
The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis


The most wins in the 2023 singles competition are not the national table tennis players, the 16-year-old European guy

国际乒联近日发文:《2023 in Numbers: A Year of Global Triumphs and Unforgettable Feats(2023年的数字:全球辉煌和难忘的一年)》。 在文中诸多数字记录中,竟然没有国乒任何一项纪录,也没有樊振东、孙颖莎、马龙、陈梦等国乒顶尖球员的名字。 这有些让人啧啧称奇了。

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

Alain Kurmangaliev, a 16-year-old from Kazakhstan, stands out in singles as the player with the most singles wins (108 matches), singles wins (356 games) and most singles points (5,035 points) in 2023.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

South Korea's Shin Yu-bin had a special year with a staggering 171 bouts and boasting an impressive 70.76% win rate, a true testament to dedication and resilience.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

Another fascinating feat of 2023 was when Hungary's Mercedes Najvaradi ran a thrilling marathon against Christina Carlberg at the European Games, winning a tight race with a total of 172 points and a final score of 10-12, 15-13, 9-11, 12-10, 11-9, 11-13 and 17-19.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

In 2023, the world of table tennis shines with extraordinary achievements and performances, illuminating the global map of the sport. The year reflects the tremendous efforts and dedication of the member associations that have taken the sport to new heights. Now, it's time to dive into some of this year's fascinating statistics.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

Throughout the year, member associations set a dynamic pace with their enthusiastic participation. Chinese Taipei took the lead in the attack, actively participating in 67 matches, followed by Germany and India with 65 matches. Their enthusiastic participation not only demonstrates their dedication but also injects unparalleled energy and dynamism into the global table tennis arena. Egypt, meanwhile, has 184 players, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to the development and expansion of the sport, making them the membership association with the most players this year.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

In terms of players, Chinese Taipei's Kao Cheng Jui has the lead with the most tournaments (26).

She was followed by Slovakia's Tatiana Kukulkova, who competed in 24 events.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

Iranian sensation Benyamin Faraji, 14, stood tall and won nine singles matches, showing unwavering consistency and excellence.

Meanwhile, Japan's Yuna Koshio, who shone at the ITTF World Junior Championships, also had a stellar 2023 season, making 13 outstanding appearances in the singles final to secure six victories – an impressive display of courage in high-pressure moments.

In addition to these achievements, Austria's up-and-coming talent Julian Rzihauscheck also became the player with the most wins in the tiebreaker, with an impressive 23 victories.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

In 2023, the European Youth Championships in GriwiŇ, Poland, welcomed 551 players from 44 member associations, marking an incredible milestone for the event to be the most attended event of the year. This remarkable figure not only demonstrates the great appeal of the sport, but also highlights the global reach of table tennis, creating an extraordinary platform for young talent to compete and thrive on the international stage.

The International Table Tennis Federation summarizes 2023 with statistics, and after reading the full text, there is no Sun Yingsha and no national table tennis

The ITTF World Table Tennis Championships in Durban was a milestone moment, attracting an impressive 59 member associations, the largest number of participants in a single event this year. The return of this significant sport to Africa after an 84-year hiatus not only highlights the sport's widespread popularity, but also marks a remarkable development in the heartland of the continent. This is a profound testament to the exponential growth and global reach of the sport.

These striking statistics and performances not only mark the achievements of the past year, but are also a prelude to the exciting prospects of 2024. With such a strong momentum, the table tennis world is eagerly looking forward to another year of glory, continued growth and boundless inspiration.

Ping Pong Hu Qingyuan

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