
Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Kangsir medical science

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On a quiet street in Beijing, Mr. Li woke up in a sleepless night, filled with panic. He had just had a dream in which he was diagnosed with a serious terminal illness.

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Although it was just a dream, Mr. Li felt that it might be a warning sign from his body.

Mr. Li is a retired secondary school history teacher who has always been very concerned about his health.

The next morning, he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive health check-up.

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

In the waiting area, he overheard two elderly people chatting: "Do you know that the elderly can't take toothache seriously, it may be a warning sign from the body." ”

"Yes, a friend of mine just neglected a toothache and found out that he had a very serious illness. Another old man continued.

Mr. Li's heart couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

He remembered that he had been suffering from a toothache lately, but he hadn't paid much attention to it. So, he decided to stop by to see a dentist after the medical examination.

At dentistry, Mr. Li met Dr. Wang, a young dentist. Mr. Li told Dr. Wang about his concerns and mentioned his recent toothache.

After listening carefully, Dr. Wang began to explain to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, toothache really cannot be ignored, it may be a sign of multiple problems. In older people, there are three main causes of common toothache. ”

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Dr. Wang continues, "The first one could be a problem with the tooth itself, such as tooth decay, tooth wear or periodontal disease.

The second possibility is that systemic diseases are reflected in the teeth, such as diabetes or heart disease.

The third cause may be oral cancer. According to statistics, the incidence of oral cancer in the elderly is increasing year by year, which has a lot to do with long-term bad lifestyle Xi. ”

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Hearing these explanations, Mr. Li immediately felt how important it was to visit dentistry this time. He realized that it wasn't just a toothache.

Dr. Wang conducted a thorough oral examination of Mr. Li and recommended that he do some necessary tests. The results of the examination showed that Mr. Li's toothache was mainly caused by periodontal disease.

Dr. Wang explains, "Mr. Li, periodontal disease is a very common oral problem among the elderly.

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

It is mainly caused by long-term plaque accumulation and improper oral hygiene Xi. Fortunately, now that we have discovered it early, it can be controlled by treating and improving oral hygiene Xi. ”

Mr. Li breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Dr. Wang gave him a detailed explanation of how to take effective oral care and advised him to come back regularly for follow-ups.

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible

After a few months, Mr. Li not only relieved his toothache, but also significantly improved his overall health. He realizes that every small problem in the body can be a health alarm bell that cannot be ignored.

This story teaches us that for older people, any physical discomfort should not go unnoticed. A toothache can be a sign of a variety of health problems in the body, and it is important to seek medical attention promptly.

Doctor: Toothache can be caused by 3 reasons, seek medical attention as soon as possible


But here's the question: Now that periodontal disease is mentioned, what else can older people do to alleviate their symptoms, in addition to conventional treatment, for older people who have loose teeth due to periodontal disease?

For older adults with loose teeth due to periodontal disease, there are some daily steps that can be taken to alleviate symptoms in addition to following the doctor's treatment recommendations.

First, it's important to maintain good oral hygiene Xi, such as brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing between your teeth.

Second, fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash can be used, which can help reduce bacterial accumulation and tooth wear.

Again, improve your diet Xi reduce your intake of high-sugar and sticky foods while increasing foods rich in calcium and vitamin D to enhance the health of your teeth and periodontal tissues.

In addition, regular dental check-ups are essential to follow up on the progress of treatment. Through these comprehensive measures, you can effectively alleviate the symptoms of loose teeth caused by periodontal disease and maintain oral health.

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