
This tyrant who was killed in the chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty died too popular

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This tyrant who was killed in the chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty died too popular

Dou Jiande


Kill Yu Culture and

In the second year of the Tang Dynasty (619), dou Jiande, the anti-king who had divided Hebei, made a very correct decision, attacking Yu Wenhua, who had retreated to Wei County as emperor.

He gave a speech: "I Dou Jiande are the common people of the Great Sui, and the Lord of the Great Sui is my king; now Yu Wenhua and the killing of the emperor are my enemies." I can't help but crusade against him! ”

His subordinates said, "The reason why you rose up in cloth and the old officials of the Great Sui Dynasty did not follow you was because you moved in accordance with the will of the people." Yu Wenhua and his family were favored by the Sui Dynasty but killed the emperor, and they rebelled. Now that you can fight him, you will be the ally of the world! ”

Dou Jiande attacked with his division, defeated Yu Wenhua and retreated to Liaocheng, contacted the pirates, and continued to resist.

No matter how fucked up the Sui Emperor was, Yu Wenhua and killing him as a courtier were the following criminals, and he was a cult sinner.

Kill Yu Wenhua and, first, avenge the Sui Dynasty and occupy the moral high ground;

The Second Yu Culture and a group of ministers who held the Sui Emperor in his hands, the harem regiment, and countless gold and silver treasures, and even the imperial jade seal symbolizing orthodoxy were also in his hands.

So Yuwen is now a piece of fragrant food, and everyone wants to swallow it in one bite.

First, he was beaten up by Tang Jun.

Dou Jiande's army approached the city, and the Tang army retreated.

Dou Jiande picked up a cheap, exhausted Yu Wenhua and how to stop the entangled Dou Jiande, three times five divided by two, all captured.

Dou Jiande first went to see Empress Xiao of the Sui Dynasty Emperor, called him a vassal, suyi wept at the Emperor, received the jade seal, comforted hundreds of officials, and the number of ceremonies was very thorough.

Turning his head, he killed Yuwen Zhihe, Yang Shilan, Yuan Wuda, and a dozen other people who were the masterminds who had killed Emperor Jue, and all of them were killed in front of Sui Chen's face.

Yu Wenhua and his two sons were taken to Xiangcheng, Dou Jiande's stronghold, and beheaded.

The Surrendered Sui army was all dismissed and left to make its own decisions.

Let a large number of people such as Pei Zhi, Cui Junsu, he Chou, and a large number of other former ministers of the Sui Dynasty serve themselves, establish various rules and regulations, and strive to turn to a regular regime.

At this time, Dou Jiande, the king of Xia, was militarily in Hebei, politically avenging the Sui Dynasty, and had the tendency to inherit the Great Sui, and was a powerful force chasing deer in the Central Plains.

This tyrant who was killed in the chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty died too popular


The hard work of entrepreneurship in the early years

Dou Jiande was different from many peasant rebels at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

Most of the peasant army was violent, and how the Sui officials bullied us in the first place made him pay back several times! Be quick and take revenge.

The rise of Dou Jiande carries a three-point legend and a generous atmosphere.

He was originally in his hometown of Zhangnan in Beizhou, and he was a very prestigious "elder".

Emergency relief, righteous and wealthy, as a mile chief - this is particularly like the chao gai in the water margin.

His father died, and thousands of people were sent to the funeral, and dou Jiande confiscated every penny of the gifts sent by these people.

In the seventh year of Daye, attacking Goryeo and recruiting soldiers everywhere severely, Dou Jiande became a "two-centurion" of the new recruits in Zhangnan.

At that time, everyone was reluctant to go to Goryeo, and coupled with the great water in Shandong, many families encountered disasters.

Dou Jiande's friend Sun Anzu's wife died and his family was destroyed, and on this grounds, he applied for exemption from military service, and the county order was furious: Everyone is not going to go like you, what to do? Order me to take the whip and smoke it!

Angered, Anzu found an opportunity to sneak back and slaughtered the county order.

Fleeing to Dou Jiande's house, Jiande said:

"When Emperor Wen of the Former Dynasty (Emperor Yang Jian of Sui) was rich, the world was rich and had not yet conquered Goryeo. Now there is a lot of water everywhere, the servitude is heavy, everyone can't survive, and the emperor still recruits us to fight Goryeo! Manly husband wants to create a big cause, how can he always be a deserter! ”

He said that the nearby Gaoji Berth is hundreds of miles in circumference, the water is large and the harbor is deep, and the reeds are dense, which is very suitable for hiding, and can occupy the base area, collect people and horses, and wait for the opportunity to start an army and become a big thing.

