
When is the best time to eat dinner?

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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Uncle Wang, after hearing that his old friend had passed away due to health problems, had mixed feelings in his heart. As a retired librarian, his daily life is regular and peaceful, but the sudden news makes him worry about his health.

So, he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive medical check-up for peace of mind.

Walking into the hospital, Uncle Wang met Dr. Zhang, an experienced doctor known for his humor.

When is the best time to eat dinner?

After listening to Uncle Wang's worries, Dr. Zhang smiled and joked: "Uncle Wang, did you eat dinner too early?"

Uncle Wang was stunned: "What does this have to do with dinner?"

Dr. Zhang earnestly explained: "In fact, the elderly eat dinner too early, which may really be detrimental to their health.

Did you know that, according to some studies, eating dinner too early may affect the metabolic function of the body? ”

When is the best time to eat dinner?

Uncle Wang showed a curious expression: "Then what time should I eat dinner?"

Dr. Zhang began to elaborate: "Generally speaking, dinner is best eaten between 6 and 7 p.m.

Eating at this time can not only ensure that the food has enough time to be digested and absorbed, but also will not affect the quality of sleep because it is too close to bedtime.

If older people eat dinner too early, such as 4 or 5 p.m., they are likely to feel hungry in the evening, which may not only lead to eating at night, increase the risk of obesity, but may also affect blood sugar stability. ”

When is the best time to eat dinner?

After hearing this, Uncle Wang nodded in understanding, and asked, "Then what should I have for dinner?"

Dr. Zhang laughs, "Dinner for the elderly should be easy to digest and avoid foods that are too greasy or spicy.

A moderate amount of protein, enough vegetables, and a moderate amount of carbohydrates are good options.

In addition, dinner should not be excessive, and it is enough to eat until seven or eight minutes are full. ”

When is the best time to eat dinner?

Uncle Wang listened to Dr. Zhang's advice and felt very beneficial. He decided that he would adjust his dinner time and diet when he returned home.

Just as Uncle Wang was about to leave, Dr. Zhang added: "Uncle Wang, adjusting dinner time is only part of a healthy life, and there are many living Xi that need attention, such as maintaining moderate exercise and ensuring adequate sleep. ”

Uncle Wang thanked Dr. Zhang for his advice and secretly made up his mind to start paying more attention to his health.

When is the best time to eat dinner?

This is the end of the story. Uncle Wang's story reminds us that many small details in life can have a significant impact on our health. The time and content of dinner may seem simple, but it is related to the health of the elderly.

At the end of this story, I would like to ask a seemingly unrelated question: Why are polar bears able to survive in extreme cold environments?

This question is actually similar to our Xi.

When is the best time to eat dinner?

Polar bears are able to survive in cold environments because they have a thick layer of fat and dense fur to maintain their body temperature.

Similarly, human beings can better adapt to the environment and maintain health by adjusting their Xi habits, such as the timing and content of their diet.

Adjusting our Xi habits, like the fur of polar bears, is an important way for us to adapt to our environment and stay healthy.

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