
Restore the Siberian tiger's fight to kill the Siberian leopard

author:The top of the cloud is pointed

Recently, the Siberian tiger's killing of the Siberian leopard has attracted widespread attention. As the top carnivore in the mountains and forests of Northeast China, it is extremely rare for the two to meet head-on, not to mention the incidents of fighting and being preyed. This rare natural phenomenon provides a valuable case study for the diets and behaviour of tigers and leopards. After on-site investigation and pattern identification, the police and experts restored the thrilling struggle.

"Natural Selection does not mean the survival of the strong, but the survival of the individual who is most adapted to the environment. —Charles Darwin

Restore the Siberian tiger's fight to kill the Siberian leopard

1. The tragic scene was discovered for the first time

On the morning of December 23, several workers found the carcass of a Siberian leopard in a forest farm in Hunchun City, Jilin Province. The 8-year-old Amur leopard lay motionless in the snow, surrounded by a mess. The police rushed to the scene as soon as possible to investigate, and preliminarily judged that this was a case of a Siberian tiger killing a Siberian leopard and then gnawing.

In the mountains and forests of Northeast China, the only one that can hunt such a powerful apex predator, the Siberian leopard, is the Siberian tiger. The footprints at the scene confirmed this inference, and the trails in the snow were even more visible, which was the result of a desperate struggle. ⛄

As an endangered species in the world, there are only about 200 Siberian leopards left, and the occurrence of predation by Siberian tigers is extremely rare, which has important scientific research value for the study of their feeding behavior and behavior.

Restore the Siberian tiger's fight to kill the Siberian leopard

2. The identity of the deceased is determined by the pattern tablet

In order to further ascertain the details of the case, experts conducted a pattern analysis of the remains and found information on the Amur leopard in the database. Sure enough, it is the No. 73 Amur leopard, which has been living in the local area for 7 years and is very familiar with the territory.

Through the image archives, it can be traced back to the origin of No. 73, which is the third generation of descendants of the Siberian leopard who returned to China, and its mother's information is also recorded. From an early age, No. 73 learned Xi hunting under his mother's strict teaching, and gradually grew into a powerful apex predator.

It has experienced three relationships here, most recently in 2021. It can be said that number 73 suffered misfortune in his most familiar and relaxed home. Perhaps it is because of the familiarity that the vigilance is neglected, and it has become the food in the tiger's mouth.

Restore the Siberian tiger's fight to kill the Siberian leopard

3. Experts reflect on the way to protect

"Siberian tigers and leopards originally coexisted and coexisted, and this incident is worth pondering. Although natural selection and the food chain are normal, the scarcity of the Amur leopard requires active conservation measures to prevent its extinction in the wild, according to the experts interviewed.

As the joint habitat of the Amur tiger and leopard, it is necessary for the relevant authorities to strengthen supervision and scientific regulation to balance the living environment of the two and other wild animals. At the same time, it is necessary to continue to carry out high-tech monitoring such as tracing, and establish detailed population and behavior databases to provide strong support for future research and conservation work.

Restore the Siberian tiger's fight to kill the Siberian leopard

We should cherish this precious natural heritage of wild animals and plants, and actively practice the concept of green environmental protection, so that wild animals such as Siberian tigers and leopards can be passed on from generation to generation in a harmonious and natural home.

This paper mainly restores the process of this rare Siberian tiger preying on the Siberian leopard, and analyzes its scientific research and conservation significance. The living conditions of wild animals are a direct reflection of our harmony with nature, and I hope that this will allow each of us to think deeply about environmental protection and sustainable development, and take action to protect our common home.

Restore the Siberian tiger's fight to kill the Siberian leopard

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