
What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

author:Scholar of bamboo cultivation
What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything
What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

Text: Tang millet

Editor|Tang Xiaomi

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What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything


In the world, people in different countries explore different cuisines, and there are some dietary differences between countries.

It's like the mainland thinks preserved eggs are delicious, but the United States can't tolerate it, but Americans are super obsessed with chewing gum, and Singaporeans are surprised.

So, what are the dietary taboos of the people of all countries in the world? What are the dietary taboos of the people of the mainland that are unacceptable to them?

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

Americans are "afraid" of preserved eggs

The American diet Xi very diverse, they eat not only crocodile meat, but also brown bear meat, and even "ambergris", however, they are defeated by Chinese preserved eggs.

Don't look at the American people are tall and look like they are not afraid of anything, in fact, they are very sensitive to the color of food, especially black food, because they think that black things are bad food.

Coupled with the slippery appearance of the preserved eggs and the sticky and greasy egg core, it smells of alkali.

As a result, Americans have lost their affection for preserved eggs.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

Koreans can't accept coriander

In fact, coriander is loved by many people in China, and they all regard coriander as their life.

However, when coriander arrived in South Korea, it became a taboo for the Korean people.

It can be said that coriander is an "alien species" in Korea, and there is no such thing as coriander in the local cuisine.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

This leads to the fact that Koreans may have the "OR6A2" gene, which, according to experts, is inherently disliked by coriander.

In addition, Koreans have not seen coriander very much, so they always have a resistance to coriander.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

And this "unfriendliness" of the locals to coriander is also reflected in the fact that they think that coriander is not very good for men, and give coriander a nickname, called "impotence grass".

As a result, Koreans are less accepting of coriander and instead choose leeks that are healthier for the body to eat.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

The Japanese can't accept the "cara" of mutton

In the mainland, mutton is definitely the "heart meat" of meat lovers, and night market owners even sell mutton to make a fortune, such as lamb skewers, stewed mutton soup, mutton shabu hot pot, etc.

But in the eyes of the Japanese, they are very surprised by China's behavior, and the Japanese people's dislike of mutton can be expressed by talking about the color change of "sheep".

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

So, why do Orientals, who call themselves sashimi food, not eat mutton?

The reason for this has to start with their tastes and culture.

Due to the small size of Japan, they generally do not raise large animals such as sheep, and sheep do not have any use value, so the locals are "not cold" to mutton.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

In addition, the Japanese taste is relatively refreshing, and the production process is generally very simple, but the taste of mutton has a "fishy smell", and the cooking method of mutton is relatively complicated.

Therefore, the Japanese will not like lamb.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

It is illegal to eat chewing gum in Singapore

Singapore is a very good and livable city, so they have very strict requirements for environmental protection.

There is a kind of gum in the raw material of Coca-gumm, which will adhere deeply to the object, causing a sticky and difficult to clean phenomenon, thereby indirectly polluting the environment and forming urban street dirt.

In order to prevent this phenomenon from happening, the Singapore government has banned chewing gum from being eaten and cannot be imported or traded.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

However, chewing gum is sometimes used in hospitals, so the government stipulates that only medical chewing gum can be sold, and patients must have a doctor's order and a dispenser's prescription when they need to use it, and patients must register their identities.

If you travel to Singapore, you must not bring gum-related items, otherwise, you will be legally responsible if you are not careful.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

The British were terrified of pig's trotters

The nutrition of pig's trotters is obvious to all, it is one of the best foods to supplement collagen, and it is a good thing for milk, so it is loved by many beauties and mothers.

The British, however, were afraid of eating pig's trotters.

Many Britons say that pig's trotters are too dirty and that pig's fingernails harbor a lot of bacteria, but this is obviously not acceptable to everyone.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

Because many sausages in England are filled with offal from various animals.

However, British friends also said that it is very difficult to use knives and forks to eat pig's trotters, and they often can't be cut down.

But Germans also use knives and forks to eat, and German friends are very fond of eating pig's trotters.

Thinking about it this way, the reason why the British don't eat pig's trotters is that the British don't know how to make pig's trotters and can't make them delicious.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

The Germans saw the crab as a bully

In the mainland, every season when the crab is out of the market, its price is very high, and the mainland people love it deeply.

But when the crab arrives in Germany, it becomes a thorn in the local side.

After the crab invaded Germany, the crab had no natural predators in the local area, so the crab successfully multiplied wildly in the waters of various parts of Germany, causing serious damage to public facilities in Germany.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

At this time, the mainland foodies will think that it is okay to eat the crab directly, but the Germans do not, and the locals disdain to eat "river fresh", thinking that eating crabs will lower their grade and look down on the delicacy of foreign objects.

In addition, due to the rapid development of Germany's industrial industry, many of Germany's waters have been eroded by chemical pollutants, and the quality of rivers is worrying.

All these reasons led to the fact that the Germans did not eat crabs.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

Foods that are taboo in the diet in China

As a country with a large population, the mainland has a wide area and diverse food cultures, from the north to the south, from the west to the east, the tastes of the people in various regions are very different, and the various ingredients are rich and colorful.

Whether it is a variety of birds flying in the sky or a turtle and poisonous snake on the ground, it can be turned into a delicacy under the cooking of Chinese chefs.

But if you really want to say what kind of food the mainland is afraid of, it is probably cat meat.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

The reason for this, in addition to the appearance of cats that won the hearts of mainland people, is also due to the help of cats to every household.

First of all, the cat has a fluffy, slippery hair, which can relieve stress to the touch, if the cat is facing your soft "meow~", I don't know how many iron men's hearts will be captured.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

Secondly, cats have the ability to catch mice, and in the past, due to the material problems of mainland houses, rats would enter the house, and rats would steal food from the house when people were not looking.

At this time, the cat will immediately catch the mouse, and after a long time, the mouse in the house will be frightened to move out of the place.

In this way, the cat escaped the fate of being eaten by the people of the mainland.

What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything


There are countless countries and nations living on the earth, and we should respect the food culture of each country and people, and live in harmony in their respective lands.

So, do you know what other countries don't eat?

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What countries don't eat: the United States doesn't eat preserved eggs, Singapore doesn't eat chewing gum, and China doesn't eat anything

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