
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

author:Sports Station 1

This day has finally come, the Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha's Olympic singles qualifications, although everyone knows the selection list, but only the Olympic Committee confirms, the relevant process can be started, and the most concerned is, who is Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng's off-field guidance in the Paris Olympics?

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

In fact, this question has already been answered, Sun Yingsha's off-field guidance in the Paris Olympics is Ma Lin, Qiu Yike is Sun Yingsha's head coach, his level belongs to Ma Lin's subordinates, and he has no right to command a game of this level in the Olympic Games, although Qiu Yi is the coach who knows Sun Yingsha best.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

At the same time, Chen Meng's head coach when he won the Tokyo Olympics was Ma Lin, and it can be said that Chen Meng was brought to the throne of the Olympic champion by Ma Lin. The master and apprentice cooperate again, which naturally has a tacit advantage.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

In this regard, many fans called on Sun Yingsha to take Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense, and Sun Yingsha took Qiu Yike to Paris at her own expense, and fans also expressed their attitudes, "Although the game is inch, Director Qiu can't sit in the stadium, but he can sit in the audience and guide Sha with his eyes and gestures." ”

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

"You can't count on Ma Lin, in between matches, Director Qiu can guide and train Sasha according to his opponent. This is also very important. ”

"Please give me some advice: Why did Sun Yingsha bring Director Qiu at her own expense? I want to cry without tears! What a rule! Ma Lin can't be trusted, he helped Chen Meng with sincerity, and guiding Sun Yingsha was just pretending to be a show! ”

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

"Everyone in the world knows that Ma Lin has infinite preference for Chen Meng, and he can't wait for Sun Yingsha to lose to Chen Meng, and even formulate tactics for Chen Meng day and night until late at night to defeat Sasha, so Ma Lin should not be allowed to be Sun Yingsha's on-field guidance. Why doesn't Liu Guoliang understand? ”

"Xiao Yang, who must accompany him in every battle, will go to cheer for Sasha at his own expense at the ends of the earth, and sometimes even his wife accompanies him all the way, which is called the deep love between master and apprentice."

"The national table tennis is still too poor, and I can't afford to be a coach for Sasha!"

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

To tell the truth, it is not realistic for Sun Yingsha to take Qiu Yike to the Paris Olympics at her own expense, Sun Yingsha and Qiu Yike are the cooperative relationship between athletes and coaches, if Qiu Yike goes to Paris to participate in the command of Sasha, it is a skipper, which is a taboo in the table tennis circle.

The only hope at the moment is that Liu Guoliang can see Qiu Yike's unique importance to Sun Yingsha and break the hierarchy.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

As the world's No. 1 women's singles player, Sun Yingsha has created brilliant achievements throughout the Paris cycle, and in addition to her own efforts, Qiu Yike's coaching has played a key role.

Qiu Yike was arranged as Sun Yingsha's coach at the beginning of 2022, and he did not rush to achieve results after taking office, but comprehensively evaluated Sun Yingsha's technical characteristics and shortcomings, and formulated a thorough training and improvement plan in the run-in process. After a period of dormant hard training, starting from the second half of 2022, Sun Yingsha has achieved an outbreak, and her performance has improved significantly.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

The master-apprentice cooperation between Sun Yingsha and Qiu Yike has become a model of national table tennis, and their successful cooperation is not only based on technical complementarity, but also on psychological trust and support. According to reports, a two-hour conversation convinced Ms. Sun of Ms. Qiu, and the conversation became a turning point in the master-apprentice relationship. After that, Sun Yingsha was in hot form and won many championships in a row, which made fans begin to affirm Qiu Yike's coaching ability.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympic Games is Ma Lin, and Qiu Yike has no right to ask

Of course, I believe that Ma Lin will treat everyone equally, but Qiu Yike's understanding of Sun Yingsha's understanding and tactical arrangement ability is obvious to all, and I still hope that the national table tennis will give Qiu Yike a chance to break the rules and take him to the Paris Olympics to guide Sun Yingsha.

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