
None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

author:Xiaofeng talks about history

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The power can be lifted, and the wolf is sealed. The reason why China has been so splendid for 5,000 years is precisely because all dynasties and generations have heroes and heroes who have been passed down through the ages.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

But unfortunately, with the passage of time, many people have forgotten these heroes and heroes, and even enshrined many imaginary soldiers as "treasures".

Mistaking fish eyes for pearls, let's take a look at what are the top generals even recognized by the official history!

1. Unique, overlord Xiang Yu!

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

After the victory in the Battle of the Giant Deer, Xiang Yu's prestige reached its peak. As the overlord of Western Chu who defeated the Qin army several times his own, his name has resounded all over the world.

However, he did not rest on his laurels, and after his great success, he decided to continue the Northern Expedition and take Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Dynasty.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Xiang Yu led the army to break through and easily captured several cities outside Xianyang. For a time, Xianyang fell into a panic, and the people involved in the anti-Qin movement were full of hope for this Western Chu overlord.

But when he captured the suburbs, he received news of a major change - Liu Bang also organized his own rebel army and successfully captured several cities.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

For a time, "everyone only knows the chief of Pei Gong Pavilion, and no one is Xiaoju Ding Overlord." ”

Under the predicament, Xiang Yu decided to move north and join Liu Bang in person, so as to consolidate his position and eliminate external threats. After many tosses, the two armies finally met at the wall.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Although the number of Pei Gong's army was slightly larger at this time, Xiang Yu also led the troops with his incomparable combat effectiveness and launched a fierce fight with the Han army.

In this war, Liu Bang's army adopted the tactic of using a part of the army to attract Xiang Yu's attention and delay his time, so that elite reinforcements could reach the battlefield.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

In the face of such a strategy, Xiang Yu showed a different wisdom. He sent elite troops to fight against the enemy's delaying army, and at the same time personally commanded the main force to launch an attack on Liu Bang.

In the fierce battle, the overlord of Western Chu rose up and penetrated the enemy's encirclement like lightning. He brandished his sword and slashed the enemy to the ground like ears of wheat.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Such a heroic scene caused a sensation in the army and inspired his soldiers.

But the soldiers are not tired of cheating, and at the moment of the final decisive battle, Liu Bang released a strategy and asked Cao Shen to carry a white shield to kill the guards next to Xiang Yu. When he was eager to rescue his guards, Xiang Yu neglected the trap behind him.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

In the face of his troubles, he still has a strong fighting ability, and he bravely resists with a knife and a gun. At the last minute of the battle, he led the remaining twenty-eight loyal subordinates to engage in a fierce life-and-death battle with the enemy.

But the wood is already in the boat, and there is no chance of recovery. Under tremendous pressure, this former overlord of Western Chu was finally unable to withstand the fierce attack of the enemy. Many of his loyal subordinates were buried with their deaths, and the entire battlefield was soaked in blood.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Xiang Yu, who was once unique through the ages, only ended up killing Jiangdong by himself, which is really sad and lamentable.

In addition to the eternal existence of the overlord, Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, is a unique existence in the world.

Second, from Sui soldiers to Tang generals

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Li Jing was born in a family of eunuchs, and his uncle Han Baohu was a famous general of the Sui Dynasty, good at the art of war and martial arts.

Boys who have been nurtured by military education have gradually honed their superb martial arts skills in a high-pressure environment and demonstrated their corresponding military talents.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Although he was born in a famous family, he could only hold low-level positions when he first entered the officialdom, and he was not promoted to a six-rank official until he was forty-four years old.

In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, Li Jing inadvertently discovered that Li Yuan was trying to subvert the Sui Dynasty. As a loyal supporter of the Sui Dynasty, he did not hesitate to decide to report the other party with his real name.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

But unfortunately, on the way to the whistleblower, he was trapped in Chang'an due to the war.

After Li Yuan captured Chang'an, his situation as a "whistleblower" was even more critical. But just when the other party decided to execute him, Li Shimin stood up and pleaded for him.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

After picking up a life, he became Li Shimin's staff.

