian of Wu'an, he was impeached under the name of "forged edict" and later executed by Emperor Wu of Han. 

Yang Shoushan (1822-1890) was a native of Yangjiazhai, Jizhou (present-day Jizhou District, Hengshui City, Hebei Province).

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Qing Dynasty businessman, founder of Quanjude

Yang went to Beijing to make a living when he was more than ten years old, first in the suburbs for people to raise ducks, in two years to learn the craft of filling ducks, slaughtering chickens and ducks and other poultry, and then cooperated with people to do the sale of raw chickens and ducks, set up a duck stall on Qianmen Street, and then bought a grocery store called "Dejuquan", and changed it to "Quanjude" roast duck hanging stove shop, because Yang Shoushan character Quanren, taking the meaning of "with Quanjude, rich and prosperous"; later, after renovation, expanded to more than 20 single rooms on two floors, which can accommodate more than 200 people at the same time, and changed its name to "Quanjude Roast Duck Shop". The restaurant is mainly based on roast duck, supplemented by duck offal, and because of its unique flavor, it quickly became famous in Beijing.

Sun Li (May 11, 1913 – July 11, 2002), formerly known as Sun Shuxun, was a native of Anping, Hebei

Who's Who in History: Hebei Hengshui What historical celebrities Hengshui City is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province of the People's Republic of China, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, named after near Hengzhangshui, this city has a long history, history is also full of talents, today we will take a look at the historical celebrities of Hengshui.

Chinese modern and contemporary novelist, essayist, founder of the "Lotus Dian School"

In 1924, he followed his father to a senior primary school in Anguo County, began to come into contact with literary works after the "May Fourth", and worked as an organ clerk and primary school teacher in his early years; in 1937, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out in the winter of 1937, Sun Li joined the anti-Japanese war work and compiled the pamphlet "National Revolutionary War and Drama" to guide the anti-Japanese propaganda work behind the enemy lines. Literary and Art Weekly), and served as a director of the China Writers Association and vice chairman of the Tianjin Branch of the Writers Association; in 1951, he published the novel "The First Record of the Wind and Clouds", in 1956 he published the novella "Prequel to Ironwood"; at 6 o'clock on July 11, 2002, Sun Li died of illness at the age of 90.

Due to the tight time, the following characters will not list their lives one by one, and I hope to understand ~ the follow-up will not be lazy (arranged by chronology)

Cui Yi (c. 103–170), courtesy name Zizhen, was a native of Anping County, Zhuo County (present-day Anping County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province), who served as a Shangshu of the Eastern Han Dynasty and authored the Four People's Moon Order, which became an important classic for the study of ancient agriculture and economy in later generations. 

Northern Yan Wencheng Emperor Feng Bao (?) –430), courtesy name Qi, courtesy name Qizhi ,, was a native of Xindu County, Changle Qun (present-day Jizhou District, Hengshui, Hebei), and a northern Yan monarch during the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms periods.

Cui Hao (381–450), courtesy name Boyuan, was a native of DongwuCheng, Qinghe County (present-day Gucheng County, Hebei Province), an outstanding politician and military strategist of Northern Wei during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and a former Emperor Daowu of Northern Wei, Emperor Mingyuan, and Emperor Taiwu of the Three Dynasties.

Gao Huan (496–547), a native of Bohai County (present-day Hengshui City, Hebei), was a Han Chinese who was a vassal of northern Wei and Eastern Wei during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and was also the founder of the Northern Qi regime, posthumously honored as "Emperor Shenwu".

Gao Cheng (521–549), courtesy name Zihui , a native of Ying County , Bohai Commandery ( present-day Hengshui City , Hebei ) , was a powerful minister, politician , and military figure of eastern Wei during the Southern and Northern Dynasties , and one of the founders of the Northern Qi Dynasty , posthumously honored as "Emperor Wenxiang".

Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi (526 – November 25, 559), courtesy name Zijin, was originally from Ying County, Bohai County (present-day Hengshui City, Hebei), and was the founding emperor of Northern Qi during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Liu Zhuo (544-610), Zi Shiyuan, a native of Changting (present-day Wuyi County, Hebei), a Scholar and Astronomer of the Sui Dynasty, who served as a doctor of Taixue and other positions, was proficient in the calendar, and compiled the "Imperial Pole Calendar" in 604, which was greatly improved in the precession part, more accurate than the previous calendar, but unfortunately was not adopted, and Liu Xuan (Sui Dynasty classicist) was collectively known as Er Liu.

Li Baiyao (565-648), a native of Boling Anping (present-day Anping County, Hengshui, Hebei), was a Sui and Tang dynasty official and historian who created the Book of Northern Qi.

Kong Yingda (574 – October 10, 648), courtesy name Chongyuan, a native of Hengshui, Jizhou (present-day Hengshui, Hebei), the 31st grandson of Confucius, was a Tang Dynasty classicist who participated in the revision of the Five Rites, compiled the Book of Sui, and was later commissioned to compile the Five Classics of Justice, which incorporated the insights of many classicists and was a collection of classics since the Wei and Jin dynasties.

Gao Shilian (575 – February 14, 647), courtesy name Jian, was a native of Bohai County (present-day Jingxian County, Hebei), and chancellor in the early years of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhang Wenhuan (606 – September 30, 678) was a native of Wucheng, Bei prefecture (present-day Qinghe County, Hebei), and was an official of the Ming Dynasty and emperor Gaozong of Tang.

Cui Yuan (705–768), courtesy name Youyu, was a native of Wucheng County, Bei Prefecture (present-day Gucheng County, Hebei Province), who was appointed as prime minister during the Anshi Rebellion.

