
#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no

author:Half a brain


How do you tell how fresh a prawn is?

My method is to first choose the kind of curved one on the plate, not the kind that straightens the body, and only the live shrimp 🦐 will shrink their bodies when they encounter high temperatures.

The second is that fresh shrimp feels like a QQ bomb in the mouth, which is slightly sweet, and if you chew it in the mouth to produce a noodle feeling, then it means that the shrimp is not fresh.

Finally, the live shrimp is served with a translucent feeling, and if it looks cloudy, then it will not be a good shrimp.

The best food is often very simple and primitive to make, without much complicated procedure, just put it in boiling water, cook it for a few minutes, and take it out and dip it in the sauce to eat it. #冬日生活打卡季#

#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no
#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no
#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no
#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no
#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no
#2024Gourmet Diary#How to identify the freshness of prawns? My approach is to choose the curved one on the plate first, no

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