Over the next few years, Li Jing gradually won the trust of Li Yuan and Li Shimin. Especially during Li Yuan's siege of Luoyang, he was ordered to pacify Jingzhou and assist Li Ming, the king of Lujiang, to defeat Xiao Miao, opening a series of brilliant achievements.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

During the Wude period, the other party assisted two other famous generals to successfully pacify the regime of Xiao Milling in Southern Liang and appease Lingnan, bringing the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Lingnan region into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Even later, when facing the rebellion of Fu Gongyi, Li Jing once again showed outstanding military talent and quickly suppressed the rebels.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Such a series of behaviors also won Li Yuan's praise.

When the great cause of sweeping the world was about to be completed, Li Jing was appointed as the governor of Lingzhou, responsible for military affairs in the northwest. After Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, he was directly transferred to the Central Committee to serve as the secretary of the Criminal Department.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Only three years later, he was reappointed as the secretary of the military department and set out to conquer the Eastern Turks.

With the assistance of Li Jing, the Tang Dynasty successfully resolved the Eastern Turkic problem. Although he was approved to retire in the eighth year of Zhenguan, at the age of 64, he still took command again when the country needed it, and successfully quelled the invasion of Tuyuhun.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Li Jing, who finally retired, returned to his home and closed his door, and passed away peacefully at the age of 79. Interestingly, he and Li Shimin died only eight days apart.

It can be said that Li Jing's life is full of legends, from a loyal minister of the Sui Dynasty to a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, he has made great achievements for the country with his extraordinary courage, wisdom and military talent.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

It not only played a key role in the unification process of the Tang Dynasty, but also won many victories in foreign wars, consolidating the border security of the Tang Dynasty. And Li Jing's story is still praised by people and has become an immortal page in history.

But if you want to talk about famous generals in history, in addition to Li Jing and Xiang Yu, I have to say that it is the young god of war who sealed the wolf but finally died young.

3. The Iron Horse Glacier fell into a dream

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

Huo Qubing was born in a famous family and showed extraordinary military talent since he was a child.

When he was eighteen years old, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che made him a lieutenant and gave him the command of 800 elite cavalry. The young boy was full of ambition and enthusiasm, and embarked on the journey to fight against the Huns, and thus began his short but incomparably brilliant life.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

In the vast desert, he led his warriors, like a fierce wind, sweeping the sea of sand. With astonishing speed and bravery, they broke through the Huns' defenses and smashed into the heart of the enemy.

It was also in this battle that Huo Qubing showed outstanding military talent. He won more with less, skillfully used the terrain, and defeated the main forces of the Xiongnu one by one.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

In the end, this teenager became famous in a fight and won the three armies.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty learned of his military exploits, he was overjoyed and named him "Champion Hou".

But the journey of the boy did not end there, and in the following years, he continued to lead the Han army and galloped through the desert.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

In the end, he defeated the Xiongnu again and again, winning glory and peace for the Han Dynasty. Under his leadership, the Han army not only recovered the Hexi Corridor, but also opened the road to the Western Regions, so that the territory of the Han Dynasty continued to expand.

But it is a pity that God is jealous of talents, when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty decided to put an end to the Xiongnu in one go, Huo Quai, who was in his youth, died suddenly, leaving the world with endless regrets and nostalgia.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

But his name is like the wind and sand in the desert, blowing in the long river of history forever, inspiring future generations to move forward bravely and never give up.

Huo Quai's life is a life of desert hurricane and a life of heroes. His story, like the vast starry sky, is dazzling and breathtaking.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

And his perseverance and courageous spirit have become a treasure of the Chinese nation, inspiring generation after generation of people to strive for their ideals.

The author thinks

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

As we said, the reason why the Chinese nation is brilliant is precisely because of these famous generals who have left a deep mark in history.

They not only created countless military miracles through their wisdom and courage, but also provided valuable military theory and practical experience for future generations.

None of the three real generals in history is fictional, and all of them have an explosive force value

The stories of these heroes are still sung today, becoming the common cultural wealth of our nation, and also becoming the "leader" of more contemporary heroes.

So what other heroic generals do you know about the three armies?