Zhang Bangchang (1081 – November 1, 1127), courtesy name Zineng, was a native of Dongguang County, Yongjingjun, Hebei Province (present-day Dongguang County, Hebei Province), and prime minister of the late Northern Song Dynasty, who was a representative of the Lord and faction.

Li Luoneng (1788-1876), known as Fei Yu (飛羽), literally Nengran, known as Lao Neng, was a native of Shen County,Zhili Province (present-day Shenzhou City, Hebei), a martial artist of the Qing Dynasty, a great master of modern Shape-Yi Fist, who was famous for his martial arts and the prestige of Li Zhi of Shen Fist, and authored the "Shape-Meaning Fist Spectrum".

Liu Qilan (1819-1889), also spelled Qifei, was a native of Shen County, Zhili Province (present-day Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, China), a martial artist in the late Qing Dynasty, one of The Eight Great Disciples of Li Luoneng, a dragon-shaped dragon with a special skill of "Dragon Shape Bone Searching", and one of the most important inheritors of the Hebei School of Shape YiQuan.

Guo Yunshen (1829-1900), also known as Yusheng, was a native of Shen County ,now Shenzhou City, Hebei Province) in the Province, a master of Qing Dynasty shape and meaning, and one of the eight disciples under Li Luoneng.

Cheng Tinghua (1848-1900), courtesy name Yingfang, was a native of Shen County (present-day Shenzhou, Hebei Province, China) and a disciple of Dong Haichuan, who was the founder of the Cheng School of Bagua.

Li Jinglin (1885-1931), also spelled Fangchen, was a native of Zaoqiang (present-day Zaoqiang County, Hebei Province) in the late Qing Dynasty, a modern martial arts master, military general, a descendant of Wudang swordsmanship, and the founder of the Shandong GuoshuGuan.

Cao Fulin (April 10, 1894 – June 9, 1964) was a native of Jingzhou, Hebei, a military general of the Republic of China, with the rank of lieutenant general in the army, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he led his troops to Shandong, Hebei, Hubei and other places, participated in the Battle of Xuzhou, the Battle of Wuhan, and the Battle of Zaoyi, and made significant contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Feng Zhi'an (16 December 1896 – 16 December 1954) was a native of Gucheng (present-day Gucheng, Hebei), a second-class general and patriotic general in the Republic of China Army.

Zhang Quan (1899-1949), formerly known as Shou Tong (寿棼), also spelled Xudong, was a Hebei Wuqiang, a native of Wuqiang, Hebei Province, who graduated from the eighth phase of the Baoding Army Officer School, and later went to the 13th class of the Artillery Section of the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School to study, a lieutenant general, patriotic general and revolutionary martyr of the Republic of China.

Chi Fengcheng (17 March 1904 – 16 March 1955), courtesy name Zhen'e, was a lieutenant general in the Republic of China Army and a famous anti-Japanese general.

Wang Dongcang (1911 – February 10, 1944), a native of Qianziwen Village, Anping, Hebei Province, was a member of the Communist Party of China, an anti-Japanese hero and a national martyr; the protagonist of the six-episode Anti-Japanese War television series "The Storm of the Tuotuo River".

Wang Renzhong (January 1917 – March 16, 1992), a native of Jingxian County, Hebei Province, was a political figure of the People's Republic of China, who served as vice premier of the State Council, director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress, and vice chairman of the Seventh National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The following are the founding generals of Hengshui

Zhu Jun (1908 – March 24, 1999), a native of Jingxian County, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of major general in 1955.

Liu Youguang (1914–July 4, 2001), a native of Jingxian County, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of Major General in 1955.

Zhang Xiuchuan (1919.07-2005), a native of Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of rear admiral in September 1955 and changed to the rank of rear admiral in 1962.

Cao Zhongnan (November 1914 – February 7, 2014), a native of Jingxian County, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of colonel in 1955 and promoted to the rank of major general in 1961.

Wu Gang (1917–2011), a native of Zaoqiang County, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of colonel in 1955 and promoted to the rank of major general in 1961.

Su Kezhi (1919-2012), a native of Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of colonel in September 1955 and promoted to the rank of major general in 1964.

Wang Zhendong (1916–1986), a native of Raoyang County, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of colonel in September 1955 and promoted to the rank of major general in 1964.

Li Fuyao (1917-2000), a native of Hengshui, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of colonel in September 1955 and promoted to the rank of major general in 1964.

Guo Linzhi (1915-1998), a native of Wuyi County, Hebei Province, was awarded the rank of colonel in 1955 and promoted to the rank of major general in 1964.

丨Invertent Reading丨

"Lanling King's Entry Song"

"Lanling King's Entry Into battle", also known as "Big Face", is a dance music created by the Northern Qi people after the Battle of Yaoshan in praise of Gao Changgong, imitating Gao Changgong's posture of commanding the battle and assassinating the enemy with weapons. The Lanling King's Entry Song developed into a song and dance drama in the Tang Dynasty, and Tang Xuanzong Li Longji set up a church in the imperial palace to play the Lanling King's Entry Song.

The name of Empress Xiaowen Dou

Neither the Records of History nor the Book of Han mention Empress Dou's name, with Zhao Qi of the Eastern Han Dynasty mentioning her name as "Yi" in the Records of the Three Auxiliaries, and the Tang Dynasty Sima Zhen's Shi Ji Suoyin mentioning that the Western Jin Emperor Fumian called Empress Dou's name "Yifang".

King Sanshun of the early Qing Dynasty

In 1636, Emperor Taiji changed the name of the country to Qing, and crowned Kong Youde Gongshun Wang, Geng Zhongming Huaishun Wang, and Shang Kexi Zhishun Wang, as the "Three Shun Kings" in the early Qing Dynasty.

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