It seems that Dou Jiande already had a plot, and Sun Anzu was deeply impressed, so they gathered hundreds of deserters and displaced people, led by Sun Anzu, to Gaoji Po to the grass.

At this time, Shandong was already in chaos, and several peasant armies were running across the territory of Zhangnan, killing people and setting fires, but everyone had a tacit understanding, and no one moved Dou Jiande's manor.

The Sui officials of the county had long heard that Dou Jiande and the robbers of Gao Jibo had colluded, and now in this situation, did it not confirm that Dou Mou was a lurking bandit leader?

The chaotic world did not have to be verified, and sent soldiers to arrest the Dou family and kill them.

Jiande was outside, escaped with his life, and forced himself to Liangshan, leading hundreds of people to defect to the peasant army of Gao Shida, who called himself the "Duke of the East China Sea".

The peasant armies annexed each other and had to resist the encirclement and suppression of the Sui army.

Sun Anzu was killed by Zhang Jin, who claimed to have been beheaded by the Sui general Yang Yichen, and many peasant armies fled to Gao Shida and Dou Jiande.

Bloody storms and rains struck one after another, Yang Yichen was a famous general in the Sui army, and it did not take long to kill Gao Shida, fortunately Dou Jiande had already prepared, led hundreds of people to escape, and in the form of guerrilla warfare, once again developed people and horses to kill thousands of people.

He mourned for Gao Shida, collected the old department, laid down the city, and treated the Officials of the Sui Dynasty well.

Greatly different from the group of thieves, many people surrendered for a while, and in the thirteenth year of the Sui Dynasty Emperor's great cause, his men claimed to have 100,000.

Calling himself the King of Changle, he seems to have become the overlord of one side.

This tyrant who was killed in the chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty died too popular


Dominate Hebei

The power was too great, which attracted the attention of the government, and the Sui army general Xue Shixiong led an army of 30,000 to suppress it.

Jiande announced to the outside world that he had led his army to flee to the seaside swamps, and all the cities he occupied had withdrawn, but he led thousands of elite troops to ambush xue shixiong on the south side of the river, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

General Xue got the news that Dou Jiande had fled in the wind, and these grass cursies were not worth a sun! There was no embankment at all, and it was stationed at the Seven Mile Well south of Hejian City.

Dou Jiande led a thousand death squads to sneak closer, just when the fog was confused, reaching out and not seeing the five fingers, Jiande was overjoyed, and immediately launched an attack.

The Sui army could not tell where the enemy came from, how many, was defeated, trampled on each other, and died tens of thousands of people, Xue Shixiong only took a few hundred horses and fled.

This battle was fought so beautifully that the Sui army was terrified.

Lao Dou attacked Hejian and did not expect Wang Chun, the defender of Hejian, to resist the attack of the peasant army again and again.

There was no way to take him, the news came that the Sui Emperor had been killed by Yu Wenhua in Jiangsu!

Wang Chun mourned in Hejian City, and Jiande also sent emissaries into the city to express his condolences.

When the grain in the city was eaten, the emperor was killed, and Wang Chun lost his fighting spirit, so he asked the emissary to bring the message back, and I was willing to surrender.

Dou Jiande retreated thirty miles and laid down a banquet for Wang Chun.

Lao Wang tied himself up on time to descend, and Dou Jiande untied him and comforted him.

The old men all said, "Wang Chun has been holding back our army for so long, how many brothers have we lost, and now there is no way to surrender, we should kill!" ”

Dou Jiande showed the vision of a brilliant politician: "This man is a righteous soldier! How can a man who is loyal to his duties kill? In the past, we were robbers in Gaojibo and could be killed at will. Now to appease the people and fight for the world, you can't kill Zhongliang! ”

Order: Whoever had a vendetta against Wang Chun before, who dared to move him, destroy the three tribes!

For a time, Sui officers and officials surrendered one after another.

With Leshou City as the capital, called Jincheng Palace, it expanded its territory to all sides.

At this moment, Yu Wenhua, who killed Emperor Jue, went north, and Dou Jiande seized the opportunity to intercept it, and there was a scene at the beginning of the text.

This tyrant who was killed in the chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty died too popular


Establish the Kingdom of Bactria

Now that Yu Wenhua has been killed, his strength has increased greatly, and his ambition has also increased greatly.

