
It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

author:A crow that drinks water

Recently, Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, once again made a move to criticize the quality of Xiaomi air conditioners on the grounds of cracking down on counterfeiting, which caused heated discussions among the majority of netizens. In the comment area, users left messages to express their views and opinions. All of a sudden, Dong Mingzhu's turmoil against fake Xiaomi air conditioners has become a hot spot on social media.

It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Hello everyone! I'm your headline editor, and I'm going to bring you a shocking piece of news today! It's numb! Dong Mingzhu once again set off a huge storm of anti-counterfeiting! This time, the goal is directly aimed at Xiaomi air conditioner! Let's take a look at the ins and outs of this incident!

Exploded the resignation letter and questioned the Xiaomi air conditioner

It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Dong Mingzhu released an explosive resignation letter through Gree Electric's official Weibo, directly questioning the quality of Xiaomi air conditioners. She pointed out that Xiaomi air conditioners have problems such as frequent failures and poor refrigeration effect, and believes that their quality is far from what they advertise. This resignation letter immediately became a hot topic on social media, causing concern and controversy among netizens.

In the comment area, netizens have a lot of opinions

It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

In Dong Mingzhu's questioning, fans and users of Xiaomi air conditioners poured into the comment area and launched a heated discussion. Some people expressed support for Dong Mingzhu's point of view, believing that Xiaomi air conditioners do have quality problems and are not worth buying; Others questioned Dong Mingzhu's anti-counterfeiting behavior, saying that there was no problem with the Xiaomi air conditioner they used. The comment area instantly fryed, and various opinions were intertwined and debated.

Xiaomi responded, fighting head-on

It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

In the face of Dong Mingzhu's accusations, Xiaomi quickly issued a statement in response, saying that it would take the relevant problems seriously and take the initiative to visit those users who claimed to have encountered quality problems and try their best to solve their problems. At the same time, Xiaomi also emphasized that the company has always attached importance to product quality and resolutely safeguarded the rights and interests of users. This response was recognized by some netizens, but some people were skeptical of Xiaomi's reply.

Dong Mingzhu fights Xiaomi again, who can win?

It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Dong Mingzhu's anti-counterfeiting action caused an uproar, and also made people pay more attention to the quality of Xiaomi air conditioners. In this turmoil, is Xiaomi able to prove that its product quality is excellent, or can Dong Mingzhu reveal Xiaomi's flaws? Let's wait and see!

It's numb! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

The above is the latest progress of Dong Mingzhu's fight against fake Xiaomi air conditioners. This turmoil has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens and the exchange of various views. Whether you are a supporter of Dong Mingzhu or a fan of Xiaomi air conditioner, you can leave your voice in the comment area and discuss this topic with everyone!

Thanks for reading this headline tweet! If you are also interested in Dong Mingzhu's crackdown on fake Xiaomi air conditioners, and want to know more about it, please continue to pay attention to our headlines. We will keep you updated on this incident, and you are welcome to leave a comment in the comment section to share your thoughts on this matter.

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