
Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

author:Qianmiao Strategy
Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

According to foreign media reports, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with the media: "A detailed peace plan will be drawn up within this year, we do not want to prolong the war, but we must be strong."

Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

Footage of Zelensky's speech


Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

Foreign media reported the original article

The Russian side responded to the remarks of the Zelensky government, Medvedev commented on the new NATO Secretary-General Rutte and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte will be the new NATO Secretary-General in October this year, and Ms. von der Leyen will continue to serve as President of the European Commission.

Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

梅德韦杰夫表示:欧盟委员会和北约组织与美国是美妙的三位一体,吕特是前荷兰首相现任北约秘书长,一个特别的人,在相对较短的时间内从一个温和派领导人‬,变成了狂热的仇俄者和‬坚定‬的‬大西洋‬主义‬者‬,我们‬无法‬猜测‬阿姆斯特丹‬的‬咖啡馆‬有‬什么‬物质‬让他‬的‬情绪‬发生‬如此‬巨大‬的‬变化‬。 即使‬与‬其它‬欧洲‬国家‬的‬自由‬主义‬比较‬,荷兰人‬也是‬独特‬的‬民族‬,一段‬时间‬以来‬他‬非常‬仇‬俄‬、仇恨‬我们‬国家‬。

Medvedev commented on Ms. von der Leyen

Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

Medvedev said: von der Leyen is a haggard old face, 65 years old unfriendly German-Belgian political chancellor, similar in appearance to the size of the Volga cockroach, the purchase of the Pfizer vaccine has increased massively during the epidemic, the price has risen sharply, and even liberals like those who usually look like men in the European Commission are afraid of her. In addition, she served as Minister of Defense of Germany, during which time she also signed a multimillion-dollar scandal with foreign arms companies, and I am ready for a shameful resignation, but cockroaches never.

The above is Medvedev's evaluation of the two European leaders, and his personal evaluation is that former Dutch Prime Minister Rutte has outstanding personal coordination ability, and has served as prime minister in the Netherlands for more than 10 years, which is very rare in the Netherlands. In addition, Rutte is familiar with Japan and South Korea in Asia, and is firmly anti-Russian, which is also the reason why the United States looks at Rutte, and perhaps this will be the personnel arrangement of the United States to introduce NATO into Asia.


Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

Putin's videoconference yesterday

In addition, it has to be mentioned that Russian President Vladimir Putin argued in yesterday's televised speech that it is necessary for Russia to deploy and produce more intermediate-range ballistic missiles, a decision that is Russia's response to the United States, which has now voluntarily withdrawn from the intermediate-range ballistic missile agreement with Russia, which carries nuclear warheads and increases the risk of a nuclear conflict between Russia and NATO. This means that Russia is showing a pessimistic view of the future world, and Russia sees nuclear weapons as a guarantee of survival, which heralds the rapid collapse of the world's international system since the Cold War.

Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

On June 23, a U.S. nuclear submarine and a doomsday plane appeared in the Norwegian Sea

The U.S. Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine USS Tennessee and E6B Doomsday aircraft arrived near the Norwegian Sea at the same time, the area is close to northern Russia, and the U.S. strategic nuclear submarines usually do not appear in the media. Not long ago, the Russian nuclear submarine Kazan arrived in the waters off Miami in the United States, and from this point of view, the confrontation between the United States and Russia is-for-tat.

Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

Picture of the arrival of the Ohio strategic nuclear submarine in the Norwegian Sea

Judging from the current reactions of various countries, they are waiting for the results of the presidential election in the United States in November this year, and the Trump factor may change the trend of the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, which requires Europe and Ukraine to be prepared in advance for this situation, Zelensky softened his attitude and announced to the media that Russia may be invited to participate in the autumn peace summit, considering that the US election will directly affect the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In addition, the EU's final decision to impose tariffs on mainland electric vehicles was also in November this year, and the EU did not want to start a trade war with China and the United States at the same time as Trump came to power, which was simply unbearable for Europe.

Zelensky made a "peace plan" within this year, and Medvedev scolded von der Leyen for being a cockroach

U.S. and European aid to Ukraine data for April

In this conflict, the United States spent about $70 billion, Europe spent about $110 billion, and most of the money went to the hands of the US military-industrial complex, which can often influence the US presidential election, so it will be very difficult for Trump to win this year's presidential election in the United States.

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