
"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

author:Tangerine History Review 789

In Hong Kong's criminal history, Cheung is undoubtedly a legend who is both curious and feared. Known as the "Bandit of the Century" and the "Big Rich", he set a Guinness World Record for his amazing criminal methods and huge ransom payments. However, behind these sensational titles, what kind of person is Zhang Ziqiang? A precious set of old photographs reveals to us the unknown side of this notorious criminal.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

Zhang Ziqiang, who was born in a poor family, has been determined to get ahead since he was a child. But the path he chose was one of no return. In the photo, we see a young Zhang Ziqiang standing in front of a luxury car, arrogantly lifting his clothes, as if showing off his "achievements" to the whole society. This luxury car symbolizes the wealth he has acquired through illegal means and also foreshadows the abyss into which he is about to fall.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

Surprisingly, in another photo, Zhang Ziqiang actually took an intimate photo with the famous movie star Jackie Chan. The two of them were smiling and looked like normal friends. This photo shows another side of Zhang Ziqiang - he was also an ordinary person, and he also had moments of chasing stars. However, this superficial ordinariness could not hide the distortion in his heart.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

Zhang Ziqiang's criminal career began at the age of 12. By that time, he had become the leader of a small gang and frequented the police station. The failure of homeschooling may have been one of the reasons that led him astray. In the photo, we see a young Zhang Ziqiang sitting on the roof of a luxury car, smiling. The image is chilling - he seems to be completely unaware that he is heading for destruction.

As time went on, Zhang's criminal behavior became more and more rampant. Not only did he kidnap wealthy businessmen, but he even dared to blackmail the police. In his most glorious period, Cheung plotted the kidnapping of Li Ka-shing's son that shocked Hong Kong and obtained an astronomical ransom. This success gave him a taste of sweetness, and then he kidnapped the child of another wealthy businessman. There seems to be no end to his audacity.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

However, Zhang Ziqiang could not escape justice in the end. In the photo, we see Zhang Ziqiang being tied up after being arrested, and his eyes are full of helplessness and despair. Gone is the arrogance of the past, replaced by the fear of the coming judgment.

In another photo, Zhang Ziqiang is standing next to the People's Liberation Army, looking unusually well-behaved. This picture is embarrassing - the once unbeatable "big tycoon" is now just an ordinary criminal before the law.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

It is worth mentioning Zhang Ziqiang's wife Luo Yanfang. In the photo, she is beautiful and moving, and her temperament is outstanding. But this seemingly weak woman is actually Zhang Ziqiang's right-hand man. Not only did she participate in her husband's criminal activities, but she also skillfully used public pressure to force the police to release Zhang Ziqiang and obtain compensation. If Luo Yanfang's ingenuity was used on the right path, she could have achieved a career, but she ruined herself because she chose to go along with Zhang Ziqiang.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

Zhang Ziqiang was eventually arrested and tried in the mainland. Photographs in court show that he has lost his former spirit, with messy hair and a glazed eye. In the face of ironclad accusations, Zhang Ziqiang could no longer play tricks to escape. He was sentenced to death, paying the ultimate price for his crimes.

Before the execution, Zhang Ziqiang made a request to see his wife and children for the last time. However, to his surprise, his wife Luo Yanfang, who had been fighting side by side with him, did not appear. Only his father-in-law and two young children came to visit him. This detail is embarrassing - even notorious criminals, in the last moments of their lives, crave the company of their loved ones.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

Zhang Ziqiang's life is full of drama. From a child from a poor family, he became a "big rich man" who caused the police a headache through criminal means, but finally ended up in disrepute. This set of old photographs not only records the ups and downs of his criminal career, but also shows us a complex human nature.

To some extent, Zhang Ziqiang's story is a typical negative textbook. It tells us how dangerous the desire to take shortcuts to wealth is, and how the justice of the law will eventually triumph over evil. At the same time, it also shows us that even the most heinous people have a fragile and human side.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

This group of old photos provides us with a unique perspective and gives us a glimpse into the inner world of Zhang Ziqiang, the "bandit of the century". From high-spirited to lost soul, from calling for wind and rain to being imprisoned, Zhang Ziqiang's life trajectory is like an absurd drama. It reminds us that no matter how cunning and "successful" a person is, as long as he embarks on the path of crime, he will not escape the punishment of the law after all.

Zhang Ziqiang's story also provokes us to think about social issues. What kind of environment created such a vicious criminal? Are there some loopholes in our society that make some people mistakenly believe that they can change their fate by committing crimes? These questions deserve to be explored in depth.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

Finally, we can't help but ask: If there was a chance to start over, would Zhang Ziqiang choose a different path in life? We'll never know the answer. But his story will undoubtedly serve as a cautionary tale for future generations, reminding us of the importance of law-abiding and the terrible consequences of greed and crime.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

This set of old photographs is not only a record of a criminal, but also a demonstration of the complexity of human nature. It reminds us that everyone has the potential to go astray, but there is also an opportunity to mend their ways. It's just that for Zhang Ziqiang, by the time he realized this, it was already too late.

"Bandit of the Century" Zhang Ziqiang's old photo: Picture 3 is a photo with Jackie Chan, and picture 9 is his beautiful wife

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