
"Short children" have 5 characteristics, the more they occupy, the easier it is to grow taller, parents should not take it seriously

author:Professor Ju's Growth and Development Studio

Towards the end of the year, more and more children came to me to see their height, some children only grew 1cm in 3 months, and some children did not even grow at all in half a year.

"Short children" have 5 characteristics, the more they occupy, the easier it is to grow taller, parents should not take it seriously

Height is a very real problem, which will not only endanger children's mental health, become inferior and autistic, but may also affect their studies and marriage in the future.

Parents must pay attention to it, and once they find that their children have the following 5 signs of short stature, they should correct them in time to avoid the regret of causing their children to be short for life!

With these 5 characteristics, it is difficult for children to grow taller

1. Always shorter than peers

Always sit in the front row of the class, the size of the child's clothes and pants has not changed in three years, and the annual growth rate from 3 years old to puberty is less than 5cm, indicating that the child's growth and development problems are already very serious, and parents must pay attention to it.

2. Small-for-gestational-age infants

Born with a length of less than 48cm and a weight of less than 2.5kg, parents must pay attention to the fact that if they do not catch up with the normal height within 3 years old, it will be more difficult to chase later.

3. One of the parents is very short or not tall

This kind of hereditary short stature must be paid attention to from an early age, the impact of heredity on height is not 100%, and there is a 3-4 percent chance that you can catch up with the acquired efforts.

4. Picky eater, anorexia or eating too much

Persistent picky eating and reduced food intake can affect your child's growth and development, and even lead to malnutrition and underweight.

If the child is particularly able to eat, it will also cause the child to grow laterally, only grow weight and not grow taller, and it may also lead to large bone age and affect lifelong height.

5. Bone age is too large

The bone age is one year older, and the height is less than 5-7cm, so if the child's bone age is too large, parents must be vigilant. However, not all children with older bone age need to see a doctor, and if the child's bone age and height match, temporary observation is sufficient.

This article requires parents to measure their children's bone age once a year, and due to the high hormone level and rapid change of bone age during puberty, it should be measured once every six months.

"Short children" have 5 characteristics, the more they occupy, the easier it is to grow taller, parents should not take it seriously

What should I do if my child is short?

Many parents ask me if I can only take growth hormone if I want to grow taller? Not to mention whether a child can accept a needle every day, just saying that many families can't afford it.

I have always advocated that growth hormone is the last choice, and I generally recommend giving children 3-6 months first, if you can use the methods of traditional Chinese medicine to grow taller, why do you have to take expensive and painful methods?

I give my child height intervention, and usually ask him to do the following 4 things:

1. Traditional Chinese medicine ointment or acupuncture point paste to regulate the child's spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach are acquired, and many children grow slowly and not tallly, in fact, there is a problem with the spleen and stomach. Correct it with a little Chinese medicine in time, and the child can eat, pull, and absorb, and then he will naturally grow taller in the later stage.

2. Reasonable dietary nutrition.

Adequate protein is very important for children's physical development, and parents can provide their children with sufficient protein, such as milk, lean meat, fish and shrimp, through reasonable dietary arrangements.

Second, timely supplementation of calcium and vitamin D. Eat more calcium-rich foods and let your child spend more time in the sun to help the synthesis and absorption of vitamin D.

3. Reasonable exercise.

Encourage children to participate in outdoor activities, such as running, skipping rope, swimming, etc., and do more stretching or jumping exercises to promote bone elongation and development.

4. Good sleep Xi.

Cultivate children's good sleep Xi and fall asleep before 9:30 p.m., which is conducive to the secretion of growth hormone and the growth and development of the body.

Finally, I will share with you a child's height chart, which is convenient for parents to judge whether their children have short stature problems.

"Short children" have 5 characteristics, the more they occupy, the easier it is to grow taller, parents should not take it seriously
"Short children" have 5 characteristics, the more they occupy, the easier it is to grow taller, parents should not take it seriously

How old is our child now, how tall is it, and combined with the table above, see if the child is short or tall.