On the day of the winter solstice in 618, five large birds flew down on The City of Leshou, and thousands of birds followed and flew away a day later.

Someone offered a piece of black jade gui, which was the same auspicious omen as Dayu! The name of the founding year is Wufeng, the founding number is Xia Guo, and he calls himself the King of Xia.

To the north, he killed the anti-Wang Wei Dao'er and annexed his territory.

Actively attacking the Tang army to the south, Lian Kexiang Prefecture and Wei Prefecture captured Li Yuan's cousin Li Shentong, his sister Princess Tong'an Chang, and the general Li Shiji.

Huazhou surrendered, and for a time the anti-king Xu Yuanlang of Qizhou, Jeju and Even Yanzhou surrendered, and the military momentum was greatly enhanced.

The Tang army sent people to make peace, and Dou Jiande generously spared Li Shijie, who had fled, and released Li Shentong, Princess Tong'an Chang, and Li Shijie's father to The Tang.

He went north to concentrate on dealing with Luo Yi in Youzhou and Meng Haigong in Caozhou.

As a result, Luo Yi retreated from Youzhou, Meng Haigong surrendered, and Dou Jiande was already the largest divider in Hebei.

In the fourth year of The Tang Dynasty (621), the Tang army had already attacked Wang Shichong of Luoyang for a year, originally thinking that it was a great battle of equal strength, but it was expected that the Tang army qin king Li Shimin had the advantage one-sidedly, and Wang Shichong could not stand it and asked for help from his former enemy Dou Jiande.

At this time, it was February, and Dou Jiande realized that the three forces of Tang, Zheng, and Xia would be the key to chasing the Central Plains, and in line with the principle of cold lips and teeth, they must assist King Zheng Shichong.

Still thinking that when Tang and Zheng were both defeated and injured, the Xia army came to reap the benefits of the fishermen, so he commanded an army of nearly 200,000 and killed Luoyang.

The greatest decisive battle at the end of the Sui Dynasty was about to break out.

This tyrant who was killed in the chaotic world at the end of the Sui Dynasty died too popular


Fold the tiger prison

The commander of the Tang army was Li Shimin, the king of Qin.

He divided most of his forces and continued to surround Wang Shichong of Luoyang, leading 3,500 elite cavalry himself into the Tiger Prison Pass and choking the throat of the Xia army on its way forward.

Although Dou Jiande had a great advantage in troop strength, he was blocked there, and it was difficult to launch an attack, dragging on for several months, and gradually becoming a tired division.

On the second day of the first month of May, the Xia army lined up, and from morning to noon, the soldiers were hungry and tired, and they all sat on the ground to rest, rushing to drink water.

Li Shimin waited for this opportunity, and suddenly led the elite cavalry to cross the water and really took the camp of the Xia Army.

Jiande was gathering hundreds of officials for a meeting, and Tang Rode was killed in front of him in an instant, and the officials were forced into the camp.

Jiande called the cavalry to fight, the officials gave way, and in the chaos, the Tang army entered the camp, like a tiger into the flock, slashing and killing.

The Xuanjia army of the Tang army killed through the Camp of the Xia Army, and put up the banner of the Tang Army behind the battle, and the Xia Army was in great confusion, and those who had just surrendered, Meng Haigong and Xu Yuanlang's subordinates, turned around and ran, and the whole army collapsed like a landslide.

Dou Jiande was conspicuously wearing his golden armor, and the two knights of the Tang Army stared at him tightly, and were swept off their horses by a shot, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me, I am the King of Xia." "The two cavalrymen were overjoyed, and they were captured alive and returned to ask for a reward."

A battle was fought, and the myth of Li Shimin's god of war was achieved.

Li Shimin said to Dou Jiande, "What does my beating Wang Shichong have to do with you?" Dare to cross the border to offend our army! Dou Jiande hung his head in frustration: "If you don't come today, you will have to go far in the future!" ”

The Xia army was completely destroyed, and Wang Shichong's Zheng army also surrendered.

Dou Jiande was escorted to Chang'an, and Li Yuan disregarded his preferential treatment of Tang princesses and princes and beheaded them.

One move is careless, all the dishes are lost, and even one life is taken.

It is estimated that Jiande is still too popular in Hebei, and it is a hidden danger to stay.

Of course, Li Tang also blatantly killed him, causing the old dou clan in Hebei, such as Liu Heimin, to resist for many years, until two or three years later, when the Hebei region was truly pacified.


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