
Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

author:Senluo original

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Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer


Some people say that different blood types may be associated with the risk of developing diseases, such as blood type A is more likely to develop stomach cancer, blood type O is more likely to be infected with Helicobacter pylori, and blood type AB is more likely to develop blood clots.

To test this claim, a team of researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University conducted a 25-year study to find out whether there is a link between blood type and cancer, and finally came to a surprising conclusion.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

What's going on with cancer

Cancer, the word that always sounds scary. It is a disease that grows in our bodies and poses a huge threat to our health. But to understand cancer, we have to look back at the history of human cognition of cancer.

Cancer is not a new disease, traces can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The earliest records of cancer date back to ancient Egypt in 1600 BC.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

Doctors at the time recorded 8 cases of breast tumors on papyrus. They tried to burn the tumor with a tool similar to a fire drill, but they also admitted that this method could not completely cure the cancer.

In China, the word "tumor" appears in oracle bone inscriptions, and the word "cancer" was first found in medical books of the Song Dynasty. Hippocrates, the founder of ancient medicine, first used the word "cancer" to describe tumors because he thought they had many branches like crabs.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer


Ancient people had very limited knowledge about cancer. They tend to attribute cancer to the punishment of the gods, the invasion of demons, or the imbalance of bodily fluids, among other reasons. The treatments they use are often ineffective or even harmful.

For example, try to destroy the tumor with poison, sword, or flame, or ask for prayers, spells, or witchcraft to drive the tumor away. However, instead of curing cancer, these methods can increase the suffering of patients and even lead to death.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

It is not until modern times that human beings have made qualitative progress in cancer. In the 19th century, with the invention of various new medical devices and the development of related theories, people began to study the nature of cancer at the cellular level.

For the first time, the German medical scientist Rudolf proposed a hypothesis about the cause of this disease, believing that cancer is caused by the mutation of the body's own ordinary cells, not by external factors.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

He also observed some of the characteristics of cancer cells, such as unrestricted proliferation, invasion of surrounding tissues, and metastasis to other parts of the body. Wilkov's theories laid the foundation for cancer research and opened up new avenues for cancer treatment.

In the 20th century, the understanding of cancer reached a new level. With the rise of genetics, molecular biology and immunology, researchers have begun to unravel the mechanisms of cancer from the perspectives of genes, molecules and immunity.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

They found that cancer is the result of cells getting out of control and is caused by genetic mutations that can be triggered by a variety of factors such as chemicals, viruses, radiation and genetics.

More interestingly, cancer cells have also been observed to evade detection and elimination by autoimmune mechanisms, and sometimes to use the immune system to promote their own growth and spread. These findings provide new clues and methods for cancer prevention and treatment.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

In the 21st century, people's understanding of cancer has reached a new height. With the development of disciplines such as genomics, epigenetics, metabolism, and microbiome, researchers are beginning to explore the complexity and diversity of cancer in a more comprehensive and multidimensional way.

They found that cancer is not a single disease, but is made up of many different subtypes, each with unique genetic, molecular, epigenetic, metabolic, and microbial characteristics.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

These characteristics also vary over time and space. More importantly, they also found that cancer is not only related to the patient's body, but also to the patient's environment, lifestyle, and psychological state.

All of these factors may influence the occurrence and evolution of cancer. These new discoveries provide new possibilities and challenges for the realization of individualized and precise treatment of cancer.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

Does blood type determine cancer risk?

To verify the relationship between human blood type and the risk of cancer, a research team from SJTU followed 18,244 men aged 45 to 64 from Shanghai and recorded their blood type, cancer prevalence and other relevant factors.

During these 25 years, 3,973 men were diagnosed with cancer, with lung cancer being the most common, followed by colorectal, stomach, liver, and bladder cancers.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

The researchers used a statistical method to calculate the proportion of men with different blood types at risk of developing various types of cancer.

The results showed:

  • Men with blood type B have a 12% lower chance of developing cancer than those with blood type A.
  • Men with blood type B and blood type AB had a 19% and 17% lower chance of developing gastrointestinal cancer, respectively.
  • Men with blood type B had a 26% lower chance of developing stomach cancer.
  • Men with blood type B have a 36% lower chance of developing bladder cancer.
  • Conversely, men with blood type AB increased their risk of developing liver cancer by 42%.
Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

From these data, it can be seen that men with blood type B have a lower risk of developing cancer, especially those of the digestive and excretory systems.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

On the contrary, men with blood type AB have a higher chance of getting cancer, especially the liver, which is more likely to become cancerous. As for blood type O, there is no significant difference in the odds between them and blood type A.

The impact of blood type on cancer risk may be rooted in several underlying factors. First, blood group is determined by antigens on the surface of red blood cells, which may affect the activity of the immune system and thus affect the development and progression of cancer.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

For example, people with blood type B may have stronger immunity and the ability to fight cancer more effectively.

Secondly, blood type also affects the glycolipid content of different components in the human body, which may have an impact on the growth and spread of cancer cells. For example, a person with blood type A may have more glycolipids, which may promote the proliferation of cancer cells.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

Genetic factors are also part of the possible causes. Blood type may be associated with certain genetic variants that may have an impact on cancer incidence and resistance. For example, people with blood type B may have certain protective genetic variants that reduce the risk of cancer.

However, more empirical research is needed to support these explanations. There are still many unknowns in the research that need to be explored in more depth.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

In addition, this study has its limitations. It only covers Chinese men and cannot be directly generalized to other groups of people, such as women, children, and other races.

In addition, it only considers the ABO blood group system and does not consider other possible blood group systems, such as the so-called panda blood population such as Rh or MN. Therefore, more experiments and data are needed to explore the relationship between the two before further conclusions can be drawn.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer


In conclusion, this study provides us with some interesting findings and allows us to better understand the relationship between blood type and cancer, but we should not panic because the occurrence of cancer is also affected by many other factors, such as lifestyle, dietary Xi, chronic infection, environmental pollution, psychological stress, etc.

Therefore, no matter what blood type people are, they should pay attention to developing good Xi in their daily life, stay away from various bad habits, and also check their bodies regularly to truly avoid cancer.

Blood type determines cancer?type A, B, O, AB, which blood type is more likely to develop cancer

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